Chapter 10

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Afterwards, Allison stormed off in tears while the boss kept a frantic eye on me. Joey - much like myself - was at a loss for words. This was rare for him since he'd usually be overly confident. Now, he wasn't so much. All he hoped for was to not lose any more employees overnight.

Little did we know that everything was (and has been) going downhill from here...

I took nothing more than a glance at my boss, seeing him rush outside of the room and slam the door shut. He specifically advised me not to go into that room with him - the room that Bendy had been living in for a good while now. Judging by his expression and his immediate rush to close that door, I assumed it didn't go well with them. It wasn't like I was completely oblivious as to what was going on; I could hear them from outside picking at each other - it was rather childish. However, when things escalated, it led to Joey running away from things in a panicked state. This was the usual thing for him to do; it wasn't like it was anything new.
This had only been his second meeting with Bendy since forever and both times he'd told me to stay out. I found this rather strange of him since we were aiming to keep Bendy quiet, yet, every time Joey had finished speaking to him, all Bendy does is shout. 
"Do you want me to do anything about.. that..?" I pointed at the door, where banging could be heard. Knowing Bendy and recognising his patterns in behaviour so well, I could tell something wasn't right with him ever since Joey arrived. Still, I couldn't do anything about it or I'd get fired. Since I hadn't been with Bendy for a while, I was quite nervous for our (potential) next encounter.
"Unless you want to walk around with no head." He crossed his arms. I was no stranger to this answer - it was his way of saying 'no'. I shrugged my shoulders, getting bored of always being shut out.
"Well... he's supposed to be kept a secret, isn't he?" 
"I'd rather keep my most important employee unscathed." He winked, covering the door with an old curtain we'd found a while ago - it was a poor way of keeping things hidden but somehow it worked. I completely ignored the fact that this was a compliment he gave me because I knew that he never meant it. All he wanted was to finish this conversation and walk away - which is exactly what he did.

Now, out of sight, I was beginning to ponder over my next decision: whether I should walk away and ignore all of the disturbing noises or if I should calm him down. Bendy (even though we only talked now and again) worried me with all the sounds he was making; it made me wonder what state of mind he was in. Sounds of his fist pounding at the door and him screeching began to give me a headache. Subconsciously, my arm was beginning to lift itself over to the draped curtains in front of me and tugged on them gently, forcing the curtain to fall over. Now I had noticed the decision I had made. The bashing never stopped either, even when my hand grazed over the neatly polished door handle. 
I breathed in and out, finally twisting the door handle; consequently, it shot open, almost causing me to fall over but I tried pushing the door closed using all of my strength. Little did I know, a certain someone watched from behind me; someone who was useful to the situation.
"(Y/N)?!" The voice came from none other than Sammy himself. I had no remaining energy to talk and he knew this, hence why he just shut up straight away and started to push the door shut. We both looked at each other, seeing how worried our faces looked at the moment. Sweat dripped down my forehead but he seemed completely fine. Eventually (due to both of us prying the door shut) the door closed and more banging could be heard. I panted, collapsing on the floor.
"You've been working out, haven't you?" I joked throughout my gasps for air. Sammy, being tired as well, replied to this worriedly, not in any mood to joke around. It was a question I dreaded to answer as I knew telling people - especially him - would cause major problems. Alas, I couldn't just leave him with no answer - he was shaken!
"What was that monster?!" He continued to stare at the door, still in shock.
"That..." I breathed, pointing at the door. "..was Bendy."
"Does Joey know about this?!"
"Yep, but he was the one to cause Bendy to go nuts! I only wanted to calm him down... it usually works..."
This was when I felt a hand gently touch mine. I looked up, seeing Sammy smile and offer me a hand to which I took and lifted myself up, now face to face with him.
"Thanks, Sammy... I could've died..." I was worried, latching onto him like a lost puppy. He rubbed my back in an effort to calm me down. He never liked to show it, but he was just as worried as I was - that was one quality I came to appreciate in the future.
"No problem." He let go of me and looked away. "Joey isn't keeping you busy, is he?" 
I shook my head to that question.
"Well then, would you like to spend the rest of today in the music department to calm yourself down?" He offered. When I came to think about it, it was strange for him to be so kind to me since just a couple of months ago, we never used to say a word to each other. Additionally, he'd never been this kind lately to any of his friends - whether they'd be close or not. I pushed those thoughts away for now and graciously accepted the offer.
"Oh, I'd love to! Thank you!" I smiled widely.

