Chapter 18

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"Are you alright?!"
Slowly but surely, I picked myself back onto two feet and started to walk once again as if nothing had ever happened. I came to my senses and understood exactly what was going on - I was going crazy! So I kept my reply as honest as possible without trying to sound too insane.
"The sooner we get out of here, the better... This studio is driving me nuts!" I joked, sweat dripping intensely down my forehead. Sammy, knowing better than believing that this was nothing to worry about, decided it was best not to talk about it and play along.
"Tell me about it." He rolled his eyes.

Upon climbing a huge flight of stairs, music was playing in the distance. It seemed as if this tune wasn't too many years old - me and Sammy could instantly recognise what was playing. And so, we used that melody as a guide and continued to follow the noise until we made it to a room. However, it was not just music playing this time; someone was here. My ears perked once I heard a door creak closed, and my eyes darted to the miracle station behind a nearby couch. Seeing as I was interested and started to walk towards the noise without any realisation, Sammy pulled me back and instructed me to wait. With a steady pace and slowed breathing, he crept over to the miracle station and peeked through the small window at the top of the door. There, he saw a pair of glowing eyes staring right into his; it was an uncomfortable gaze, but Sammy didn't want to move or keep his eyes off of the creature. He could sense this creature was scared, so he didn't want to disturb the creature from its 'habitat'. In response, he narrowed his eyes, a sense of distrust sparked between the two as the creature shrunk in fright, followed by a squeak.
"What was that?" I tilted my head in response to the squeaking.
"Oh, nothing. Just a stupid rat." He spat, feeling hatred and annoyance at the creature. He didn't want to let his guard down and knew exactly what the searchers were like, so there was no way in hell he was about to trust another set of eyes he kept his glance at. With that, we crawled into a nearby vent which provided us with torches outside.

Peeking through the other side of the vent was a Bendy cut out leaning against a desk, a hue of light displaying its contents: scrapped and shrivelled paper, pens with explosions of ink that stuck to the paper and ruined drawings. In that room there was one desk alone. Curious, I squinted my eyes to see if I could get a better view. Upon crawling closer and closer to the light, a dark and mysterious figure blocked my view, causing me to jolt in fright, thus, I bumped my head on the ceiling of the vent - it was a good laugh for Sammy nonetheless. Before even getting a glimpse of the creature, it cowered away.
I had a few ideas of who it might've been.
"Shush." I rolled my eyes, followed by a whisper, causing Sammy's laughter to die down. I stared at the room in front of me; the room that (because of what I assumed was Bendy) was barely visible anymore. We were close to Bendy Land - I knew because I had been through these vents before. Using the vents was always convenient for me since it was a quicker way there. The studio is a maze in itself, getting used to my way around here was rather difficult. Luckily, I knew how to get to Joey's office from here whereas most don't. 
"Do you have anything I could use to break the vent cover?" I asked Sammy, cocking a brow. He searched himself for a second, only to shake his head lightly and reply:
"Not on me, no. Just stay put, I'll go look for one." I heard some shuffling from behind me - that was Sammy getting out of the vent. Because of the lack of space, I could barely move from my uncomfortable position. All I could do was hope he wouldn't take too long before my body would become any stiffer and more painful than it already was...
Around 2 or 3 minutes passes by and he crawls back into the vent, handing me a long crowbar. So long that it made it a struggle to bust the vent cover open. I held onto the front of the crowbar while Sammy latched onto the back. In sync, we pushed the crowbar against the metal cover, successfully opening it after a few tries. The loud bash noise that it made upon hitting the ground made me almost go deaf since we'd both forgotten to cover our ears - that would most likely leave a headache. What I also failed to remember was how awkward getting out the vent would be since it was quite high up from the ground. I was lying on my belly and there was no room for me to change my position whatsoever so trying to get out properly would be a challenge in itself. I attempted to get out without falling by flailing my arms over the edge, reaching as far as I could for the ground so that I could balance myself by basically doing a handstand - I failed. My arms grew weak and I had leaned too far over the edge. As a result, I fell on top of my arms which had bent in an awkward position. Surprisingly - even with all of my weight forced upon my arm - I hadn't broken or fractured any of my bones. I found it rather strange but there was no way I was going to complain about it. Despite my arms not being broken, a sharp pain inflicted in my arm and the numbness started to kick in right away. When I was able to get up from my crippled position, my eyes locked onto Sammy who loomed over me. He cocked a brow, itching to know how on earth I'd done this to myself. He held out a hand, which I gladly took with the arm I had not landed on. Luckily, my numb arm wasn't my stronger arm, so my right/left arm was doing fine. Sammy shook his head in disappointment. 
"I shouldn't have dropped that fucking first aid kit..." He muttered under his breath, clearly pissed off at the situation. I only wondered what I could do about his mood, scaring myself upon wondering if I was the one who'd caused this mood swing - he made sure that I would never think of that upon questioning about it:
"I couldn't be mad at you, you're not as annoying as most people are. What I don't understand is how you managed to get out of the vent like that." Sammy crossed his arms. He huffed - a puff of smoke coming out of this mouth due to the cold air in this place.
"I don't know how you got out like that." I replied, narrowing my eyes at the man in front of me. I rolled my eyes, bearing a laugh then walking away, leading him on to follow me. On our short hike, we encountered some searchers - all which were easy to kill off.

Eventually, we made it towards a river of ink leading through a tunnel. I had never recognised this place before and swore to myself that I went the right way. If so, 'what is this doing here?!'
There was a ramp and at the top awaited a boat. Next to the boat was a lever. Curious, I turned my head over to Sammy, wanting to know what he had to say about all of this. He didn't utter a word. My breath was shaky; I was confused.
"I don't remember this..." I scratched my head.
"I thought you knew where you were going?" He judged me on the spot, assuming I was growing dumb and that my memory must have been quite foggy for me to mess up big time.
"Exactly. We couldn't have made a wrong turn, this is the only way to go."
"Well obviously you're not as acquainted with this place as you initially thought then, weren't you?" Slightly irritated, he sighed, letting off some steam. "Sorry... that sounded harsh..." 
"It's... fine..." I sighed, pulling the lever. If this wasn't the right way, I wanted to at least know where this river led to. The boat took off and waited at the bottom of the ramp, where me and Sammy followed. We hopped onto the boat and looked at the controls. 
Since Sammy was familiar with driving, we both figured it would be easier if he managed the controls instead of me - who'd never even sat in a drivers seat. My house was walking distance from this place, so getting here bright and early wasn't much of a hassle for me. Anyway, Sammy started the boat by pressing a button and holding a lever up. While the boat was just starting, I checked my arm for any injuries. Thankfully, there was just a bruise present and the feeling in my arm was starting to come back. 

Venturing through the tunnel, we observed the place. In the distance we could see something horrifying - a big, white gloved hand crushing an ink creature and dragging it into the river. Sammy stared at it with full intent and concentration, aware of just how dangerous this creature was. He saw my worried expression from the corner of his eye and sighed.
"I hope you still have that crowbar on you."

Word count: 1620 words


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