Chapter 23

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To my surprise, Susie was very well alive and moving - much more scary than ever. The woman stared daggers into my eyes, creating the feeling of guilt circulating inside of me; my mind was in agony.
'What did I do..?'

I quivered at the sight which beheld me. At the top of the stairs stood Susie, who slowly took a step down each stair as time passed by. Her pace slow and the heels of her shoes clicking on each creak on each step. Her expression was much clearer now; much rage filled her features as she glowered viciously at my twitching body. Barely able to stand properly, my left leg shifted backwards, pulling my body further away from the person I was going to encounter. I knew what I was about to foresee. I knew what to expect. The events were clear in my mind; as clear as day yet it felt so blurry as if the fog hadn't yet cleared the correct path. 
Either my prediction was correct and she was going to kill me or I'd be spared with something else in my fate. No matter the case, Susie was infuriated and her resentment grew by the second. The clock was ticking. Her eyes narrowed at me, giving me an unforgivable look which told me I had really fucked up. Simmering with anger, she took one exasperating sigh before catching up with my pace.

I was cornered.

She towered over my body, watching as every inch of me shrunk in a vast amount of dread. It only brought her amusement now that she was able to see my frightened form. Knowing what me and Sammy did to her was unforgivable at her end even though it was her who chose to make the sacrifice. It wasn't hard to see that this was indeed the reason for her annoyance. She wasn't dead at the least. No words were spoken yet I could tell everything about her.
She wasn't herself anymore. Nothing she did reminded me of Susie Campbell.
A cackle of insanity escaped her thin lips, her voice decaying in the ink she had once drowned in. Nothing about her was recognised and she preferred it that way. 
"Isn't this a sight for sore eyes?" She teased. "Now things are shifted the other way around, how unfortunate for you..." 
Smirking with delight, Susie crouched down to my level. As of now, I sat on the floor leaning my back against the wall behind me, latching onto my legs which we tucked into my chest. I looked away from her scowling gaze. 
"Why didn't you save me, (Y/N)? Why?" She repeated the question over and over again until it burned in my memory. "Do you hate me? Were you happy to leave me to rot just because I was already twisted?"
"...Piss off, Susie." I answered coldly. Having enough, I got up from the floor, glared at her and walked outside of the room. 

I admit, the torment messed with my brain but I knew that was what she was trying to do. She was surely pissed, but not too bothered about that. No, she was finding the situation useful to her as it brought up a valuable excuse to torment me instead of other creatures inside of the studio. I rolled my eyes at this. 
I was petrified. Scared as to how she'd take this response but to my surprise, it only made her laugh once more,
"Ah you're too funny, (Y/N)! So predictable..." These words caught my attention, I paused. "Remember this: you can't hide forever."
Terrified, I quickened my pace and stormed away from Susie as fast as I possibly could. To my delight, I saw an entry way as to what I had guessed was the safe house. Every thought that was processed in my brain began to mangle, the only thing on my mind now was getting to that safe house away from the woman I was once friendly with. That last set of words that came out of her mouth scarred me, knowing that her words were true and I would eventually have to face her again. Every inch of my brain was telling me to stay out of contact; stay on a low profile for a good while. Sensible, I listened.

