Chapter 19

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Venturing through the tunnel, we observed the place. In the distance we could see something horrifying - a big, white gloved hand crushing an ink creature and dragging it into the river. Sammy stared at it with full intent and concentration, aware of just how dangerous this creature was. He saw my worried expression from the corner of his eye and sighed.
"I hope you still have that crowbar on you."

And I did. My hand squeezed onto it tightly and my breath began to quicken; I was scared once again for our safety. Suddenly, the boat came to a halt - something was stuck! Panicking, my eyes left that big freakish hand to the edge of the boat to see three blobs of ink trapped inside the bottom end of the boat. Quickly, I pulled them out, a huge breath of relief coming from both of us to find that the boat was now moving again. Little did we know that we were alerting something from afar. It followed us.

TW - Extreme violence i guess

Eventually, we had made it through more tunnels and the boat was stuck once again. I repeated the same actions, leaning over the boat to pull the blobs out. Only this time, I was stopped by the sight of something white emerging from the ink. My eyes widened seeing what it was - the hand! I looked over towards Sammy to see that the crowbar was next to his feet. He narrowed his eyes, his head slowly looking up to follow the creature with his gaze. His foot kicked the crowbar over to my feet and I swiftly crouched down to grab hold of it.
"Distract it! I'll sort out the engine." He instructed, rushing towards me as I ran the opposite way. I took a deep breath before frantically waving the crowbar in the air, pissing the creature off. The hand shrunk back into the ink before rising behind me. Without warning, I was violently pushed. A few seconds was of me flying in the air before I could make out the ink river below me. I panicked, grabbing onto the end of the boat for support. Sammy worriedly rushed over, looking at my brutalised body. His hand latched onto mine, forcefully pulling me up. The ink fought with him, pushing me deeper into the abyss. Sammy was petrified. Tears streamed down his face as he struggled even more to pull me up.
With all his might, he gripped tighter onto my hand (I helped by kicking with both legs). The ink let me go and I came flying with Sammy back onto the boat, my back hitting the rough wooden ground. Exhausted we both were, but that didn't stop Sammy from doing as much as he possibly could in order to save his close friend. The crowbar mocked his tired, hunched form, spiking the man with so much adrenaline. He grunted in pain, crawling over pathetically and gripping onto the crowbar. The inky hand was inches away from Sammy's face once he stood up. I was scared shitless; I couldn't move any muscle in my body as much as I tried to. I was frozen in terror...

Sammy narrowed his eyes at the hand which had tried to take me. Protectively, he loomed over my body and used the tip of his crowbar to slice one of the cartoon's fingers off. It screeched in pain. I smiled, tears streaming down my face. Though my smile didn't last long at all. The hand snatched the crowbar off of Sammy, catching him off guard. The crowbar was tossed around, sinking into the ink. Sammy's eyes widened. He knew exactly what was coming, so he turned his head to me.
"I'm sorry (Y/N)... I can't let you die..." He smiled weakly, a few quick sobs were exchanged before the hand wrapped itself around Sammy's body. As if it wanted to traumatise me, Sammy's head repeatedly slammed onto the side of the boat until he was knocked unconscious.
"No..." I whispered, bawling my eyes out.
Cuts and bruises marked his head, blood staining and trickling down his features. It wouldn't stop. His head kept banging and banging and banging and BANGING...!!

He was dead. 

"Sammy..?" I reached out of a hand towards his body when it all stopped. His form was mangled. His features were unclear. He didn't look like Sammy anymore. 
The realisation of what had just happened hit me. My friend was dead. He protected me - if he hadn't, I'd be in his position right now. It was all my fault...

Ok, ur safe now :)

It was all so sudden..! And as the next second passed, his dead body got dragged into the water - his skin torn open making him prone to any infection. Not that it mattered much anyway, he was dead.
I struggled to process anything...

Time had paused and all I could do was think. Ponder what I had just witnessed. One minute, it was me and Sammy and the next, I'm left alone.
Before I knew it, tears started pouring out from my eyes. Hitched breaths I took; barely able to speak. I could barely see anything at this point as my eyes were blurred by the pool of water that had managed to build up. My body shook uncontrollably with just the mere vision of the pool of blood mixed with ink that laid in front of me. With all of these emotions running inside me, I could barely focus on the future tasks I needed to get done to get myself out of here. Without Sammy, it isn't worth it anymore...
By now, my eyes could barely stay open so in turn, I had passed out.


Nothing except the sound of the ink flowing in the river,

It was just me,


As the boat met the end of the river, my eyes shot wide open. A small part of me questioned how the engine was able to move without anybody controlling it but I was more focused on finding out what on earth that hand was. For all I know, this could have been Bendy's doing and if so, I was far from enjoying the torment.
From the amount of tears I spilled before passing out, it led me to wake up with red, sore and puffy eyes. Occasionally, I would rub them to try and get the pain to go away  - not that it worked much anyway.

Bow sitting up, I squinted to try and acquaint myself with my new surroundings. It was wherever the boat met the dock. Itching to get up and explore, I sighed upon knowing the amount of pain it would cause for me to just want up properly let alone walk anywhere. Temptation sank in so I got up, a sharp pain through the backs of my legs and spine causing me to wince. I was soon shushed by the sound of trudging ink. Panic flooded through my veins with the thought of this potentially being Bendy - the one who I would assume killed Sammy. I wasn't wrong to panic, but...

This wasn't Bendy.

It was a crowd of ink creatures with glowing yellow eyes and good-looking faces. All of these creatures took on a certain appearance, while still remaining unique to one another at the same time. I felt violated. There were hundreds of them just staring intently at my very being.
Hesitantly, I got out of the boat, causing these creatures to tilt their heads at my actions. I kept a plain face, all while hiding my emotions inside of me.
'What made them so curious of me?' I thought, bewildered.

I took another step, they took one back. I carried forth; they just stood there, their glowing eyes piercing through my soul.
This could go both ways, either these creatures would be harmless and it was all a little misunderstanding or I could be in for one hell of a nightmare...

Word Count: 1341 words


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