9 | act i, scene ix

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A character drugs someone without their consent. 

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𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖊

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 and the smell of smoke was subtle as Severus Snape sat in the Headmaster's office. Some portraits leered at his figure, but the professor paid them no heed as he waited for Dumbledore.

For years, they had a meeting each month, but with the rumors of the Dark Lord rising and the Ministry taking hold of Hogwarts, their reunions had become relatively frequent. Something that Snape did not particularly enjoy.

After a long time, Dumbledore appeared and nodded at the Potions master as a greeting. Severus presumed that Dumbledore thought he was here for news about Harry and his safety, but this time was not the case.

"Severus, is there something you wish to tell me?" asked the Headmaster, and Snape tried to calm the rage that clawed at his throat, begging him to tell Dumbledore everything he desired. He was the only one who knew what Dumbledore was, and the only reason he had stayed behind and continued to be a spy for him was that he felt some duty to protect Potter.

However, protection could only go so far, and Dumbledore succumbed to his fear of Harry not surviving the year. He had recruited Ariadne Velasquez for that reason, but it appeared that the girl's moral compass was not on the right track, and she could be easily manipulated if she landed in the wrong hands. Of course, for Dumbledore, he was barely helping her.

Or that was the lie he told himself anyway.

"The girl..." Severus trailed off. "She is getting too close to Riddle."

Dumbledore's posture went rigid. Snape almost smiled at his reaction. The only person Dumbledore trusted was the Potions master, only because the only thing that bound them both together was Severus's guilt.

"I would have thought that placing them as partners would satisfy his thirst for curiosity, but it seems that he is rather intrigued by her," said Snape.

The Headmaster stood up from the clawed-footed desk and walked to the window where the sun rose for another day. If Dumbledore did not play his cards to his advantage, he would never see the sunrise again.

"She cannot get close to him," Dumbledore stated without turning to look at Severus. "If he gets to her, then there is surely no hope for us left, and Tom would tear all we've worked for to shreds."

"All you have worked for," corrected Snape as a superior smile graced his lips. The Potions professor knew the truth about Riddle, and he knew that he was not the charming young lad that he presented himself in society. If it weren't for Dumbledore's keen observations, then Severus would have never guessed that Tom Riddle was not normal. 

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