20 | act i, scene xx

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Mentions of implied sexual assault.

Mentions of implied sexual assault

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𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞

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"𝐆𝐎," 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐈𝐃, 𝐏𝐔𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 Ariadne forward half an hour after Umbridge got out with Hermione and Harry to the Forbidden Forest.

Malfoy dropped her elbow, and Ariadne stumbled in confusion. They were outside the office, and Draco had left the rest of the Inquisatorational Squad guarding the rest.

"What?" Ariadne's brows furrowed in confusion as she rubbed the spot where Malfoy had gripped her.

His face was cold as ice as he jerked his chin in front of him, urging Ariadne to leave. "I said go. Leave this place before it's too late."

"Why?" Ariadne's voice sounded foreign in her ears. "I do not understand why you are not keeping me in there."

"You don't belong here," Malfoy spat, and Ariadne clenched her fists. "Consider it as my apology for betraying your trust and drugging you."

He pivoted on his feet, leaving Ariadne alone in the hallway, confused. She had been mad at Draco for a long time, and even when she had danced with him and revealed the truth that Riddle wanted to use her, she had not forgiven him yet. Mostly Ariadne was a person that held grudges. It weighed her down like a burden. The girl knew Malfoy was doing this to protect her, but not every decision was justified.

Ariadne sighed as she walked back to the Dungeons. In a few weeks, she would leave Hogwarts and never know again about this place. If she recalled correctly, she had done a remarkable job keeping Harry in check.

When she got to her dorms, she found Yasmine tidying the bedroom. She organized most of her school notes in a neat pile, and when she spotted Ariadne, she beamed.

"Hey! Where have you been? Did you get to finish your History of Magic exam?" Yasmine questioned, plopping down on her neat bed. The girl frowned and picked a thread from the duvet.

"Yeah, I finished it," Ariadne answered, strolling towards her trunk. Most of her belongings were thrown around the dorm, and Ariadne had no time to care enough to tidy everything up. Yasmine was always the one who was organized and in a good mood, unlike Ariadne.

"Are you alright?" Yasmine questioned, standing up and walking towards Ariadne stood.

"I'm fine," Ariadne snapped. "I do not know why everyone has to ask me that question."

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