Chapter 36

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Sammy tossed the end reel in my direction. Luckily I was pretty good at catching things, so you could guess what happened here. This became unnoticed by Bendy as he was still focused on chasing the man in suspenders. An idea grew in Sammy's mind, as it did in mine: if we get the Ink Demon to smash himself into more of these pipes, it could be enough to distract him for a while so that we had a chance to make a run for it into the throne room once more.

'We're finally onto something!'

With that, we carried on running frantically around the place keeping an eye on the ink demon. Soon it became noticed that Sammy hadn't carried the end reel anymore so that caused the ink demon to turn his head sharply in my direction. As I quickened my pace, the sound of feet tapping harshly on the ground caught my attention which indicated that the ink demon wasn't far away from me anymore. I panicked and rolled the end reel across the floor over to Sammy. As soon as another pipe was directly in front of me, I smoothly dodged it. This caused little to no time for the ink demon to react to the object that was now in front of him so instead of doing what I did, his pointy horns smashed directly through the glass - some of the glass shards dug into his horns. Damaging his horns like that caused him to wince in pain. Whilst the ink demon was now distracted by his own pain and distress, he failed to notice that me and Sammy had quietly snuck out of the room. Our objective was to reach the throne room as soon as possible.

Once we arrived, we were met with a quiet ambience of ink flowing freely through pipes. The throne seat was empty; beckoning someone to accompany it. My eyes met Sammy's and we both kept staring at each other somewhat in a trance - oh how we longed for this moment to last forever. We always crave these moments to last. Unfortunately, my eyes pulled away from their daze and stared at the end reel Sammy was holding. He now focused on that, took a deep breath in and out and soon his eyes went back to mine. 
"It seems our journey is almost over." He sensed my worry and made a reassuring gesture, stroking my cheek with his thumb. This was enough to leave a mark on my skin of ink from his bare hands. "I see the worry in your eyes. I'll still be with you when he goes - you'd need to turn the ink machine off for me to go." 
Although it was unnoticed by me due to his mask, Sammy smiled brightly. He knew what had to be done and he wanted me to take care of things. Sammy believed I was capable enough so he held the end reel out in front of him. I smiled back at him and took the end reel before stepping over to the throne. It was then that I heard a harsh growl and footsteps echoing from behind me, it gave me the idea to hurry up.

Once I placed the end reel into the slot, I turned around. Sammy had been careful and taken a few steps back from the ink beast that now stood in the limelight. Bendy scowled, knowing what I had done to seal his unlucky fate. He shuddered before pacing around the room, shrinking back into his ink demon form. Unfortunately, he caught sight of the projections on the walls. What originally had been filled with small snippets of scenes with him in was now replaced with the words in bold 'The End'. In a panic, he let out a loud screech and stared directly at me. Now his pie-cut eyes were in view, I saw them shrink as he held out a hand just begging for me to stop this all at once. I'll admit, even I felt bad at this moment but he'd been after me for so long. I had no room for remorse inside my wounded mind; I especially couldn't be that guilty since I was the one who had originally been there for him all those days ago.
He was only trying to lure me back.

Bendy sensed this and as soon as he did, the floor began to shake. Bendy gripped his head before he suddenly disappeared into thin air - no trace of his twisted version of existence anywhere. I teared up slightly, trying my best to contain the amount of happiness I felt, thinking that I should move on as quickly as possible. However, I ended up wiping my tears away and stepping down the pile that surrounded the ink demons former throne. There, Sammy stood with open arms so I leaped onto him. I was caught in his embrace as he spun me around in circles, the both of us giggling messes. 
"Finally!" Was all I could say, happy about this outcome. It seemed Sammy shared the same feelings as me and he added,
"I'll admit, we were both very impressive there." He smirked, wanting to compliment me while also filling his own ego he had about himself. Then suddenly the thought of who I had to leave behind once I left this studio crossed my mind, causing me to pull away from the hug. I sighed, making it very obvious to Sammy that I was indeed upset.
"I don't think I want to go, life would be unbearable without you..." I whined, still keeping a firm grip on his shoulders, to which he grabbed onto my arms and rubbed them comfortingly.
"You can't stay here forever, you'll die that way. I'd hate it, but I'd prefer to know your safe than have you stay here and constantly put your life on the line..." He admitted confidently, a smile plastered on his face. As much as he didn't want me gone, he knew it would be better that way. 

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