Thanks for reading!

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I don't know how on earth to start this off but I genuinely can't believe this story is finally done!

To tell you that this story was the best one I've written is an understatement. I don't mean to sound 'all about myself' here but this is my first story that I have planned out and went extremely into detail with the planning. Ironically, it has taken me the longest to finish and I'm so happy I have! Originally, I had slightly different plans especially with the ending - but all of the changes I have made to these plot lines have kept a similar premise. For example, I was originally going to make (Y/N) visit Joey in the end but as I was writing the ending, I scrapped that idea. Either way, both endings were going to be (Y/N) rejecting Joey in some way, shape or form.

Another thing I would like to mention is that I am so thankful for every one of you that have read this story as I was in the process of writing it - I'm also thankful for those of you who've started to read this after this part has came out. My point is, the comments you all have left as I was in the process of writing this story truly kept me going. Although it has been 11 months since I published the first chapter (which is crazy to think about), it was you guys that have pushed me to keep on going and here we are! I do hope you guys have enjoyed reading this as much as I've had fun writing this.

The last thing I would like to mention (as some of you who've read my other stories have asked me about this in the past) I will not be making a sequel to this book. Since I'm going to be taking a long break anyway, that's one reason as to why I won't be writing one. The main reason is because I simply don't want to. I have never (and never will) make any sequels to my other stories just because I found no interest in it or I just couldn't be arsed. 

Anyway, that's the last thing I have to say.
As I've already mentioned, thank you so much for reading and have a good day!


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