41 | act ii, scene xvi

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Mentions of blood and knife usage.

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𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖞-𝖔𝖓𝖊

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 cold. The fog came weaving its way between the trees like tendrils of smoke. A handful of tree trunks stood like the legs of some great insect in a pool of white. The moonlight was almost blinding as Ariadne walked through the forest.

Ariadne felt a sense of foreboding and fear clawing at her spine. She supposed that this was why fairy tales took place in forests, particularly dark ones. There was magic between the trees, floating on the mist and fog, buried deep within the wet earth. And the long-forgotten denizens of the shadowy places could capture anyone, place you under their spell, and enthrall any foolish soul.

The wind danced across the forest, and its sound was anger and despair. She sauntered her way through the branches, although they grabbed at her and pulled at her skin. Her dress was already smeared with mud and ruined. But she did not want to anger Tom further, and if she had to keep the charade to complete the mission and for her father to give her a place in his council, then so be it.

The forest suddenly cleared, the thorns went, and there was only her—in the midst of the clearing, with dark green leaves springing out of the ground, competing for space to watch her suffer.

A restless and frost-covered clearing was bathed in moonlight. Bone-chilling air shook the thick grass, frightening the little animals. The frigid gusts of wind blew down from the adjacent mountains, casting shadows on the surrounding terrain, hiding dangers, and causing illusions to meander to and fro. Large ancient oak trees encircled the area, providing a sense of protection and obscurity and a beautiful refuge for anyone to hide from the monsters that prowled the forest.

A crow cracked in the clearing and a feeling of tremendous stress settled in her gut. Then, she saw Tom going to the empty clearing in the forest from the side.

"If you wanted me all to yourself," Ariadne called as a smirk pulled at her lips, "all you had to do was ask."

"Oh, but he's not alone," a sweet, poisonous voice called out, and Ariadne turned her head to see Pansy walking across the clearing with a black dress hugging her frame.

Hyunshik had invited her as his date for the Christmas dinner. Most of the Knights had attended since the ones who had been invited took another as their plus-one, and nobody specified if it could be a friend or not. So Tom had gone alone with Theodore and Alexis had gone with Blaise. Zabini and Carrow tried to spike the punch but failed miserably.

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