Chapter 17

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"There's no coming back from that now is there...?" Sammy looked to the ground - so many feet below us that it wasn't visible to the naked eye. He pondered for a moment, recollecting everything that had just occurred beforehand. These events scarred him for life, knowing that everything he had just witnessed was not a lie and his former best friend was dead...

At least, she has to be..! Bendy killed her, right..?

When the two of us finally calmed down, we investigated our surroundings. It was all so impossible!! None of us could even comprehend how someone could build something like this; not to mention the fact that there was a dark abyss right below us. The only things keeping us stable were a couple of planks and further ahead there looked to be some sort of contraption to get us from one side to another - a small wooden box if I'm not mistaken. I'd be surprised if one of us makes it out alive. As hesitant as we were, there was not much of a choice. It really left me confused as I've had to travel back and forth to Joey's office everyday and this room had managed to change in a matter of a couple of hours. Obviously this wasn't something someone had just built here. Whatever this place was, it surely left us both quizzed. 
Despite the vast amount of room we had, both Sammy and I felt it would be a smarter idea to stick to the wall. None of us were even going to risk going near the edge until we needed to. By now, we had made it to a firm surface. Upon the first step onto the solid surface, I was deluged with relief. Taking a huge sigh, I looked at the two machines in front of me: one looked to be a small slot machine while the other... I didn't quite know what it was. A lever was attached to it, with a long wire running across our side to the other side to bring the bridge back and forth. Only, the machine looked deactivated - it was missing a gear!
While my eyes locked onto this bigger machine, Sammy's were peeking at the slot machine. He looked at the side of it; a selection of items were said to be created with the machine, all it needed was a little bit of ink.
"Do you know where we can find a cog?" I asked, seeing Sammy pointing at the other machine from the corner of my eye. He crouched down to the machine's level and stroked his chin.
"No, but I reckon we could make one. Come here." He gestured for me to stand beside him - which I later did. I squinted my eyes, my expression similar to Sammy's from when he was looking at the machine. "I'm guessing we should look down there, in a strange place I have never been in before." Sammy proceeded to say, a hint of sarcasm to his joke. He grinned.
"Yes, yes. Very ideal, Samuel." I replied, ruffling his hair before walking away. Following behind me was a confused Sammy, whose eyes were focusing in on everything apart from my silhouette. He kept quiet, not knowing what to say about what had just happened. Usually, this wouldn't be a big deal for many people, but for Sammy it was a huge deal. It confused him even more at the fact that he actually liked that pat on the head - although it wasn't much - he hated physical touch.
Anyway, at the end of the corridor was an open contraption spilling ink from top to bottom. Weirdly enough, there were lit candles surrounding it, implying that someone had been here recently. Pipes covered the walls behind the contraption and one had a valve attached to it. Out of curiosity, I rushed over and turned the valve. As a result, we heard a groan from underneath us and a creature suddenly formed out of the ink. Though I had seen many of these blank creatures, this one had an odd-looking lump on its back. Sammy caught onto that pretty quickly and ripped it off of the creature's back, his tongue sticking out in disgust. To this, the creature cowered in fear, disappearing back into the ink once more. 
'That was easier than I thought...'
We both walked back to the slot machine, placed the ink blob down and activated the machine. We had second-guessed ourselves when ink spat out of the machine, but calmed down when it later formed into a cogwheel that was conveniently the correct size. I picked it up from the ground and fitted it between the other cogwheels at the side of the machine. Afterwards, I pulled the lever, watching as the bridge started moving back in our direction. 
I was incredibly nervous. My heart was beating so rapidly that I felt like an explosion was due; I could hear my heart thumping and my breath quickening the closer the bridge got to us. I'm sure Sammy was just as nervous, if not, more. On queue, the bridge stopped. By the looks of things, it looked extremely unstable. So much - in fact - that I felt like it wouldn't be able to handle our weight. Not to mention that it was tiny.
'Never mind, I'll live. I probably won't even be able to fit in it - it looks like something built for toddlers.'
I mentally cheered, but spoke too soon. As I took the first step on the bridge, I felt it shake a little bit. Once the wobbling stopped, I placed the second foot on the bridge. Now that I had my full weight on the bridge, I felt it wobble uncontrollably - much worse than last time! I squeaked, grabbing onto the rope that connected the bridge to the top wire. My cheeks flushed red in embarrassment; I never knew I could make such an ear-piercing noise. When the wobbling calmed down, I sat down which made things ten times better for me. Looking back, I saw Sammy smirk, before waving me off. Confused, I watched him pull the lever down. My eyes widened, as I saw Sammy further and further away. The reason I freaked out so much was because I hadn't calmed down from stepping foot on the thing. The bridge stopped on the other side, so I got off, watching as it made its way back to Sammy. I didn't look nearly as pathetic as I thought I had looked since Sammy was now the one freaking out. Half way to my side, I saw the bridge stop, hearing a crackle come from above Sammy. His expression was unrecognisable and I had thought he was about to fall for his death - as I could've done back there. Thankfully, it was another false alarm and we both survived.

Eventually, we were walking down a narrow path. This corridor had damp, inky floorboards and holes through every inch of the walls. For a minute, I felt extremely weak and began to totter around. Sammy noticed this and hoped for an answer as to what was wrong, but nothing came out of my mouth - I didn't even notice he was still with me. I began to hallucinate and grabbed onto the walls for support; however, a hand reached out, causing me to tumble away in fright. I breathed heavily, seeing more and more arms reach for mine from inside the walls. What felt absurdly real turned out to be nothing but a 'small' hallucination. Once everything around me calmed down, my blurred vision was finally starting to return to its normal state, hence why I could now cling onto Sammy for support; he worriedly asked:
"Are you alright?!"
Slowly but surely, I picked myself back onto two feet and started to walk once again as if nothing had ever happened. I came to my senses and understood exactly what was going on - I was going crazy! So I kept my reply as honest as possible without trying to sound too insane.
"The sooner we get out of here, the better... This studio is driving me nuts!" I joked, sweat dripping intensely down my forehead. Sammy, knowing better than believing that this was nothing to worry about, decided it was best not to talk about it and play along.
"Tell me about it." He rolled his eyes.

Word count: 1404 words


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