Chapter 20

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'What made them so curious of me?' I thought, bewildered.

I took another step, they took one back. I carried forth; they just stood there, their glowing eyes piercing through my soul.
This could go both ways, either these creatures would be harmless and it was all a little misunderstanding or I could be in for one hell of a nightmare...


All eyes were focused on me. Right away, I could sense that their trust in others was running fairly slim; I was just a stranger to them. It was all so strange since I felt a tingle of deja vu rush down my back. I shivered slightly at the feeling. This moment was all so familiar yet I know I hadn't experienced it in my entire life; this feeling would be explainable if I had maybe dreamt of this but I don't ever recall dreaming of a situation as dire as this before. I knew them from somewhere - they definitely had some relation to Joey Drew Studios - but I couldn't place a finger on who was who. Throughout my years of working in this place, I remember many people getting the feeling of exhaust wash completely over them on the job (that was the logical reason why they quit), I'm starting to think that they never actually 'quit'... 
My boss was a weird and creepy man; you never know what to expect whenever it comes to just sharing a conversation with him. Even so, I would never expect him to do the most repulsive thing I had on my mind right now. As strange as he is, no one would ever believe Joey Drew would turn his former employees into these creatures. The feeling that I felt right now was far from pleasant. I felt sick to my stomach; my insides were turning in a very bad manner and I felt some leftovers (not that I ate much anyway) rush up my throat. Right on the spot, I vomited a little, creating a puddle of stinking acid on the floor beside my feet.
The feeling of embarrassment lingered over me. It was odd to say the least. Never had I ever barfed at a mere thought. Surprisingly though, one of these strange looking creatures came to my aid. They had a rather high-pitched male voice, sounding quite concerned for my wellbeing.
"Oh gosh!" He spoke, panicking over the sick on the floor. "I'm sorry... Do we really scare you that much..?" 
I shook my head in response,
"What happened to you...?" I mustered out my first sentence. However, my question became unanswered as I was told that every one of these beings could not remember. My eyes sank, guilty for them. I had nothing to say and I'm not sure they did either. All I did was think back to the voice that spoke to me before - I felt like I could recognise this person. Again, I couldn't place a finger on it. It was so frustrating to me!!
The longer I thought about it, the more my frustration faded; the feeling twisted into one of emptiness. I felt so scared and alone - I wanted to curl up into a ball and cry. 
'I'm so pathetic! I let the only person I had left with me die because I couldn't just get up! I should've been the one to sacrifice all I had, not him...' My head was spinning like a disc on a record player repeating itself over and over again - it didn't stop until someone was able to pause the track of thoughts for me.
I knew they sensed my fear; I knew they felt pity for my sad self. I wasn't thinking straight at all - they were actually able to empathise with me on that one. They themselves were on the verge of losing their sanity, were just as lonely as I was and I didn't realise it. The silence was unbearable. They kept watching me resentfully. Though, the one that I had spoken to already did try his best to comfort me despite the fact that it didn't help much. He held out a hand - to which I accepted - and helped me up, his eyes grew with excitement as this was his first human contact in a long time.
"It's okay... you're not the only one who wants to get outta here..." He smiled, his voice a little shaky. I was silent for a while, trying to calm myself down. The tears eventually stopped and I began to feel much more determined than ever. 
"I might be able to help with that." I said softly, alerting the others in the room. Now, they were really intrigued. Saying nothing more after sharing a hug to express a 'thank you' he let go of me and stood back. Silently, I started to walk out of the room, having no clue as to what just happened nor if I was actually able to help these poor souls. Ahead of me were 2 possible exits: one of them was a boarded up entrance with nothing but candles and scattered papers with hands drawn on them surrounding it; the other was through a gate, the same pictures scattered around it. I had to take a guess. Something I found strange was the fact that I never recognised this place. Joey's office wasn't this far surely! 
I untied the knot in the rope that held the gate closed. I would've used my crowbar to do this had I not lost it beforehand. Through the gate was another boarded entrance. I tried to rip the planks off with my bare hands but it wouldn't work properly. At least there was enough space to duck underneath it. 

If the atmosphere wasn't already weird enough, it's gotten much more insane now. It made me wonder what had gotten this studio into such a state - the place looked fine before people left which wasn't too long ago as far as I could remember. The long corridor I had yet to walk in had no floor. In fact, the only way I could get across is to balance on the wooden planks that connected to each other to create a long line. What I wanted to know is how I'd manage to safely make it across. My legs trembled - of course they did! I felt uneasy once again! Oh how I longed for this feeling to finally disappear.
One thing for sure is that I knew the impending doom I would soon face.

I was right.

The plank snapped from underneath, sending shock waves through my entire body. I fell, sending shrivelled  screams down with me. Unfortunately, I had managed to land on my bad arm that had yet to heal - the arm that Sammy had bandaged up earlier. Thinking of that man made me mourn his company. Truth being told, I didn't care how grumpy he was, he was genuinely a good person to talk to. I enjoyed his company; nothing lasts forever...
"Shit!" I hissed, grabbing my bad arm in hopes to shield it from any more pain. It was so unfortunate. I brushed my arm gently, tracing over the bruise that was visible over the now ripped bandage that used to cover it. Hopefully Joey had some spare in his office. I do remember having to sneak some into his desk drawer.
Speaking of which, I looked up to see where I had fallen. My frown soon turned into a smile, 'Finally! Somewhere I recognise!'
I had made it into the Administrations Office. No wonder I didn't recognise anywhere I went, I was above ground! I giggled, knowing that I was nearing my escape, my eyes locked onto the closed entrance to the Administrations Office and stayed there for a good few minutes before I snapped back into reality, almost forgetting what I came here for. Eventually, I got up from the floor (which was a challenge due to my battered arm) and shifted my feet towards the Admin block. A familiar tune played through to speakers, sending me nostalgia from the past few years I worked my ass off in this part of the studio. This was a place I knew extremely well, so I knew exactly what lever to pull in order to open the door to the office. I made my way behind the counter. Right next to the door was a lever which controlled the door to the office. I pulled it and just as I thought, it opened.

Standing in front of the Administrations Office, I took several deep breaths in and out, calming my nerves.
'Here goes nothing...'

A/N: I'm back to updating regularly. I may have a few odd weeks where I don't update but I'll keep you updated on my profile as to why. Another thing is that despite the fact that Dark Revival has not long come out, this story will not contain any of the lore from that game since I'm strictly making this based on the first game.

Word count: 1502 words


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