1 | act i, scene i

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𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊

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𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐒𝐀𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 was a calculation in all chaos, how an explosion created the universe, chaos in its most primitive form, only to make the order for humans to live.

Maybe the assassin had always been more comfortable in chaos as she strapped her silver dagger to her thigh and hid it under her skirt. Ariadne's hands ran along the tangible metal, feeling reassured as the knife numbed her skin. It was her weapon of choice, and due to her job, she could use them with expertise—only idiots who did not know how to fight carried daggers carelessly.

She tried to be careful of her movements. For precaution, she had bandaged her legs well. She did not want to appear weak in front of strangers.

Ariadne sighed as she braided her ebony hair, her green eyes trailing over the trunk with few belongings. Some clothes were neatly organized, with toiletries and other stuff, but there wasn't anything personal to her. Apart from the dagger strapped to her thigh, the sheathed sword in the trunk, her axe, her bow and arrow, and the suit she always carried, she had nothing that wholly belonged to her.

A sudden knock sounded at her door, and her eyes snapped as it opened, revealing her mentor standing in the doorway. He stood on the threshold with a piece of parchment and a few archives in his hands, and his dark eyes trailed over her bare room. Tao strode towards her and wordlessly handed her the paper and files, his figure towering over her even though she was not slight in height.

Ariadne's brows furrowed, "What's this?"

"They are the list of supplies for your school year and a few files of important people you should know about. Come on, let us walk to the drawing-room." Tao said, his tone dripping with deadly disdain.

Ariadne had always found her mentor intimidating, but it was a few moments like this where she would imagine that he was the father figure she yearned for. Still, she had to make no mistake; Tao had treated her gently when the time was required, but he would never see her as anything short of a job.

Her heart squeezed like vines were wrapping and piercing it to draw blood. She ignored the feeling as her eyes scanned the list, going over the names of books until her eyes landed on a particular object she had to buy.

"A wand? Really?" Ariadne bit back a laugh. She was very close to chucking one of her knives in anger.

"Yes, a wand. Don't throw a tantrum now." Tao paused as he saw Ariadne fuming silently. "You should know that I have built a background that is believable enough for your classmates not to suspect about."

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