Chapter 13

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"I don't think that'll be our only problem." Sammy stated, lifting me off the ground. He looked at my leg and sighed in disappointment. He never knew that he had hit me that hard until he saw me struggle to walk properly. Then the guilt slipped in...
"I would go elsewhere but first, we need to get you some bandages."

I watched Sammy wrap the bandage around my knee. For a man who didn't show any sympathy or care for anyone other than himself, he was being awfully careful here. It brought a smile to my face as I admired him even more. Unbeknownst to me, a light shade of red stained my cheeks at the mere sight of him. I didn't know why I was treated so special by him, but I liked it...
Right now, me and him were sat in the infirmary. Lucky for us, we hadn't travelled far so the infirmary was still nearby. In case of any future accidents, we made sure to bring a first aid kit with us; I'm skipping too far ahead.
My thoughts travelled to this place: 'What if we're trapped here forever..?' ; 'Bendy will surely find us...' ;'I can't be stuck down here for much longer or I'm going to lose my mind...'
Sammy chuckled, "I already have. You get used to it."
"What?!" I asked, slightly confused with his answer. I hadn't realised until now that I shared my thoughts with Sammy. My cheeks grew redder than they already were at that point and I became flustered.
"What?" He teased, finishing wrapping the bandage around my knee. Sammy stood straight and dusted himself off while I never moved from my position. The leg that was free from the bandage was swaying back and forth while my other leg kept still; I was sat there in thought.
To lighten the mood even more, I laughed at the next comment I made.
"Nice aim by the way - if your purpose was to hurt me." Sammy got out of his trance and looked at me in confusion.
"What..?" This time, it was genuine confusion rather than the teasing he was consistently doing before. I kept on laughing, not realising he never heared what I said. The awkward laughter died down when I finally took the hint; I rolled my eyes.
"Way to ruin the mood." I pointed at my injured leg. "Your aim is absolutely terrible. For that, you're the one that's going to carry the first aid kit-" I instructed, grabbing the kit from beside me. "-and you'll be figuring out the map - if we ever find it."
Sammy sighed, taking the kit off of me. Once I stood up and struggled to balance myself, Sammy wrapped an arm securely around my shoulder to help me adjust my balance. I struggled to take the first few steps as I was getting used to the pain, but once we left the infirmary, I was alright to take the next steps on my own. None of us knew how many of those creatures were out there, or if it was just one - we were just preparing for whatever was bound to happen. My heart raced faster just thinking about the ink demon and the possibility he may find us; I could sense Sammy was also rather nervous. 
Eventually, we made it to heavenly toys. The both of us looked around the familiar, breathing in the revolting air - did I mention there were no windows in this place? In the middle of the room was a fountain of ink; a sign covered the top of the fountain with the words 'Heavenly Toys' written on it with the use of ink; surrounding the fountain was an abnormally large Boris plush - a similar sized Bendy plush sat not too far away from it. I had recently been inside this place so you could only imagine how weird it must've been for me to see a handful of Bendy cut-outs making an appearance here - there were hundreds of them!

My observation was interrupted by the sight of ink spreading on the walls, the little light we had dimmed darker just by the monster who was on his way.  I trembled, getting the sense of exactly who this was:
He limped slowly down the staircase. However, his pace quickened upon seeing me and Sammy. In fear, I pushed Sammy into a nearby miracle station. Because of the lack of space inside that small area, Sammy had to wrap his arms around my waist to keep the both of us safe inside the station. With the little strength I held against Sammy, I freed my arm to close the door of the miracle station. Bendy ducked down to my level; seeing the fear in my eyes through the little holes of our safe space brought him delight. Though I'd be wrong to say he despised me more than Sammy (he had never met the man so - to him - Sammy was unpredictable). It was weird considering he used to be fond of me. I'm guessing the hostile behaviour of Joey resulted in his hatred and anger towards me - I couldn't blame him for that. I shook in place; Sammy felt it. He was concerned about my behaviour and later asked me if I was okay once the ink demon left. 
"I don't think we're going to be alright for much longer..." I whispered, my voice trembling.
"Oh shh. He's gone now, isn't he?" Sammy didn't show his concern for me after asking that one question, but I could tell it was still there. He grabbed hold of my arm and briskly ran up the stairs with me following behind; none of us noticed he had left the first aid kit behind.

Nostalgia hit me upon entering the toy machine room - one happy memory entered my mind. It was one of me and Shawn Flynn...

Shawn sat on a stool, firmly holding a Bendy plush in his left hand and a brush in the other. He was concentrating on his work - painting Bendy's smile. I crept over to him quietly since I wanted to watch him without overwhelming him with my presence or something. Turns out I was a little too close as his hand swiftly moved from the plush to throw away his brush in fright.
"JESUS, (Y/N)!!" He breathed, his eyes left wide open. Soon, that expression slipped away when his eyes met the ones of a ruined Bendy plush - all of that concentration was a waste of his precious time. It bugged him as Joey would shut up about the toys being perfect, even when hardly anyone cared to buy any of the merchandise anyway - it was too pricey. "You could've warned me.! Now I have to scrap this one-"
"I'll just take it for myself." I grinned, seeing Shawn raise a brow in confusion.
"I'll keep it; It's better than wasting it anyway." He shrugged at this, handing me the ruined plush, which I later put in my bag. "I could make it up to you.."
Shawn knew I was interested in his work. He was someone I was rather close to, but I had never mentioned it previously; he was also someone who knew that I was never really passionate about my job. After all, I had originally wanted to be an animator. Anybody's work in this place was more interesting than mine. If he hadn't wanted to keep things professional, he would've let me work with him often. Joey admired his work, not mine, thus why I couldn't interfere with it
"Don't worry, you're fine-"
"Please..? Just this once? I never do anything interesting..." If simply asking wouldn't help me get my way, I decided to increase my chances by guilt tripping him. Still, what I said wasn't much of a lie to begin with.
"..Alright fine. Bear in mind that I'm not to blame if Joey catches us."
A smile entered my features - all of the happiness I had ever felt at this place couldn't compare to how happy I felt at this moment. Joey may not be nice, but his employees sure are!

Shawn allowed it - for the next couple of hours, we talked as Shawn was teaching me how to accurately paint the faces of the plushies. You'd assume it would be easy to paint faces on plushies but it requires a lot more concentration than you may think. Nevertheless, I enjoyed it! Shawn even decided to keep one of them!

I looked over at Sammy, smiling a little. He was surprised at how quickly I had calmed myself down not realising it was just the work of a fond memory of mine. He looked around the room, seeing the machine which was still activated. This meant that the shelves were already moved out of the way, providing a clear exit for us.

We opened the door to an unfamiliar room which was centred around Alice: plush toys of herself were stocked on shelves; cameras on each corner; screens showing the face of Alice and the sound of a happy song played in the background. It was all like a fever dream - like a faint memory that I still couldn't recognise. What confused me the most was the fact that here, Alice held her original voice - Susie Campbell. However, not so long ago, Allison covered the song with Alice's new voice. So why hasn't it been updated?
The music stopped; for a while, it was complete utter silence. Me and Sammy were left there, not a clue what we should do. I saw Sammy open his mouth, about to speak to me when suddenly, the lights went out. We were left in complete darkness; nothing but a familiar voice could be heard.

"My my, you two look very familiar..."

Word count: 1628 words


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