43 | act ii, scene xviii

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Mentions of death.

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𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖞-𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊

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𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐃𝐍𝐄'𝐒 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐈𝐍 the scenery before her, Hogwarts was a sight to behold, and under the fallen snowflakes, it was all the more breathtaking. The castle was darker than it usually was in the daytime because of the thick, swirling gray snow at every window.

She stood by the Main Entrance with her modest trunk at her side, looking over the towering buildings under the sky filled with dust clouds.

Many students were pouring out of the entrance accompanied by their big suitcases as they bid farewell to their friends. They would all meet again eventually in a week while they rested and visited their families.

Ariadne was still in the Main Entrance alone while searching for Katarina but couldn't see her anywhere. The girl was so preoccupied that she did not see an old wizard walk to the Main Entrance.

His familiar hair was gray with age, but tiny strands of auburn stood out stark against the grayness, and he turned to look at the entrance until his eyes landed on Ariadne.

Newton Scamander smiled, and he walked to her, his steps slow with age and wisdom until he tapped her shoulder. The girl turned around, expecting Katarina, until the sight of the old wizard greeted her.

"Mr. Scamander." She acknowledged while nodding in greeting, and Newton could only smile widely at her. He had meant to talk to the girl before she left for her break, and now, the opportunity stood before him.

"Please, call me Newt," he spoke with a smile full of intelligence. "I've meant to contact you, but Professor Dumbledore said that you were busy with school and such."

Ariadne exhaled, smiling, and replied, "Yes, I'm taking my N.E.W.T.'s this year, and I have piled more than ten classes so, I barely have free time."

The wizard nodded. His smile disappeared slowly, but the kindness in his eyes never left as he questioned, "Since you now have time, I wanted to ask you something, Miss Velasquez. Have you seen any unusual creatures? Professor Dumbledore called me to investigate further about Nicole's disappearance. He thinks it must be related to the creatures appearing in the hallways."

The assassin tried not to let her smile falter at the mention of the girl as she said, "No, I haven't seen anything, Mr. Scamander. I wish I could help."

The Magizoologist nodded at her, "Safe travels Miss Velasquez."

He turned to walk to the Main Entrance while the girl's smile dropped, and turned to the carriage. If Newton Scamander meddled too much, he would be the one slaughtered afterward. And although he had been kind to her, the creatures wouldn't.

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