Chapter 8

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It took around half an hour, and when he finally calmed down, he wrapped his arms around me and gave me a tight squeeze. He was much calmer and we stayed in that position for quite some time, him rubbing my back. He wouldn't allow me to go until he could give me some form of gratitude.

"...Thank you..." He let out a big sigh of relief.

It had been a few days since then; me and Sammy were talking a lot more with each other - not about any issues or anything, but we were starting to get along so much more! Not only that, but things around the workplace were beginning to feel organised:
• I now had a schedule that Tom gave to me - he and I knew the times where Joey would be too occupied even think of my assistance. Instead of spending that time with the boss, I'd come visit Bendy every so often. In turn, that meant that he'd be kept quiet.
• Joey had been focusing on Susie for the past week (I haven't seen her since she and Joey organised a meeting in the office), hence the reduced workload. Allison was given extra time because of this, and used it wisely to perform her lines as best as she could; Sammy was given less songs to produce which left Jack to sit downstairs calm and unoccupied while Norman was just... Norman.
Despite the heavy weight that was lifted off of our shoulders, I couldn't help but worry so much about the one thing that saved us - Susie. The boss hadn't told me about any secret meeting they'd held and never informed me of what they were about. I hadn't seen the poor girl in a week, which was odd considering her and Joey spoke so often. Judging by all of the drama going on between them in their relationship, I never expected such a thing to happen. What bothered me was the fact that something awful could've happened to Susie. Slowly, I had seen the change in attitude from the boss and I'm afraid to admit he's been just as evil as before. From the creation of the cartoon, to a life size - not so - copy of the devil darling himself, how Joey had been treating others was merely the same as ever. Only, he'd become more strict and this manipulative side to him really started to take shape.

It happened so slowly, yet felt like a snap of a finger.

I was afraid. Although things for others were running a lot smoothly and realistic now, things became worse for me. It was normal for me to worry about others, even if I didn't particularly know the person very well - in this case, it was Susie. The thought stayed in my mind, it was a burden, but it stuck to me: Where was Susie.?
"Susie is doing just fine, (L/N). Don't fret. We've come to a certain... agreement so she's very busy right now." This was the answer I got from Joey every single time I asked. The same response, just worded differently.
"Sorry if I sound demanding, but where is she? You may not want me to bother her - and I won't - I'd just like to know." I begged, the same feeling of hope I'd always get. The boss shook his head, unsure of himself. He sighed deeply, before giving me an answer I didn't think I'd get after so many times of me nagging.
"You know just how to irritate me, Miss, and I could fire you on the spot." Joey stared into my eyes, his narrowed, giving me a nervy feeling. "But I do think of myself as a nice guy and you are helpful - the role of my assistant suits you well." 
Relief washed over me upon hearing his words. Then I realised he was going off topic, so I continued to stare, showing him that I expected a series of answers. He cracked his knuckles, seemingly going nowhere with the conversation.
"Ah well... if you must know, Susie and I have made a... deal. It must be kept secret, but I'll tell you no further than this: Susie has become one with Alice Angel."
Those words numbed my brain. His answers were never simple, and this was just the icing on the cake. It left me more quizzed than before, and it kept me quiet.
Eventually, Joey noticed my shyness and sensed I was starting to figure things out. So in an effort to leave himself from answering even more questions, he led me to the door and sent me on my way. I wasn't even sure where I was supposed to be!
"Off you go now, I have a very busy hour!" With that, the door to Mr Drew's office was slammed shut.

However, I never left that spot. The door was slammed in my face, causing me to blink out of instinct. The way he closed it was more of a slam if anything, as if I'd just been fired - that sort of thing. I'm sure everyone heard it, even if this place was enormous. I could've spent my time more wisely but instead, I stood there, eyes glued to the door despite not even paying much attention to my surroundings. I was too focused on my thoughts to even move. It was like whatever he had said was only now starting to process in my mind. Before anything clicked, I felt two hands - a heavy weight on my shoulder.
"Come on now, (Y/N)." It was Sammy speaking, he turned me away from the door with a strong force. I finally snapped out of my thoughts once I was met with the sight of his face. I blushed in embarrassment - to which Sammy never took notice of. Instead, he started to assume the worst case scenario. "Did he... fire you..?" Sammy asked, a slight tilt to his head.
"What-?" I quickly shook my head, becoming fully aware of him and my surroundings. "No! No! Not that! He's just got me confused..." I rubbed my head, feeling nervous without a clue why.
"What did he even say to you?"
"It doesn't matter..." I shook my head, knowing that the one and only Mr Drew sat at his desk from behind that door. He could just about hear anything from us right now, so I put a finger to my lips and pointed at the door. Sammy caught on rather quickly, so he grabbed my hand and walked off towards his sancuary in the music department - a far walk from Joey's office.

Sammy proped himself onto a chair, leaning his feet on the desk. Dried dirt from his boots sprinkled onto the table, but he didn't seem to care. It was rather weird - him not acting all posh like he usually does.
"How did you know I was in there?" I raised a brow, to which he copied my actions with a cocky smirk.
"You're the assistant? Are you not? It would only make sense if you were here." He stated, to which I was dumbfounded.
"Okay... Did you need something then?"
"Nope. Not really," The man started, stretching his arms out. "Something is on your mind. Tell me what he said."
Sammy demanded I spoke of this, and it was a forward request. Coming from the man, it was so weird as he usually never cared about others and had always kept to himself. Now, he seemed more open with me. I liked it at times, but not at the moment.
"It doesn't matter. Just me trying to find out about Susie again."
It made Sammy frown, remembering that name. However, I could see he was starting to get over it. Still, it never took away the feeling of grief I had for him and the girl - they had chemistry. "He said that 'she's became one with Alice Angel' and since it's coming from the boss, I don't know if I should worry or not..."
I flinched at Sammy when he patted me on the shoulder. He looked at me and sighed.
"It's Joey," he said. "Try not to be so concerned. I've worked for him for years longer than you have and I'm familiar with the way he speaks." He looked away, seemingly unsure of what he said was true. Then, he brought a smile to his features in hopes to give me reassurance whilst also trying to reassure himself in the process.

"I'm sure she's okay..."

A/N: So, hi! I'm back from weeks long of procrastination and stuff. I promise from now, I'll be back to update weekly!

Word Count: 1452 words


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