Chapter 1

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His eyes scanned the paper. On it was a rough sketch he'd asked for - one of Bendy, Boris and Alice. What I came here for was the chance to become an animator here at Joey Drew Studios but the look on the man's face made that fact blurry. Did I disappoint him?
"It's not exactly what I'm looking for..." Joey didn't lie and never tried to hide his opinion. However, I can tell that he saw potential in me. 
"Oh..." I frowned, taking the paper back from him so that I could have another look at it. I huffed. "Well, there's that. Believe me, I've had experience, Mr Drew and I am a good artist. Being an animator here would be an honour but your words alone say that I lack that talent."
I continued talking without noticing. I spoke all of my thoughts. I was hurt that he didn't like the artwork I drew. Nevertheless, his words alone wouldn't change my opinion about it all - and that's exactly what I told him. It was unclear to me that his stern look slowly changed into a slight smile as I kept talking. He was impressed.
"You have a way with words, Miss (L/N). I can tell that you're fairly confident and very outspoken, like me. You've certainly impressed me." I stopped myself when I found out I was being interrupted. My heart raced faster than ever and I went extremely pale for a moment. I was quite nervous, wasn't I? 
Joey took a sip from his coffee,
"That's a funny look you have." He said, amused. Seconds later, he cleared his throat and continued. "You may lack the talent to become an animator here, but I've got another job in mind, something I think would fit you really well!" 
Hearing this caused my heart to skip a beat, following with me nodding eagerly. Even though I really wanted to be an animator and got turned down, I was being offered another job! Any job at Joey Drew Studios would make me happy. After all, the show they created had inspired me very much. 
"What is it, Mr Drew?"
"How would you like to become my personal assistant?"
While his offer was not what I had in mind, I still took the job. Working for Mr Drew would be a dream, so I was happy with whatever job I had. Well, except for Music - that was never my speciality. 
Needless to say, I was certainly happy here!


What I had originally expected was quite different to how things turned out to be. Even after a year in this place, a lot has changed. For instance, the pay decreased and we were now earning about 10% less than we were paid when I started this job. Now, I understand this reason. Working alongside Joey, hence why I was one of the few people who knew many secrets. I knew why the pay was decreasing, I knew about his future projects, I was always the first person to know - no surprise there. Anyway, Joey had been overspending - I had learnt all of this from Grant, actually. We never got paid for overtime, we hardly got a break. I'm sure it was worse for the others though. All I ever did was walk around the place all day, either that or I'd be sitting in the office with Joey. You could basically call me an errand girl.

Speaking of which, I was roaming around right now. Joey had asked for another favour of me. He said he needed Sammy to crack on with his work. The workers were finishing up a couple of the latest episodes, while I had to give Sammy a written script for Susie to voice, along with telling him that Joey's waiting for more of his songs.
Of course, I caught the man sleeping in his sanctuary. Everyone in the department knew about it, they just never found out how to enter it. Neither did I - but the door was left open. I remember Sammy mentioning that he mostly goes in there for peace and quiet; to sleep. I couldn't blame him though. When he did this, workers were known to keep quiet. Being the head of the department, Sammy asked of them to do this and not disturb him at any time.
I let out a quick breath, then walked up to the man and shook his shoulders gently. He gave me a little nudge in his sleep. Again, I shook him slightly. To which he stirred, then finally woke up. The man groaned and rubbed his eyes, clearly not happy about being woken up. When he saw me, though, his attitude changed. Sammy did this because I was Joey's secretary, he didn't want a bad reputation around Joey nor his assistant, now did he?
"My apologies, Miss (L/N)..." He looked down at his work that he had so tiredly slept on. His newly written papers were now crumpled, and to that, he slapped a palm on his forehead. On his desk were scattered papers. Some crumpled, most unfinished and very few were actually complete. Leaning against the wall were a few papers of written lyrics - all written by Jack Fain. "My goodness..! What does Mr Drew want from me now?"
He spoke, a hint of annoyance to his voice. Sammy knew my only reason for showing my face here was because of Joey - but he understood the fact that I could barely catch any breaks anyway. Breaks I spend are either with Joey, or there were none at all. "He's pestering me about these songs... I don't think he's in a very good mood..."
"Right..." He grumbled, "I'll get to it..."

After leaving his sanctuary, I began to wander around the studio. Because of how enormous this place was (mainly because of its expansions over the years), it was going to take me a while to head back to Joey's office. As I was just passing by, I was stopped by a familiar voice ringing in my ears. It was none other than Grant with the latest bill for this month!
The man stopped me in my tracks and handed me an envelope. It contained - from what he told me - this months bills and a note from the man himself. He mentioned that he was somewhat annoyed at the boss right now, blaming it on the money. And I couldn't agree more! Even though I was Joey's assistant, he never allowed me to explain the consequences of his decision making. And let me tell you, the choices he made were painful to listen to, I'll grant you that! 
"I was just on my way to his office right now, such perfect timing..." I stated, looking down at the brown envelope. Grant only nodded at that, telling me one final thing before he left me to my duties:
"Tell that man that if he doesn't manage his spending, there's going to be some big problems in the future." I nodded, watching him walk away awkwardly. Of course I was going to tell Joey what Grant wanted him to hear (in a nicer manner) and inform him that it was Grant who'd asked me to. I was just nervous for some reason.

I guess I should be, he's the boss after all...

A/N: So there we have it! A month of procrastination and writers block later! Genuinely, I'm so happy I've finally started this!!!

Word count: 1234 words


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