Chapter 28

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'Yeah, you tend to forget after a while. You're alone for so long you've lost track of time then suddenly you don't even remember your own name! Now I've met you, the cycle has reset for me.'
I didn't know whether he was giving me a thank you or not. Then again, I suppose this interaction we shared cured his loneliness. Luckily for him, this wasn't the last of me that he was going to see. I planned to make a deal, one like I did with the butcher gang a while back.
"That's good, maybe you won't ever have to forget. I don't want to be rude, but I'd like your help with something..."

Jack tilted his head at my comment, urging me to share more about this favour of mine.
"It's Susie-" I paused, wondering if he remembered her name properly. In case he didn't, I 'corrected' myself. "-Alice. We've made a deal and I'm supposed to help her..."
I paused again; Jack shifted uncomfortably at the mention of her name. He knew she meant trouble and that he shouldn't even be near her in this place yet he couldn't help but wander around every once in a while. Jack had witnessed for himself what she had done - well, not her experiments but he knew she liked using others for her personal gain just like another close friend of his. At this point, I figured that he would want to back away from me and leave but to my surprise, he waved his hand motioning me to carry on.
"Basically, she needs a few more 'clones' I guess you could say. It's not for any good - but I don't exactly have a choice in the matter, Sammy just dumped me here saying that she should keep me safe." 
Again, Jack quivered in fear. Another name he recognised was brought into the matter - Sammy. I hadn't exactly believed the words of the man in the first place but it was too late to turn back now. Even though Jack wasn't there when Sammy had brought me over here, he knew exactly why I was struggling so much. Everything confused him especially my statement that 'Sammy just dumped me here'. Jack knew what Sammy was capable of so why didn't he get rid of me? When I spoke again, that's what brought the creature back to his senses.
"I haven't been able to find anyone here. Could you help me find at least one person?" I asked, sweating uncontrollably, a sheepish smile across my features. He made me feel so nervous - it was as if he knew something I didn't. He had the upper hand here anyway; he could easily call this off and leave me or just lure me away from everything and everyone. 
To my surprise, it was a nod from him. 
'The reason you haven't seen anyone is because they know what you're up to - they hear everything.' Jack ripped out the paper and handed it over to me. I frowned at the upcoming information. 
'So I figured.' I thought to myself.

Shyly, Jacks hand reached out to hold mine as he struggled to pull me away from the room we were currently located at. My feet swayed forwards and the silence became no more; a rhythmic pattern of my shoes from step to step, along with the sound of Jacks thick ink dragging across the wooden floorboards. He led me back to the lift as he pondered which floor to go on. Whilst he was fidgeting with his fingers trying to come up with some sort of idea where the others could be hiding, a thump sounded from below us. Jack looked over to me, hoping that I knew what floor the sound came from. For all we know, it could be one of the clones.
My best bet was that the sound was coming from the level below us, Level P. I briskly nudged Jack away from the selection of buttons and I rapidly spammed my finger on the correct button. The cage swiftly slammed shut, creating the echoed noise of loud metal. Then, as the elevator began dragging us downward, a voice erupted from the speakers above. You could only guess who that was:
"I hadn't noticed you made a little friend. If you're planning on bringing that thing anywhere near me, it's not what I'm after." Susie informed me before the speaker shut off again. I ignored her as I knew what I was doing anyway. I looked over to Jack, whose body was straightened - as stiff as a statue. The familiar voice that had just spoke caused him much terror as he soon shivered uncontrollably. I furrowed my brows at this but had no more time to speak. The elevator stopped; the cage opened itself.

Upon stepping out of the cage - holding tightly onto Jack's hand as I did so - I looked at the shadow which cast over the yellow ray of light on the wall. It was a muscular, taller figure paired with a smaller and petite figure. The taller one threatened the smaller one like a predator to its prey. The height and strength difference surely created a sense of power within the predator, whose prey shrieked in fright. My eyes shot wider as my pupils shrank in horror.
Letting go of Jack's hand, I rushed over to the end of the corridor, peaking my head over the wall to behold a sight I would never want to revert back to. The taller man was none other than Sammy, whose whole personality seemed to have disappeared as he stood before the cowering clone of Edgar. He stood there, his posture fixed, his stance was proud as his ink covered boot held the clone onto the floor. Sammy crouched so that his mask was closer to the traumatised face of Edgar. His mask lifted revealing a face that I failed to actually see as I was behind them. 
"Now if you hadn't struggled so much this could've been so much easier for the both of us." He said aggressively, which later changed to him chuckling. "Oh well, it's time to bid farewell, my little sheep."
After that statement, he pulled his mask back over his face. Petrified, the creature struggled against Sammy's firm grip - one of Sammy's hands pressed the clone's weak frame onto the floor. Despite the advantage that Edgar had with 6 limbs, he was still unable to escape his grasp. Soon, Sammy's chuckles turned into something more sinister. As the screams got louder, the quiet chuckles shifted to a maniacal laughter. The gent pipe that Sammy held tightly onto was raised until he slashed it against Edgar's cheek, creating a scar that leaked with ink.
"Sweet dreams." Sammy's laughter died down as he soon relaxed himself. Once fully calm, he stood up, picking up the now unconscious Edgar and carrying him over his shoulders. Then, he trudged away in the opposite direction of me, distancing himself with each step he took. Before he disappeared completely, my idiotic self decided to follow him from behind. 

I breathed, blinking my eyes a few times before I took my first step. 

I was safe; I took my second step forward.

About to take a third step forward, a voice called, stopping me from doing so.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you - it wouldn't be a pretty sight for sore eyes."
For once, Susie was actually right. For the first time, she actually helped me from possibly witnessing another traumatic thing in my life. I would've given her my gratitude if she hadn't been a bitch to me this whole time. I stood still and stiff for a while, trying to process everything that had happened since I reached this level of the building. 
I grew scared - scared of Sammy!
'Now I know why he wanted me gone...' I crossed my arms as my fingers picked onto my sleeves, almost forgetting that I still had a bandage on one of my arms. My mind blurred and my sight started to dim; my heart race grew faster and wouldn't stop. It thumped quicker, quicker and quicker until I felt a tug on my leg. Looking down, it was Jack who pointed a finger in the direction ahead of me. There, stood another clone. This time, it was Charley who stood before me, more than worried.

I softened my look upon seeing his own expression and smiled warmly at him. Falling to my knees, I motioned him to come over to which he only flinched further backwards. It was then I registered why he was acting like this - he was scared of me. Of course it made sense, everyone knew what I was up to; everyone knew I was after clones to bring to Susie. I shook my head, disappointed at the interaction. Only now did I realise how much I'd regret my actions. I didn't want to hurt the poor thing! 
I looked at Jack for some reassurance. At least he sympathised with me. He knew why this tore me; it was a hard thing to do for sure. If I forget about the deal, I would surely be dead within a few minutes but if I continue on it would make me a killer. I don't want someone else's blood (or in this case, Ink) on my hands nor did I want to partake in this in such a twisted and demented way. I had no choice in the matter if my aim was to leave this place.
Jack shook his head at me then turned to face the creature. Creeping forward, he wrapped his hand around Charley's wrist and kept a gentle grip as he walked the clone over to me. I held out my hands to which he took hesitantly. My humble smile grew wider as I tried my best to act comfortable around him. It was painful to lie like this, but I had to give him some sort of reassurance about the situation...
"Don't worry, you're safe with me." 

Word count: 1678 words


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