39 | act ii, scene xiv

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Mentions of gore.

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𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞-𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖊

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They knew that the midnight hour was close at hand. Tom and Ariadne walked together, though the assassin was unsure if she wanted to walk behind or in front of him. Either way, something would pounce on her back, so she walked at his side while ignoring the pestering gaze he gave her. Better be safe than sorry.

Tom's gait was slow and steady. He appeared calm, staring blankly at the corridor. "You should have gone straight to your room instead of wandering alone," he accused, his voice flat. "You could have gotten hurt."

Ariadne's face tightened. "Maybe that monster wouldn't have attacked me if you accompanied me," she snapped, feeling twitchy in her extremities.

He lifted a hand loosely, palm up, and waved his hands. 

Ariadne did not respond, disengaging from the conversation. She instead watched the walls as they continued their walk to report to Professor Dumbledore. She poked her tongue lightly in her cheek and inhaled a long breath.

The assassin tried not to show that all of this bothered her. She had come to Hogwarts to learn how to complete her mission and get her father's approval. The moment that the monster had set foot at Hogwarts was when all her plans were thrown out the window. Whatever sorcery was being practiced within the walls at the time was enough to draw even the evilest of monsters, or perhaps it was her magic, although she wouldn't call it that. What she had inherited from her father (at least, she thought it was from Hades) was attracting these monsters. There would be many soon sauntering across the circumference of the campus, waiting to pounce on her or one of the students.

She couldn't believe it. She thought Hogwarts had been a haven for her, yet she was proved wrong. Ariadne dug her nails into her palms, trying to breathe, but everything became so suffocating that she forgot about Riddle watching her from the side.

As they arrived at the Headmaster's office, Tom approached the gargoyle and whispered the password to enter. The gargoyle leaped aside, revealing a slowly ascending circular staircase. Reaching the top of this, they found an oaken double door.

Tom gestured for her to knock, and Ariadne didn't even roll her eyes at this. Her small hand pounded on the threshold, signaling her arrival. She took a few steps inside after cautiously opening the door, letting Riddle walk past, and shut the door.

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