Chapter 7

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"So why am I here exactly?"
Almost immediately, Tom responded. "We have a slight issue-"
I could hear a quiet murmur echoing from afar; a sort of, painful groan. Me and Tom paid close attention to it, him sensing I got the gist of the problem. He continued:
"-Over there." He pointed in the direction I faced. "I think you know what we're dealing with..."

"Are you ready for our first test?" This caught me off guard, as I only expected to be shown the machine and go home, not stay for any longer.
"Wait, now?!" I watched Joey give an abrupt nod. "I guess so..." I mumbled a response.

And so, the test began.

Now, I wasn't instructed to do anything and by the looks of it, neither was Joey. It seemed to me like he didn't know how the process would work, even if he had looked into it. I could be wrong though. The boss only stared at the machine with a wide grin on his face - the kind that brought a sense of discomfort. I don't know why, but I didn't have a good feeling about this all of a sudden.
Nevertheless, the test happened. 
It started with Thomas dashing down the stairs (Wally had since left, as instructed by Tom). In the corner of the room was a couple of large buckets of ink - some black ink and some white ink (though - at the time - wasn't very popular). Thomas ran past me and Mr Drew and grabbed a large, heavy bucket of black ink. It was certainly impressive as the bucket looked to be extremely heavy as it was filled to the brim with ink! With little to no effort, he carried the bucket towards the ink machine. Because of its size, the bucket was placed in a little lift contraption. By Thomas pulling a rope, it sent the bucket towards the top of the ink machine. From there, the bucket was tipped over the edge as ink came splashing into the machine. Some of it even missed and decorated the outer layer with even more ink instead. 
The same was done with the white ink but before that, another lever was pulled. A few seconds passed and ink splattered onto a platform. The platform had a drain with a pipe coming from it which was attached to the machine. I believed that to be  smart since it would save more ink and leave less of a mess later. Sooner or later, I had to try and adjust my eyesight as I saw something you'd never believe in a million years! It was magnificent! The ink started to shape into a being that looked almost identical to Bendy. First, his round head was formed with his pointy horns and soon his body started to take shape. 
Then the white ink was poured into the contraption. It fixed Bendy's face and I was now able to see his pie-cut eyes stand out and his signature big grin he always held in the cartoon. The project was coming along perfectly!!!
Until I started to see a fault within the machinery. His body took a much lankier shape and a bony appearance. His limbs were much skinnier, and his back (which was slightly hunched over) had scales that poked out of him, it became much more noticeable as he grew a few extra feet. As the white ink formed with his look, I could make out a much smaller bow tie, which looked old and tattered. The only thing that made him look relatively similar at this point was his face. When I thought it looked picture perfect, some excess black ink splattered over him, causing a cough from Bendy - which was the first noise I heard from him. The excess ink also ruined his face. His pie-cut eyes were now covered with ink that dripped down his face. And just like that, the experiment we carried out had failed.

Joey's former words : "Trust me, you'll love it!" 

Despite Bendy's changed appearance, that didn't make me hate the character. The demon stepped from the machine and stood in front of me, Joey and Thomas (who crept towards us as the experiment was being carried out). I smiled, astonished. Meanwhile, Thomas and Joey were the exact opposite - they were horrified! 
"What is that disgusting thing!?"  Thomas poked the taller devil's chest, talking with sour to his tongue. Joey gave the obvious answer.
"The character you failed to create." Joey huffed, crossing his arms.
It seemed to me Bendy caught on to how they acted upon seeing him. He was able to tell right away that the two disliked him and he wasn't pleased. He leaned in over the two, to which they both uncomfortably gulped at. I knew both Thomas and Mr Drew were shaking in their boots at the moment so I decided to step in.
"I'm sure he means no harm. I mean, I'd react that way if anyone I met gave me that impression!" I interrupted the feud, to which Bendy seemed alert. He turned to me, feeling quite comfortable in my presence. "See, he's not hurting me."
Interested, the demon observed my every move, noticing my posture and body language was seemingly less tense than the others. It made him feel content as Joey and Thomas both felt disgusted towards him. To think that only 30 seconds has passed since he was born and already there were bold impressions given.
I smiled warmly at him, giving him a gentle pat on the arm.
"In fact, keep him at low and things should be fine!"

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