Chapter 32

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The Ink Demon and I shared a long gaze. I hadn't noticed that Sammy had crawled away in this moment as my eyes were latched onto the ink demon.

He didn't try anything - that's what confused me....

Before I had a chance to get any words out, Sammy ran towards the ink demon (now with an axe in his hand) and pierced it through the demon's torso. Sammy dropped the axe, grabbed my hand and made a run for it. We kept running for so long until we made it back to the music department. There, I only pondered for longer.
'Why isn't Bendy hostile towards me..?'


I panted, gripping onto my knees in agony. Tired, I groaned and looked back at Sammy, he turned back to me.
"Is he gone now?" I asked, hoping for a positive answer and for this to all be over. Luck was on my side as he nodded, taking in a big sigh of relief. I smiled slightly, proud that we were yet again able to make another escape. Maybe the ink demon isn't as tough as everyone says he is - then again, you should never doubt the ink demon. Still, I couldn't escape that one thought about Bendy out of my mind.
'Why did he pause when he looked at me?'
Perhaps he'd properly taken in my appearance, having some sort of flashback from the past to remember me by. After all, I was a common visitor for him - it would be logical to remember a face like mine since that was practically the only face he'd ever see when he was locked up. Maybe he just doesn't know what to do with me: whether he should be angry at me for not letting him out of that room; if he should be forgiving since I had been the only one to socialise with him in a kind manner. I could only hope it was the second choice that he'd pick in the end. The only explanation for him not causing me harm was  because of that. He knew exactly who I was, I was sure of it.
It seemed that Sammy had the same thing on his mind, as he asked the same question:
"That was rather strange don't you think? The way he just stood there, staring at you like that..." Sammy stroked his chin, deep in thought as I shrugged my shoulders for a reply. Then, he stretched his arms in the air, yawning. "Well, that didn't work."
"No shit." I replied, rolling my eyes.
"The only other option I can really think of doing is sacrificing a human. That would make more sense, since it would be like switching roles. The human would most likely turn into something like me and I'd turn back human again." Sammy pondered, myself agreeing with his idea. The main problem here was that there wasn't another human in the place except from me. Either way, he had already sacrificed so much for me and I was willing to do the same for him, so I put up the offer to which he quickly declined. "No, no, no! Not you. It's you who I want to leave this place with. There's a slim chance that somebody else is here though."
"Alright," I agreed. "But if we end up finding nobody, I will sacrifice myself for you."
Sammy put his hands up in defence, seeing how determined I was to help him turn human once more. He was grateful I was willing to sacrifice myself just for him to become normal again and escape this place, his cheeks grew rosy. Not really believing that things could ever resort to that, he ended the discussion.
"Very well then, you win if that happens."

Eventually (after an hour of looking around) we looped back to the music department, the both of us so tired we were close to passing out on the floor. Once we got there, however, fate decided against this. Instead of much needed rest, a familiar worker stood upstairs by the projector - Norman Polk. Gosh, he looked so different.
You could tell that he was doing so much better in life just by looking at his features. What once appeared to be bags under his eyes, a face full of acne and overall the dead look he gave was now a face almost clear of acne, eye bags that had disappeared and he looked very much present in the moment! He looked so healthy and his posture changed entirely! I admit, I was rather jealous.
It made me think - 'How long have I been here for?!'
I had originally given it the thought that I had been here for a month or two but upon seeing Norman again and seeing the drastic changes in his appearance, I thought otherwise. Goosebumps had risen up my arm and my hair turned frizzy. Giving it another thought, I shivered. There was a chance he may not recognise me.
Then again, does it matter? It's likely that Sammy would make him the next sacrifice without giving it a second thought or a single fuck about who this person was to him. Although not really close, they did work together. I'm sure Sammy had some recall to who he was.

"Norman." Sammy muttered under his breath. It seemed I was right, Sammy knew exactly who he was. Still, that didn't change his mind on the sacrifice. He looked at me, seeing me freaking out. Then I felt his hand gently rub my shoulder in an effort to calm me down as much as he could. "He'd make a perfect sacrifice."
Not once did I ever agree with his statements, but I did have to go along with them.
We studied Norman for a while, and for a good 5 minutes he was glued to his old projector. It was slightly awkward having to hear him talking to himself about his fond and not so fond memories of working at Joey Drew Studios - heck, even Sammy was mentioned a couple of times. The mentions of his own name was enough to make him annoyed as he'd mostly talk about Sammy in a degrading way - that really got on his nerves. 
I watched from below, still unnoticed by Norman as Sammy crept away. Unfortunately for the both of us, Sammy stepped on a loose plank, causing it to make a noise. This alerted Norman, he panicked and looked down below, seeing my wide-eyed expression look him in the eyes, nervous as hell. Sammy was only lucky enough to creep away in time. I knew what he was going to do so I decided to stall Norman by waving at him. He tilted his head.
"(Y/N)? Is that you?" He asked, narrowing his eyes and furrowing his brows in confusion. Giving him the silent treatment, I nodded barely even moving my head. "It's been so many years! How on earth are you still-" 
Norman got cut off by a wack in the head. Sammy used a loose plank and smacked it across the back of Norman's head, causing him to fall to the ground. I didn't even pay attention to what happened afterwards...

'So many years...?!'

'It can't be..! That can't be true....'

'Is it..?'

My body shook from head to toe, my heart picked up the pace. I tried so hard to dismiss what I just heard but no matter how much I tried, I couldn't. That was the answer to my question: I had been stuck down here for years. It wasn't the answer I was hoping for but it was the answer.
My question is how? How was I able to survive years here?
"(Y/N)? Are you there?" Sammy cut off my trail of thoughts once more, earning my attention. Once he saw I looked attentive and back into reality, he informed me that it was time to go and carry out a second sacrifice. I could only hope that this one would turn out well, even though my doubts were starting to kick in...

When we got to that room again I began to grow nervous once more. The same scene, same surroundings but this time, replaced with someone different - that someone was Norman. My throat tightened at the familiar fright I felt towards this place. To think that only a few hours ago we were sacrificing someone else, getting chased by the ink demon and having to come up with a new plan was strange. Unnoticed by myself, I started fiddling my fingers with the urge to find a distraction. This was all too familiar and I just wanted to go away. The worst part was that I knew I just couldn't do that. 
Again, we walked out of the room. This time, Norman hadn't woken up so instead of Sammy revealing himself (even though it was likely he wouldn't get recognised) he used the microphone to speak to Norman. That was what woke him up. 
They shared a quick chat that I never bothered listening to since I was way too distracted from my thoughts from the last time I was here. My mind travelled back to the ink demon and the many reasons for what made him so calm towards me. I bounced my leg up and down frantically, shaking in my seat. The thought that I'd have to see that demon again had just crossed my mind which was far from pleasant.

'What if he'll be different this time?'

'What if he doesn't show any mercy and decides to hurt me..?'

'Will I die?!'

My thoughts were screaming at me each passing second. That was before I heard the ritual begin and Sammy started singing the same old song he sang last time we were here. This was bringing back too many memories from what happened a couple of hours ago. Maybe I was overreacting, maybe I wasn't but what I knew for sure was that I sure as hell ain't dying today!
Only time will tell...

Word count: 1650 words


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