6 | act i, scene vi

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Mentions of gore.

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𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖎𝖝

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"𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐍?" 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐀𝐋𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓?"The raven-haired witch queried while looking at the distressed ghost who had passed before her. He looked weary, and the witch had repeatedly seen him toying with his chains. The loud clang had begun to annoy her and other fellow students in Hogwarts Castle, but no one had commented further until now.

The Bloody Baron looked at the student in alarm. It was not typical for the ghost to behave the way he did. Pansy Parkinson knew many ghosts did not enjoy his company, saying he was wrathful and disliked being contradicted.

He blinked twice and said nervously, "Yes, I'm fine, thank you."

His eyes didn't take her correctly, and Pansy clicked her tongue in annoyance. Many men could not take her eyes away from her, and the witch used that to her advantage. Her hair was woven from the black heavens, fine strands of space-time and starlight.

Parkinson excelled at seduction, slipping into a man's personal space with just the right amount of fire in her gaze. She didn't just glance at her male targets; she stared them in the eyes as if she knew what they wanted. She was deadly, a femme fatale in proper form.  Pansy was brave enough to embrace and own her goddess form, regardless of her birth circumstances. She elevated herself with her attitude and how she loved to tempt men into their ruin.

So she asked again, battling her eyelashes innocently and her voice dripping with the sweetness of a pomegranate. "Tell me what's wrong so that I can help you, Baron."

The scepter toyed with his chains. He looked like he did not want to be here at all.

Pansy couldn't blame him. Most wizards nowadays were nervous since whispers of the Dark Lord had begun to overtake many conversations. But no living thing could make a ghost nervous. After all, how could you fight something when they are already dead?

The ghost looked at her as if a mortal like Pansy did not deserve his attention. "None of your business Parkinson. Scatter away."

He left off mumbling something incoherent, and Pansy frowned. She flicked her hair as dark as night off her shoulder in vexation; she was not used to people denying her, much less a stupid ghost who was nothing but one of Death's disciples. She turned on her heel to walk away until the Bloody Baron said something that sounded like "that stupid new kid."

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