Chapter 6

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"Allison." She smiled at him, seeing as he wasn't in a great mood.
"Sammy." He huffed, tapping the cigar, seeming more entertained in watching the ashes fall to the ground. Perhaps it was Susie that brought him down. Me and Sammy aren't even close yet he isn't as close to how he usually acts with me, even when I was the new face around here.
I'm sure they'd get along eventually.!

A couple of days went by, and on one particular morning, Susie was finally present. I didn't understand why she was there... Joey had told her about Allison, hadn't he? He must've. Either that or Susie had the past 3 days off - which was weird for Joey to let her do that.
It was me and Joey who sat in the office; Sammy was showing Allison her lines for the new episode while we had scrapped the original voice for Alice, Susie. Speaking of which, it was then that she barged into the office, tears streaming down her face as if she'd been heartbroken - I wasn't wrong about that. Susie was feeling a mixture of emotions and I could only give her pity. Had I known that Joey was such a cruel man, I would've stuck up for her. Unfortunately, I didn't exactly know what was going on myself.
Judging by the smug look on his face, I couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking. I was beginning to second guess the man I thought I had known well; he was taking pride in this... He thought it was some kind of funny joke to push Susie's buttons! Was he a sadist!?
"What's the matter, Susie?" Joey asked calmly, acting as if he were innocent. He straightened his back and onto the back of his chair, clasping his hands over the desk. I could only watch this happen from afar, from behind the man himself - that's where I stood.
"You know what you did, Joseph! You thought this would be funny, hmm? That it would bring you immense pleasure to watch my dreams get crushed.?" The boss cringed at the name Susie had called him - it was his birth name and he sure hated it. Nevertheless, he didn't do anything about it; he was more entertained watching Susie tell him off.
"Oh Susie, I completely forgot to mention about Allison... I'm so sorry-"
"NO YOU'RE NOT!!" Susie interrupted.
"I truly am. In fact, why don't I schedule a better time to discuss this with ya Susie. I can even make it up to you with a big opportunity. You'll just have to hear me out!" Joey's grin never went away, even when he 'apologised'. I'm sure Susie knew that this was fake, I only wish the best for her now. This opportunity was one that Joey had mentioned a couple of times, and I was terrified...
"I just might be there." She huffed, storming out of the office.

Joey stood next to me, an arm wrapped around my shoulder. He was showing me his newly finished project - The Ink Machine. We stood downstairs and at the moment, saw nothing but chains dangling from the ceiling and into a closed off entrance underground. Upstairs, Wally and Thomas were both trying to activate the machine. Thomas was in charge of pulling it up to the second floor by placing a few dry cells into another machine while Wally was left to place the donated objects onto pedestals in the break room. Joey looked at my face (seeing as I'd looked intrigued right now) and grinned back at me.
"You'll love it, (Y/N)!" Joey ensured. It was then that we heard a click, and the noisy sound of chains caught me off guard. Thomas had activated the lift for the ink machine. I watched in awe as the project came into view. It was much bigger than I had expected. The machine was massive, shaped like a box. Pipes overlapped it and cogwheels (big and small) were visible. To word it better, the machine looked quirky.
I couldn't help but ask what its purpose was...
"Hmm?" Joey broke out his trance when I started to speak.
"What's it for? Surely something as fascinating and as big as this can't only be used for endless ink supply!" I complemented, repeating the question.
"I'm sure you thought I was out of my mind a few months ago when I took you to Bendy Land. Bringing the characters to life was just an idiom to make things sound more interesting. What we're really doing is using the machine to mould a life-size Bendy, Boris and Alice. The excess ink is just there in case of any... issues."
After finishing his sentence, a puff of smoke emerged from the machinery, as clanking and bashing could be heard from inside. Wally had just activated the machine.

I coughed, unprepared for the smoke to come in my direction while Joey closed his nose with his fingers. He laughed to my surprise and couldn't bring himself to stop.
"Everything okay down there?" Thomas asked, peeking his head from over the mezzanine.
I didn't word a response, waiting for the smoke to clear a little more, but gave a thumbs up to signal my approval. The only thing I could make out from him was the smirk that he gave before he leaned back once again. Joey looked at me.
"Are you ready for our first test?"  This caught me off guard, as I only expected to be shown the machine and go home, not stay for any longer.
"Wait, now?!" I watched Joey  give an abrupt nod. "I guess so..." I mumbled a response.

And so, the test began.

I fiddled with the bracelet I wore while I sat awkwardly with Thomas. He and I rarely talked so being here with him was weird. It was surprising to hear him wanting to talk with me in private. Apparently, it was for something important. However, when I got there, nobody spoke. In an effort to break the silence, I asked a simple question:
"So why am I here exactly?" 
Almost immediately, Tom responded. "We have a slight issue-" 
I could hear a quiet murmur echoing from afar, a - sort of - painful groan. Me and Tom paid close attention to it, him sensing I got the gist of the problem. He continued:

"-Over there." He pointed in the direction I faced. "I think you know what we're dealing with..."

Word count: 1069 words


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