Chapter 29

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Jack shook his head at me then turned to face the creature. Creeping forward, he wrapped his hand around Charley's wrist and kept a gentle grip as he walked the clone over to me. I held out my hands to which he took hesitantly. My humble smile grew wider as I tried my best to act comfortable around him. It was painful to lie like this, but I had to give him some sort of reassurance about the situation...
"Don't worry, you're safe with me."


Mentally, I felt diseased. It was as if Susie had passed on her long reign of lies over to me. When sounding so certain of something I knew was a lie, I felt awful about the situation. It was my fault; I would be the cause of his demise and that wasn't something that I was comfortable living with. Still, the look he gave me - it was one of comfort. All of his fear washed away with my words and that caused more distress over my side. I had a clear view on what was happening and it made me so glum on the inside. 
He gently squeezed my hands and looked me in the eyes. Smiling, he nodded.
"Now, what's gotten you shaken up?" I ask, fully alert at wanting to hear his answer. Of course, he struggled with his speech too so Jack lent him his notepad. And so he wrote;
'I saw a man dragging Striker away. He glared at me - he was definitely mad.'Right away, I knew who Charley was talking about, it was fairly obvious that the man in question was none other than Sammy Lawrence. Nevertheless, I pretended not to know about his identity.
"He sounds strange. Don't worry though, like I said, you're fine. It's probably best I take you to a safer place then, huh?" Charley tilted his head in confusion at my dialogue. I didn't think he understood what I meant by 'safer place' and it was for the best he didn't. For this to work out, however, I told him that we were going to the safe house (he didn't know what or where it was anyway). To this, I earned a nod from Charley. 

As soon as we were all finished with the conversation, Jack and I led Charley down to level 9. Only then did he realise what he was about to witness. Upon seeing the sign 'She's quite a gal' Charley gritted his teeth and stared right at me. For someone so small and seemingly fragile, I didn't expect him to give me that look. Of course, I understood the anger at the betrayal - I would be angry too if someone did that to me. Though the expression surprised me, what surprised me even more was the fact that Charley tried to charge at me. This failed as Jack was the man to hold him and pull him backwards. I was only glad that this was another clone and not the Charley I met ages ago, but what almost made me doubt myself was that he had similar traits. The one thing that kept me from fully believing this idea was that he seemed unfamiliar with me when I met him earlier.
"I'm sorry..." I looked at him sympathetically. "I didn't want to do this, she made me."
For a moment, Charley looked deep in thought at the last set of words I had just said to him realising that a certain someone had said those exact words before. It was Susie who he thought of. Speaking of Susie, this whole ordeal came to her attention.
"Oh. I expected more from you, (Y/N), but I suppose one clone will do." She spoke, disappointed at the fact that I had only brought back one clone within the span of what seemed like 2 hours. I don't know, time has lost its meaning down here. "Very well, I would like you to meet me through those doors ahead preferably without your little friend."
Knowing what 'friend' she was referring to, I turned over to Jack, thanked him and bid him farewell. Before we said goodbye, he made sure to hand me Charley's wrists. I wrapped my hands firmly around both of his wrists while the door ahead opened itself. Now it was only me and Charley, along with my insane intrusive thoughts. Very distressing thoughts at that, ones that had only begun to pop into my mind since camping in the safe house.

"Much better to see you both in person. I'll admit, I almost thought you wouldn't be able to do it." Susie admitted to me once we got into the experimentation room. She walked over to a desk and fiddled with some of the spare medical equipment that was placed on top. Meanwhile, I was struggling to keep hold of Susie's little 'project' as he kept squirming under my grip. Without a word from Susie, I already knew what she wanted me to do so I dragged the Charley clone up to the table, set him there and started to strap his arms onto the table. Once I was finished, I turned around only to see Susie's face inches away from mine. Her eyes darted from me towards the clone who was now stuck onto the table. She nudged me aside and felt the rope, testing how tight it was around Charley's arm. "I must say, I'm impressed already. I'd like to keep that standard throughout the whole experiment."
The compliment I had received made me feel even more guilty by the passing second. So much so that I didn't even look anyone in the eyes anymore. What made things worse is that she carried on talking to me.

"(Y/N), be a darling and hand me the syringe over there." Susie asked, tilting her head in the direction where the table was which was to my right. As she was asking me for favours, she was also starting to struggle keeping Charley still and calm. So I listened to her command and walked over to the table, only finding that the syringe had no liquid inside.
"It's empty." I commented, the syringe held tightly in my hand.
"Exactly, that's why I need you to pour the contents inside it." She spat in an obvious tone, indicating her exact thoughts on my stupidity. "There should be a bottle of sleep medication somewhere around here, use that." 
And so to that, I scavenged around the room for this so called 'sleep medication' I was advised to look for. After about half a minute, I was able to find an unlabelled bottle of dark brown liquid. Picking it up off the bottom shelf, I turned to Susie asking if this was the right bottle; I earned a nod from her. From there, I dipped the syringe into the liquid, collected a small dose of it and pulled the syringe out of the bottle, making sure to screw the cap on securely. Then I made my way to Susie where I was given my next set of instructions.
"Good, now inject it into his bicep."
Not wanting this experience to carry on forever, I followed her instructions rather quickly but with great hesitation. The moment I injected the medicine into Charley was the moment deep fear and regret washed all over me. To this action, Charley squirmed even more, letting out a painful hiss before the noise suddenly stopped - he was asleep. Susie smirked, her eyes twitched slightly.
"Not bad." She stated, narrowing her eyes and keeping that malicious smirk of hers on her face. Then, she held out her hand to me and wriggled her fingers, asking me to hand over the syringe. I did so with so much hesitation, feeling as if this was a very bad idea to do. Her smirk told me that she was up to something. I guess I was right. "How unfortunate this will be for both of us - but I do need another thing."

She took a small step closer to me as I inched backwards. Eventually, my back hit the wall. Nervous, I gulped followed by a twitching smile. Now I was worried for myself. She came closer and closer until we were inches away from each other. She cupped her hands over my ear, making sure the syringe didn't stab me in the head and whispered over to me.
"I need you." She started to giggle uncontrollably. My adrenaline kicked in rather quickly and I used this to my advantage; I kneed her stomach while she was still close to me. This sudden attack made her drop the syringe and creep away, clutching onto her belly in discomfort. I pushed her further away which made her topple onto the floor, I paused for a moment waiting for some movement. She lifted her top half up while her bottom half remained on the floor, her neck snapped at the sudden turn of her head. Her eyes were stuck onto me. "How DARE you touch me!"
Susie hissed, leaning her arm over to the syringe that was conveniently closer to her than it was to me. I started to bolt for the door twisting the knob aggressively only to find it was jammed shut. Then, I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder which caused me to groan in agony. From the corner of my eyes, I could sense Susie's gaze and judgement. This all stuck with me until my vision started to go blurry and a loud ringing sounded in my ear. Now, I lay on the ground still awake, but not alert. While in my vegetative state, Susie used this time to start collecting some of my blood. 
I knew this wasn't over especially because of my actions which pissed her off. I may have been able to avoid Bendy, but I couldn't avoid her. Worst of all, my life could be ending right now if she gets too carried away. 

I had no hope left in myself to escape this place anymore...

Word count: 1665 words


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