Chapter 30

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 Now, I lay on the ground still awake, but not alert. While in my vegetative state, Susie used this time to start collecting some of my blood.
I knew this wasn't over especially because of my actions which pissed her off. I may have been able to avoid Bendy, but I couldn't avoid her. Worst of all, my life could be ending right now if she gets too carried away.

I had no hope left in myself to escape this place anymore...

A/N: Ok, we're starting off with a (kind of) gore scene so like, heads up idk:

This whole scenario carried on for god knows how long until I heard Susie yell in pain - some sharp object had scratched against her arm, leaving an open wound in the process. This all happened while she was right next to me, injecting the syringe into my arm to sample more of my blood. Fortunately for me, a sudden pain in her tricep had also caused her to flinch and rip the syringe out of my arm, followed by the leakage of blood that poured out from where the syringe once was. Despite how much pain I was in, knowing I was being saved right at this moment made me smile weakly.
What made me even more relieved was because this person was someone I had missed. I was sure as hell mad at him for leaving me with her but at least he was my saving grace right now. Susie whipped her head around to look at the guy and finding out it was Sammy made her ink boil. 
"WHY MUST YOU ALWAYS RUIN EVERYTHING?!" She growled at him, clearly annoyed. Although nobody could see, Sammy smirked with delight at her words; her anger was what brought him amusement. Oh how guilty he felt for leaving me with that witch.
"Y-you b-brought this on yourself..." I muttered, the pain was what caused me to quiet down to the point that nobody actually even heard what I said. Thankfully they didn't because of this, otherwise Susie would've probably just finished me on the spot.
Having little to no time, Susie tried getting herself up. She balled her fist - obviously trying to strike with the arm that hadn't been cut. Unfortunately for her, this was her weaker arm. Almost punching Sammy in the face, his reflexes kicked in and he covered Susie's fist with his hand. Now that Susie was much more vulnerable in the fight, Sammy squeezed tightly onto her closed hand which made Susie squirm in pain. Her squirming was what made the pain worse, as her nails dug further and further into her own skin - and she had sharp nails. This caused a river of ink to spill down her arm. Sammy pulled her arm down, her face now being inches away from his, he whispered some words that I wasn't able to catch onto before he let go of Susie's hand and kicked her stomach. Her body lay on the floor, Sammy's foot keeping her still. This reminded me of my last encounter with him - one that he didn't even know about. However one thing was different this time. Instead of using some sort of weapon to finally kill her off, he used his bare hands to finish the job for himself. Kicking and punching her numerous times, even after she lost consciousness. All until her face was busted enough that pools of her ink poured out of it. 

The (kind of) gore scene has ended now: 

After finding out that Susie was dead, Sammy's eyes landed back onto my body. He propped my body against the wall, sitting me up and looking into my fearful eyes. He was in a trail of thought for a couple of seconds, seemingly in a trance before he finally nodded at me, moving away. Finding a syringe on the floor, he picked it up, looking at the red substance which filled half of the syringe. Wondering what to do with it he looked at me, deciding against injecting the blood back into my arm just in case the syringe had some ink inside it somehow. Instead, he searched around the place looking for something to disinfect the syringe after he poured the blood out of it. After disinfecting the syringe, he looked to the side, spotting a certain sleep medication. I observed him as he gathered a very small amount of the substance into the syringe and made his way up to me. Before injecting me, he quickly put a plaster over my arm which Susie had used to sample my blood so many times. Soon enough, I began to lose consciousness.
"Sweet dreams, my little sheep. Your pain won't last much longer - I'm here now..." He hummed, watching my eyes roll softly shut before I fell properly asleep.

A melody sounded from nearby, and my tired aching body tossed and turned endlessly searching for some kind of comfort on the hard mattress I slept on. The pillow my head rested on was as firm as solid rocks and my body failed to sink into the mattress comfortably. A strum of what sounded like a banjo that was seemingly off tune woke my tired eyes. All this time, I had been half asleep and hearing the horrible sounding music was finally getting to me. 
I sat up, pressing my back onto the wall of the bed as I looked around the room. It was all too familiar: a Bendy clock ticking away by the door, underneath that was a bin;  to the left was a large chest most likely filled to the brim with leftovers or bacon soup, above this was a hammock - one that was occupied. Again, the occupant of the hammock had his legs propped up against the wall, as he lay there lazily. It was someone I knew - an inky man dressed in suspenders who covered his face with a Bendy mask. To my delight (but also to my dismay) it was Sammy.
Speaking of the man, he felt eyes on him so he stopped strumming the banjo to take a look at me. Embarrassed, he got up and placed the banjo to one side before walking up to the bed I sat on and took a seat there himself. He stretched his legs outwards before relaxing them, then he spoke to me.
"Sorry you had to hear that horribly tuned banjo." He apologised sympathetically, even though I wasn't all too annoyed.
"It's fine..." I looked at my hands which were placed on the bed, not really wanting to face Sammy but also feeling the urge to just hug him then and there. However, I ignored my urges and continued to focus on my hands. "It doesn't bother me too much - you saved me again, remember?"
Seeing me not concentrate my eyes onto him, Sammy let out an audible reply. Then I was left to talk once more.
"Yeah... thanks for that." I smiled a little.
"This must be the tenth time that I've had to end up looking after you because of your foolish stunts." Sammy joked. Although he didn't show it, he enjoyed the time he had with me because it had made him regain a lot of his memory back - there was another underlying reason as to why he craved my company so often. I may have taken the joke too seriously and found myself rather embarrassed by my lack of power in the studio. I was barely able to fend for myself!
"Sorry about that. I don't know why I can't just save myself sometimes. I even struggle to manage myself doing simple tasks in this stupid building..." I rolled my eyes at myself.
"I don't mind too much. I mean, this whole thing is my fault. I was adamant to keep you away from the ink demon and was so blind that I failed to realise the second danger in the studio," Sammy fiddled with his fingers, now nervously awaiting my reply.
"It's happened now. And hey, at least we get more time with each other before I'm finally able to leave this place." For a while now, I've doubted my chances of escape so many times that I've started to believe I would never ever leave - I would end up dying probably by the ink demon and end up just like Sammy. I would never get any peace. I hugged my legs closer to my chest and tried shifting myself slightly further away from Sammy. This made him feel confused.

"Something is bothering you, I can tell." He muttered with uncertainty. "Alright, what's wrong?"
"I don't know what to think of you, Sammy." With these words, my heart began to pick up the pace. "W-what were you doing with that clone..? I saw you knock Edgar out and drag him away - why did you do that..?!"
My breath was shaky, and so was my voice. This was when Sammy knew he'd fucked up somehow. Never had he sensed my presence as I watched him drag that clone away the other night and it had nothing to do with me, yet he still felt bad. He didn't exactly know why it was my business but even so, that never changed anything. He took a deep breath, the told me.
"It's complicated-" 
"It's not like I'm going anywhere - explain."

Word count: 1558 words


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