Chapter 26

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Fortunately for us, he began to walk away which made Sammy smile a little. His smile was quick to fall once he noticed how terrified I was, so he put his mask back on. In an effort to calm me, he took his hand away from my eyes and started rubbing my arm once again.
"Shh... he's gone... you're safe..." He shushed me, continuing this pattern until I was fully calm. Once I felt content, I wiped my remaining tears away. Upon letting go, a sudden memory came back to Sammy; one of me calming him down when he had a panic attack. It made him proud to return the favour, although both of us still craved for this moment to last forever.
"Thanks, Sammy..."

Eventually, we both left the office; Sammy having to lift me up once again to help me climb over all because of my stupid injury. It's times like these where I blame myself for these things. What happened just now was so weird, it was like he was a whole different person. This was especially weird to do for someone he thought of as a stranger, far from resembling the Sammy I had perceived in the past. It was likely that some memories had reached his brain for him to do something like that.
'Not even before the accident would Sammy have done anything like that... at least I think so...'
Nevertheless, the pair of us are still alive and that's what really matters. Sammy pondered about something I mentioned earlier and decided to ask me about it.
"You mentioned that only some places keep the ink demon at bay. Do you care to elaborate..?" Sammy quizzed.
"Well, both Susie and Bendy share a hatred for each other, that's something I know. I'm not certain, but I highly doubt Bendy associates himself with her business much." I sighed intently.
"If that's the case, you'll likely be safer with her." I didn't fully agree with what was said by him to be the safer option. Still, I nodded, knowing fully well I didn't have another choice. I had everything in my power to leave this place right now, the map in my hand, but I wasn't going without him. We both needed time; time to adjust to things, Sammy needed to know his identity. After that, we'd escape together. What I had failed to notice is how blatantly obvious he's expressed that he had other plans. His desire was for me to be with Susie; he wasn't going anywhere.

After a good 10 minutes, we had already managed to make it back to heavenly toys. Immediately, my mind had started to recall the previous unfortunate events that had occurred - the event that kept me hidden for so long. It's not like I couldn't have argued with the idea of us going here, I had just seemed to forget just how evil she had become. The way she'd find such amusement in my despair; she carried many maleficent intents to secure her own beauty. She didn't see it herself, but beauty was something she had completely lost a long time ago - not due to her looks whatsoever, but her complete personality had flipped. It was like Susie was switched off, possessed by something else that had driven her to insanity. I was beginning to feel like I wasn't that far from becoming the same evil myself - we all did. 
"(Y/N)?" Sammy clicked his fingers in front of my eyes, catching me off guard. I flinched, my eyes rapidly blinking until Sammy moved his hands from my face. "We're here."
"I know..." I whispered in response. We had not shared many words before a familiar voice spoke from a loud speaker above us, which echoed around the entire area she was located in. It was a voice that sent shivers down my spine.

"Oh, look who it is!" Susie said excitedly. "I admit, (Y/N), you're quite brave to show your face here again. Tell me what brings you here, darling?" 

I gave no response, quite unnerved. Susie had said I was rather brave when it wasn't even my decision to come here in the first place, it was Sammy's. To the silence, Susie chuckled sensing the fear in me rising little by little at every comment she made. Then she noticed another presence in the room with me - Sammy - but she didn't know who it was, of course. Sammy could unmistakably recognise her however. 

"Oh? And who's your little friend? Does he not know how rude it is to trespass on an angels property?" 

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