Chapter 16

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All of this was strange to me. Just moments ago, Sammy was enthused to have seen Susie, now he wants nothing to do with her. The mere thought of her drove him absolutely crazy - and not in a good way. Susie did not exceed Sammy's expectations from this point onwards.
She wasn't the same anymore...

We had gathered everything possible to keep us safe, finally realising we had left one relatively important thing behind - the first aid kit. None of us knew where we'd previously left or dropped it so retracing our steps to find it would be pointless - the kit was probably gone by now. Although she tried, Susie was no help. Beginning to stress, we all tried to look around for at least a spare kit around the area. Of course there wasn't anything useful so we gave up in the end.
By now, we had entered a dark room. In the centre was a small stage, with what was presumably statues of ink creatures (either that, or these beings had a talent for staying still and quiet). We observed the area as lights suddenly turned on, displaying the statues which now looked to be worshipping a statue of Bendy. Unfortunately, our observations were paused by a sudden laughter interrupting our thoughts. 
This strange voice sounded croaky and raspy, yet seemed awfully familiar in a sense. A quizzed Sammy engaged in the conversation, wondering what or who the voice came from - a question we all wanted to know. Strangely enough, it seemed as though Susie already knew the answer to this question and wanted to get as far away from the noise as possible. Mid conversation, the both of us felt a finger grace our lips - it was Susie trying to hush us and it sure worked! She kept an ear out, trying her best to sense where the noise was coming from. Soon, her finger parted from our lips and made its way to our hands. After tightly grabbing our wrists, she began to drag us back towards the lift. Before we left the room, I caught a glimpse of what seemed to be the character I met earlier, Charley. I only hoped that this time it was the one I met and not some other random clone. 
Once back at the elevator, Susie decided to express her opinion about this creature;
"I hate those things..." Hearing the sound of pure hatred and disgust over a beloved character was surprising coming from Susie - a girl who loved almost everything in this world. Perhaps she used to be so positive because her life seemed to be going her way; the sudden replacement completely ruined her! Sammy, surprisingly quite slow, had something click in his mind.
"Wait... there's more of them?!" He asked, shocked. I wanted to slap my own forehead; Susie on the other hand, didn't care about Sammy's stupidity.
"Oh there's hundreds of him alone." She gestured towards Charley, who was now limping slowly across the end of the corridor from left to right. All of us peeked our heads from behind Susie, wanting to know what on earth the creature was doing. Only now had I noticed that he was also deformed. Perhaps the reason the Charley I had befriended never dared to come out because he was scared of ending up the same way as the others - distorted. 
I tilted my head at the scene before us:
Charley stood dead in his tracks, before slowly turning around. What he must've saw clearly frightened the living daylights out of him! He jumped high, his limbs detached themselves from his body, flailing frantically before he suddenly perished in plain sight. The three of us - clearly confused and disturbed - looked at each other for confirmation of what we had just witnessed. Then, once we looked back, we noticed that our surroundings began to dim and ink hugged the walls, making its way closer to us. What I saw (even though I knew what was coming) made my blood run cold.

At the end of the corridor, stood the ink demon.

He was smart; he knew exactly where all of us were hiding. His head peeked from the wall, mimicking our actions, though he did add a little wave. Seeing our reactions was priceless to him. Bendy had the option to kill all of us right then and there, but the only person he was after was Susie and that led to confusion from my end. I noticed him pay closer attention to her than anyone else, and I narrowed my eyes at that. With pride, he limped towards us. Our first instinct was to take a few steps back. Sammy and I looked for a way out of this, a smirk erupting from Sammy as he noticed the elevator was a great source of freedom at the moment. Sammy slammed onto the button so hard that it managed to break which made me want to kill him. 
"Shit." Was all he could say right now, the sweat visibly dripping down his forehead.
My head turned over so that I could catch a glimpse of Susie, who was currently wanting to die inside. As much as she tried to remain calm, she couldn't manage to do so and eventually, we all noticed her ink dripping down her forehead. She sighed, smiling sadly at us. She knew exactly what she had to do and she gestured us back against the wall. Not knowing what else to do nor what was about to happen, we obeyed. When she didn't follow us I began to question what was happening. By now, the ink demon grew close. Susie yelled and pointed in the demon's direction:
"RUN!!" My eyes grew wide but before I could do anything about the situation, I saw the ink demon pounce at Susie. Sammy grabbed hold of my shirt and dragged me away, tears spilling down his features as did mine. We had only just found Susie again; we latched onto hope that she was still alive and we were right! That hope soon left us upon seeing what Bendy did to he with out very own eyes. She may have lost everything now, but never the love for her friends - a love so strong she was willing to sacrifice herself for us...

Everything went down in slow-motion. The sheer amount of misery we both felt towards her sacrifice was honestly too much to comprehend. I could barely feel my legs and I was basically being dragged away. Sammy (although he could feel his legs) felt even more pain than I did! Having considered Susie a very close friend; what made this even worse for him is that he used to picture them as something more than platonic. Ultimately, that never seemed to work out for them...
We ran and never seemed to stop, passing through the library just itching to find the correct books to pull out of the shelves just so that we could open the door. Once it had finally opened, we ran once more, almost falling to our deaths (which, at the moment, did seem like a bad choice). Out of instinct, I lifted my arm and held it in front of Sammy to make sure he wouldn't fall. Luck seemed to be on our side this time and none of us got hurt. We took a break from running, our breaths were rapid and heavy, while looking at each other for the support that we lacked. Bendy was finished with his little chasing game for tonight, so that was something less troubling. The only problem was that it took the sacrifice of a close friend for him to finally calm down. It worried me - what would happen if our only resort was a sacrifice later in the future?
"There's no coming back from that now is there...?" Sammy looked to the ground - so many feet below us that it wasn't visible to the naked eye. He pondered for a moment, recollecting everything that had just occurred beforehand. These events scarred him for life, knowing that everything he had just witnessed was not a lie and his former best friend was dead...

At least, she has to be..! Bendy killed her, right..?

A/N: I won't repeat myself again but my update schedule is fucked. So don't expect a regular updating schedule, I'll update whenever I feel like it. Love you!

Word count: 1404 words


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