Chapter 9

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"It's Joey," he said. "Try not to be so concerned. I've worked for him for years longer than you have and I'm familiar with the way he speaks." He looked away, seemingly unsure of what he said was true. Then, he brought a smile to his features in hopes to give me reassurance whilst also trying to reassure himself in the process.

"I'm sure she's okay..."

I was tired after restless nights, knowing that despite what Sammy had told me, something was wrong. I grew suspicious of Joey after many conversations with him over the past few days, beginning to think that he was the cause of Susie's disappearance; even noticing the way he spoke and acted was oddly creepy. It was like he even noticed his patterns in behaviour and was purposely doing them, giving me hints that he needs help without verbally talking to me about it. I never understood his ways. 
I'm his personal assistant and have been for over 3 years at this point in time yet he still doesn't bother sharing anything with me. Sure, the role of an assistant isn't easy, but the man sure is making it a lot harder here at Joey Drew Studios. It started with subtle things: brushing me off; giving me the cold shoulder and just outright ignoring me. Now, he doesn't utter a word about anything - not even bothering to say 'hello' or 'how was your day'. To him, I was just a peasant, expected to know everything and clean up all of his messes.

- I began to really hate my job.
And my feelings were no different to the others.

With the weight of Susie's disappearance on our shoulders, it was no wonder as to why we felt this hatred for the boss. I'm no mind reader, but I could see he found it amusing:
Nervous breakdowns happened commonly for Sammy now, Wally's comedic and wacky nature died down a ton, Jack and Allison were cramming tasks in, Norman was rushing around the place, Thomas and I kept having to visit Bendy so often that Joey grew suspicious of us - that's not even half of the things we're dealing with. 

"Take care, Sammy..." I waved, walking out of his office and back down to the boss' office. I happened to pass by Grant on the way so I checked with him for any news - as expected, nothing new. I huffed, keeping my fast pace and soon enough made it to the door of his office.
"We can't have this... THING roaming around here making these absurd noises!! You have co-workers here overnight! Who know's how many people have already heard that stupid demon!" Shouted a voice from the office, who you wouldn't be wrong in assuming it was the boss himself.
"Yes, Mr Drew, I understand that but we can't-"
With all of the screaming and shouting going on, I couldn't help but take a small peak. The door let out a quiet squeak upon opening it which never caught the attention of neither Joey nor Tom, so I peaked my head out from the door. Both of them sat at the desk: Thomas, slightly tense, almost falling off of his seat; Joey, leaned over the table, rubbing his temples in distress.
"You can tell that I am not happy about this, Thomas. With your lack of effort, work ethic and the amount of failures I've had to deal with because of you, I suggest you pack your things and leave this place immediately."
"But sir, you can't do that-!" Tom obligated, getting interrupted mid sentence.
"Yes. I. Can." Joey narrowed his eyes at his former employee, watching as he almost dared to speak again. In response to his, he yelled, banging his fist to the table. "LEAVE MY OFFICE.!"
Joey panted as he leaned on the table, staring at Thomas as he shakily got up from his seat and rushed to the door - never had I witnessed Tom this nervous before. I stood there, panicked, but never thought to act quick enough to avoid getting spotted. Thomas bumped into my shoulder, giving me a worried glance before dashing away. That's when Joey finally decided to talk.
"(Y/N), don't act like I never noticed your head from the corner of my eye." He said, seemingly calmer than when he talked to Tom. I tensed up, feeling quite anxious about getting spotted by the angry boss, who huffed right in his seat. "I suppose it isn't much of an issue since I could use your assistance at the moment. Do be kind and tell the others that Thomas will not be working with us anymore."
"R-right, sir." I shakily replied, rushing off my feet towards different areas of the studio -  the last one being the music department.

That was when Allison became infuriated at Joey and wondered why Thomas let the boss speak to him in such a way. It wasn't much of a secret that they were together so of course she'd be pissed with this news. Her eye twitched repeatedly as I carried on with my explanation. The folks standing in front of me were Allison (as you could probably guess), Sammy, Norman, Wally and Jack. Wally happened to be there since he was cleaning the place. Most of them weren't that bothered since they didn't know much about Thomas anyway - all except from Wally and Allison; all of which talked with Tom on a frequent basis.
At a loss for words, Allison grabbed my hand and stormed off to Joey's office. As much as I tried hinting that it was a bad idea, she consistently ignored me, quickening her pace little by little until we reached the office. We shared a quick glance, Allison nudging me and pointing to the door.

"Sorry to disturb you, Mr Drew, but Allison would like to speak to you..." My voice cracked nervously, fear strangling my brain so effortlessly. It wasn't the fact that I was scared of Joey, it was more concern for Allison since I knew how the boss would take it. From the other end, I heard the shuffling of papers as tapping feet came closer to the door until it eventually opened.
"Ah, Miss Pendle-"
"Don't you act so smug about this - firing Tom for absolutely no reason at all! Do you know how ignorant you are?!" She stated, pushing the door open hastily; her finger pointing directly on his chest. With them two finally inside of the room, I stood by and leaned onto the door. I was interested in how this brief argument would carry out.
"Now now, Allison, I don't advise you accuse me of anything without knowing the entire story." He held his hands up in defence, seemingly wanting Allison to stop shouting at him and let him explain. Really, all he wanted was for this to carry on; he took a particular interest in how people acted in rash ways, especially right now as another argument would be held.
"I may not know much about your reasoning for firing my boyfriend but I surely know he doesn't prance around doing jack shit like you do all day!!!" 
Now, Joey definitely didn't take this insult lightly. He held a hostile glare towards his employee, beginning to reconsider his choices about hiring her. And with her continuous behaviour, it didn't take long for Joey to fire her - which would later suck on his part. 
Afterwards, Allison stormed off in tears while the boss kept a frantic eye on me. Joey - much like myself - was at a loss for words. This was rare for him since he'd usually be overly confident. Now, he wasn't so much. All he hoped for was to not lose any more employees overnight.

Little did we know that everything was (and has been) going downhill from here...

Word count: 1325 words


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