Chapter 5

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I felt so angry that I even wanted to confront Joey about it.
I couldn't speak of it. I didn't want to do that to Wally. I trusted him like he trusted me; I believe we were quite friendly to each other. Getting him fired would forever make me feel guilty.

So like everyone else, I kept my mouth shut.

I watched Sammy storm out of the office, a look of disgust and rage on his face. Just what had happened.!? The meeting wasn't that long and I could only recall him first going in there around 5 minutes ago. I was free to go anywhere I wanted, yet I stayed and waited outside Mr Drew's office patiently. I was eager to know what the meeting was about especially since I couldn't go inside. Maybe it was an act of privacy, but I didn't want to believe that; I might have thought a bit too much into it.
Sammy was out of view at this point. The door made a loud creek causing me to cringe at the sound. Afterwards, I heard a sigh come from Joey as he slurped some of his coffee. The boss was clearly distressed - I could tell.

"(Y/N), there's no need to wait out there." I heard Joey say unexpectedly. Needless to say, I obeyed and walked into the office. It wasn't a direct order, but I knew he wanted my company at the moment. I never showed any hint of surprise at this and just did my job. "It's quite funny how nosy you can be at times. You didn't hear anything, did you?"
"Not really, all I heard was mumbling." I stated. Joey looked from my face to his papers, later giving them to me, asking me to read it. It was a sheet with an unrecognisable face on it: a woman who sat posh on a chair, one leg over the other with great posture, smiling proudly at the camera. The name 'Allison Pendle' was visible in the top left corner with some information about her character underneath.
"I've been thinking of a replacement for Alice, as you already know..." He started, watching intensely as I read the paper. "Despite her similar name to the character, I really do believe she has the talent that Susie lacks. At first, I thought about leaving Susie as Alice's singing voice, then Allison could voice her actual lines. After much thought, I'm sure we won't be needing Susie any longer."

I remember him telling me about a replacement for Alice. He even asked if I could be the one to advertise the role, which I had to accept if I wanted a slightly higher pay. Mr Drew - unlike many others - loved change! Still, I couldn't see his reasoning behind getting rid of Susie. Perhaps she was being a bother to him. Even then, Joey would not respond to it by trying to replace her; someone like Joey would much rather express his opinion at the moment and is never afraid of hurting anyone's feelings by sharing them. If Susie was a bother, he'd tell her to stop. It sounds cruel, but he would sometimes threaten to fire them if necessary. 
None of this was necessary.
And I stated that opinion.
"I do see your point Mr Drew, but you do realise that Susie fits the role perfectly - she's a great voice actor, you know. Wouldn't it break her to find out she was getting replaced?" I asked, putting the sheet back on the table and looking at him. Trying to make him reconsider his choices and the future mistake he'd make. 
"It would, yes, but she'd have to understand that this is for a great cause. Put it at this: she won't be fired from working at Joey Drew Studios, but her role will be played by someone else. I do have something else in mind for her..." He explained, grabbing my full attention.
"And what would that be, Mr Drew?"
"Only time will tell, (Y/N)."

It was official. A few days after my talk with Mr Drew, Allison had officially became the new replacement for Alice. Despite most of us in the music department disagreeing with Joey about it, he never listened to them as much as he rarely listened to me. I hated that about the boss and I'm pretty sure everyone else did too. Still, I was willing to give this a go; Allison can't be bad if Joey says she has potential. The boss even said I'd be the one to give her the grand tour, then I could see what she's like. It would only be harsh for Susie, especially knowing that she wouldn't be able to work the friends she'd made in the music department, especially Sammy - I know those two had something awhile back. I really felt bad for her...
Joey must've spoken to her about it, right?

"Well then, Allison, I'll have my assistant give you the grand tour of the place. Make sure to take her into the music department, Miss (L/N)." He spoke to me as if I didn't know what I was doing, which I just shook my head at. After a long conversation between me, her and Joey Drew, he happily sent her off with me to take care of things.
"So..." I tried to come up with something to say before I was cut off by Allison.
"I heard about Susie, I hope I'm not causing a stir..." She spoke, a hint of sadness to her voice.
"Of course not!" I quickly defended. "Mr Drew obviously picked you for a reason, which means you being here is anything but a commotion! It's refreshing in a way..." I smiled at her. What I said wasn't wrong, the company hadn't seen a new face in so long! Seeing Allison hold such interest in this, maybe this was the first step to get us all back on track again.
"I guess so." She smiled back. It was a while before anything else was said, and we'd walked around quite a bit of the studio. The only time we'd spoken was when I'd introduce her to an unfamiliar room.
"How'd you find out about the place?"
"An old friend of mine who works within the Gent Corporation." A shade of pink dusted her cheeks before quickly fading away. "I'm sure you know him, he's mentioned you a couple of times when he'd bring up Joey."
"You two are pretty close, hmm?" I asked curiously, to which she smiled and nodded at. Like always, the conversation stopped there.

Before we finally made it into the music department, we had other great conversations and I managed to learn a lot about her. She wasn't so bad after all! I was sure that everyone would enjoy her company - except for Susie. Susie was sweet, but can get really ticked off at things like this. I don't even feel like she'd be angry; she'd be more upset if anything. 
Sammy chatted with Norman and Jack in the music room that I led her into. Once they heard us, they stopped what they were doing and turned around immediately. Sammy was far from happy, from the fact that Susie was getting replaced and just because it's his nature to be a big grump. Meanwhile, Jack and Norman were ecstatic! They both walked over to Allison with a bright smile on their faces, Jack more than anyone.
"Nice to meet you, Allison, the name's Jack!" The folk dressed in formal attire tipped his hat.
"And my name is Norman." The person standing beside him waved. Everyone soon turned to look at Sammy since he caught our attention. He was far from in a good mood right now, smoking a cigar in the building which would surely get him into trouble later. Speaking of Sammy, he eventually spoke to her himself.
"Allison." She smiled at him, seeing as he wasn't in a great mood.
"Sammy." He huffed, tapping the cigar, seeming more entertained in watching the ashes fall to the ground. Perhaps it was Susie that brought him down. Me and Sammy aren't even close yet he isn't as close to how he usually acts with me, even when I was the new face around here.
I'm sure they'd get along eventually.!

Word count: 1370 words


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