As Sammy had offered, I had spent all of my time up until now sitting in the music department. Though it wasn't what I had originally had in mind; instead of chatting with Sammy all day, I sat with Norman upstairs and even shared a few laughs with him now and again. Other than our very few conversations, all I did was watch him fiddle with projectors for the majority of the day. 
Once Norman left, I wanted to go home, but stayed. Strangely enough, Sammy got most of his work done during the day so he had no need to work overnight - he never left the place though - I was watching him from upstairs. He packed his equipment away and left the room, going upstairs to finally have a chat with me. 

"Are you still shaken up from what happened earlier?" The thought never bothered me much throughout the day until the incident was brought up again. It sent a shiver down my spine...
"A little bit..." I replied, rubbing my neck in discomfort. That reply caused him to keep quiet; he had to take a seat next to me to save the silence to be any more awkward than it currently was. This burning silence lasted a good few minutes of us staring at each other for an idea to pop into Sammy's mind - one that would surely put my mind at ease.
"Would you like me to teach you to play an instrument?" A smile followed that question - one coming from both of us! My eyes lit up - surprising him a little since my eyes had been dull the whole day - and I nodded eagerly, leaning over the rail that overlooked the downstairs area. The view of all the instruments in the room fuelled me with excitement! However, it was the piano that captivated my eye. Plus, I knew it was one of the instruments Sammy was best at playing so I figured it would be the easiest for him to teach.
"You don't mind?" I tilted my head slightly, smiling still. Seeing him shake his head filled me with satisfaction! Never had he asked me that! "Well then, I'd love to play the piano with you!" I stood up, waiting for him to follow behind. Out of surprise, I yelped as he grabbed my wrist, dashing all the way downstairs.

When we arrived, I sat on the stool and lifted the piano cover. I observed the different piano keys which all lined to a pattern - it made me clueless! Unbeknownst to me, Sammy crept up from behind me and pressed down on the first key to the left. I shook at the sound, as I never expected him to do that. Thankfully, he didn't notice any of that.
"That key is called an 'F' key..." He started the practice by teaching me all of the different keys and their names. Then, he explained an easier way of remembering the keys - which was a very useful tip! Once I had the confidence to name a lot of the keys with no trouble, we moved onto songs! Of course, the first was the easiest one he had ever played here at Joey Drew Studios - though it would be a lie to say I got through that one quickly. He gave me additional help by standing behind me and placing his hands over mine, guiding my fingers to play the piano correctly. My cheeks flushed red at this; it surprised me when I found out that he never noticed since his head rested right on my shoulder. He closed his eyes, smiling a bit - I even noticed a light shade of red dusted his cheeks as did mine. Needless to say, I felt so at ease that I didn't even bother to concentrate which would later bite me in the back. This moment can't last forever, unfortunately...
"Now, your turn." He instructed, letting go of my hands and stepping away from me. He walked to the front of the piano, now able to see my embarrassed, red expression.
"O-oh, yeah! One second!" I mentally panicked, my eyes quickly scanning the practice sheet in front of me. Then finally, I gathered enough courage to play. Before then, I took a few deep breaths. And so, I started 'copying' the tunes, gliding my finger over each key that was meant to be played. Now, I'd like to say I played like an angel; when really, I wasn't very good. Despite Sammy teaching me to use both hands instead of just one finger, I never used that technique. We all start somewhere, right?

I didn't think I was too bad. However, the unsure look on Sammy's face told me everything I needed to know. Once I was finished, he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly in hopes to come up with something nicer to say to me, yet, he couldn't come up with anything.
"Okay..." He sighed. "We have a lot of work to do..."

Word count: 1849 words


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