Traumatised, I spent the next few days cooped up in the safe house. The lack of communication drove me insane and all I could do was sit still and hope for my safety to last a little longer. But I knew my time of peace was nearing an end - that scared me. The only bothered attempt to get up from my hammock was spared for the leftovers of bacon soup my coworkers had forgotten to finish eating (it's likely that the reason behind this was something to do with the harsh schedule Joey gave us which included frequent, but extremely short breaks). My second reasoning for getting up was to use the bathroom, nothing else. I couldn't even handle the thought of walking around the safe house by myself, let alone the studio! Not after that...
A notebook grabbed my attention - it was sitting at the edge of a nearby shelf. Wanting to do something productive, I picked it up and flipped to a page free of writing or scribbles. A jar of ink was also conveniently placed to the side, with a quill right next to it. So I began to write whatever was on my mind that day;
It's been lonely here. I've missed him... I wasn't expecting this much trouble to escape this place. There wouldn't have been half as much if not for the ink demon. I could never forgive him after that - I knew the death of Sammy was his doing. 
I don't understand; I don't think I ever will. Thomas was the one to lock Bendy up and for what reason? He was harmless until Joey got his pruny arse involved. In fact, he was the one who had originally told me that Bendy - because he had no soul - was numb to any sort of emotion. This statement in which I had proven to be wrong multiple times after befriending the character myself. 
I feel like I'm going through a similar situation right now,
I don't feel right.
My thoughts began to spiral out of control. I was beginning to think I was having a change in mindset. Insanity. I seemed to be losing my mind -  I knew I was losing my mind and that was a terrifying thing to process. Everyone else had already lost their touch with themselves, and now I'm losing it too. We were always cooped up in this place to the point we felt bound to be here - Henry was just lucky to leave when he had the opportunity. Now look at me, trapped in a small room with nowhere else to go.
I wish I had taken the same chance as Henry did...
I stood up.
'I have to leave. I can't stay here forever' I thought to myself, looking at the notebook I had scribbled all of my problems on. I admit, writing all of that down had taken a huge weight off of my shoulders and I now felt more ready to face the world. After all, I had been hiding in the safe house for a couple of days at the least. Determined, I chucked the notepad against the back wall and dashed for the exit. Once I got out, the door slammed shut from behind. I shrieked in fright, trying to pry the door back open but to no avail. I gave up. 'Well, I can't go back now...'
The safest place I could think of going to with avoiding Alice was to the music department, so that was my next aim.

It was silent.
And this silence only filled the ambience of ink-flooded pipes, creaky floorboards and the splashes of ink that occasionally sprinkled from the ceiling. My hands were shaking yet again, my blood pumping with so much adrenaline. Nervous, but calm. It almost seemed that I had lost connection with reality for a split moment. 

All until I heard a whimper.

I trembled at the touch of a slimy, black arm wrapping itself around my ankle. With a hasty growl, the creature tightened its grip on my leg which grew paler due to the lack of blood circulating around my ankle. Despite the urge I had to kick the familiar creature away from me and flee the place, I just couldn't move; stiff I was. In a daze, I never noticed the crowd got more populated. Once I did come back to my senses, I frantically shook my leg. To this, the creature tightened its grip once more, it kept squeezing my leg until I finally managed to pry the thing off of me. As a result, I heard a splat on the wall from a distance. 
Had I been with Sammy, I would have felt so much dejavu; all of this I had, in fact, seen before. However, the same questions rang in my head:
'What are these things?!' I asked myself. Something didn't sit right with me, there were so many! Where were they all coming from? These creatures were exactly like the ones I had previously encountered yet I still couldn't answer anything I pondered. I had met many and came to learn that some of these creatures are known by me from my past. Though it made me wonder;
'Sammy must be here; he has to be one of them...!' Although its appearance was distinctive from the human Sammy I had befriended, like many, I still believed Sammy was here somewhere. One of them came to attack once again, leaving me whimper a little scared for this outcome.
'How is this ink moving..?' All of these questions were left unanswered from ages ago but I couldn't help bringing them up again. Unlike the lost ones, the searchers didn't have legs to walk on. Perhaps it used its hands.

A hand reached out to me, revealing a sharp nail that would surely leave me with an open wound if my body would come into contact with it. Out of instinct, I grabbed onto the creature's wrist and threw it against the wall. More and more flew at me, one of them causing me to fall onto the floor at the surprise punch, to which I pushed that creature away.
To my surprise, everyone else suddenly drew back from me. It couldn't have been the shock they felt when I did fight back - they had seen that all too many times - so something had called to them; rather someone must have possessed their corrupt minds.
With my blurred vision, it was hard to make out that someone stood there, towering over my battered body. It stood out from the others; it was shown to be wearing clothing, some suspenders with black boots. The creature's face was deceptive, it being covered with a mask of some sort. With a tilted head, the creature leaned closely to my face, putting a hand on his chin in thought.
"How odd... this all seems familiar to me."

Word count: 1885 words


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