Chapter 24

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With my blurred vision, it was hard to make out that someone stood there, towering over my battered body. It stood out from the others; it was shown to be wearing clothing, some suspenders with black boots. The creature's face was deceptive, it being covered with a mask of some sort. With a tilted head, the creature leaned closely to my face, putting a hand on his chin in thought.
"How odd... this all seems familiar to me."

Strangely enough, it was his voice that brought a sense of familiarity to me. A voice so guttural and breathy, one so appealing to hear at this moment - it brought me comfort knowing exactly who this was, Sammy.
Although I knew it was him, I knew straight away that he could not recognise me. This disheartened me a bit, but I was able to recover knowing that the man had just gone through a death experience. His human body had decayed and Sammy's soul was somehow transported into the inky creature that stood before me. It was a little creepy - his stance - and the way his tone of voice changed was rather unnerving to me. It was definitely Sammy, I knew that, but he didn't seem himself. Like Susie, he was lacking a small part of himself - his memories were foggy. This made me tremble as I couldn't possibly imagine what would happen next. 
He examined my frail body, his eyes piercing at my many cuts and bruises formed from the past. How I was bandaged up at the arm, the bandages having many holes and was worn out despite the fact that I had not long changed them. It must've come with the decay of the studio I was in. He crouched down, grabbing my arm as a sudden movement, I yelped at the unexpected pain I felt, but I was more focused on him than anything - and he seemed focused on me. Much closer now, I could make out a faint glow of yellow behind the mask of what seemed to be Bendy. The more I fixated on the glow, the less dizzy and faint I felt and I regained my vision. I just looked at his eyes. He still had a delicate grip on my arm, unwrapping the bandages to see a huge series of scratches and bruises down my forearm. Immediately upon seeing this, he made sure to wrap the bandage back around my arm, not wanting any ink to get into the open wounds. 
What kept me in a daze was the fact that he was not hostile towards me even though he seemed to have drastically changed. I was not recognised but I guess it was his confusion that kept me alive. 
Unnoticed by me, he stood up and shook his head, shaking off any thoughts that brought him to ponder much more about my being.
"Get up, you look pathetic." He rolled his eyes at my still state. 
As much as these insults should offend me, they brought a smile to my features. Classic Sammy, always finding amusement to the constant slanders he would bicker towards the other employees at work hours. I did as he said and tried my best to stand up, my legs were a little wobbly at first. Now standing straight, he took my hand in his and led me to the infirmary.

I was sat on the bed while he scavenged around for the first aid kit, trashing the place even more in the process. I could've let him know that we had taken it and lost it, but him pacing around the place just to find it was too amusing to take my eyes off of. So I just watched. Sammy gripped onto the sides of his head in distress, leaving a string of ink between his head and fingers once he let go.
"It seems some idiot has lost it." He commented, not realising that the idiot he was referring to was himself. I snickered at his obliviousness towards his insult, which cast a ray of confusion at his end. "And what brings your amusement?"
"Nothing..." I shyly stated, a hue of red dusting my cheeks in embarassment.
"We'll have to compromise." Ignoring my response, he said this to no one in particular; his eyes checking the room once more. Sammy's eyes fixated on me, then shifted towards the chest of drawers next to the infirmary bed. It brought him to annoyance upon finding all drawers empty. Then he checked under the bed, where a couple of wet towels and some gauze swabs were kept hidden. Smiling to himself, he pulled out the spare box of gauze swabs (the alternative to bandages) and sat down onto the bed. None of us understood why gauze was in the infirmary but then again, everything was scattered around the place.
"Why are you helping me?" I asked, a bit confused about the situation.
"I don't really know." He replied, giving little to no explanation at the question I had asked. I knew it was a lie - he knew why he made this decision but I wasn't in the mood to push him into answering my question just in case he would leave me again. Even though he acted a bit different than the Sammy I knew, I was happy to be able to at least see him again. 
He concentrated on fixing my arm, unravelling the bandages off to reveal my open wound. Luckily, no ink had gotten into my blood despite Sammy being made of ink himself; he was quite delicate when it came to treating my wound. Some time had passed since I experienced the falls that gave me these wounds, but little to no healing progress was made which caused a frown on my face. Sammy grabbed some gauze out of the box. Using some scissors that was left on top of the drawers to cut the gauze swabs, making sure that it matched a size bigger than my wound. Then, to help it stick to my arm, he used some sellotape that was conveniently placed next to the scissors. Afterwards, he chucked the dirty bandage away.

Now it was continued eye contact.

"Thank you." I spoke awkwardly, hoping to earn some sort of response from him. Luckily, I did receive something on his end. But it was no 'you're welcome'.
"Tell me first, how did you end up with those wounds?" He wondered, staring back at my arm. I didn't understand him; how he found my cuts and bruises from the place so interesting. Nevertheless, I huffed, giving him an honest recall to the past. 
"Well... you don't get any peace down here. Not even 5 minutes after getting trapped in here with some guy and we encounter searchers. There were also many times after that, either more strange creatures like yourself or just tripping and tumbling all over the place." 
"Strange' hmm..? I guess I am quite strange aren't I?" He replied to my intake, not seeming quite bothered by what information I gave him - boring him.
"There was also Susie." That, he took note in. He perked up, his eyes darting from my arm to my face. "Or as I prefer to call her - an absolute wanker."
He seemed to chuckle at my choice of vocabulary, but still not understanding exactly who I was referring to. Despite this, he let me carry on with my rant.
"You've probably met her, looks a lot like Alice Angel just with some... drawbacks, I guess you could say. She didn't cause any physical harm to me, but she does scare me to death."
"Oh?" He said, intrigued. Sammy felt like he knew where I was coming from, recognising the name Susie but still couldn't place a finger on it. His head pounded suddenly, recalling some memories of the woman in question. "I think I know her."

Finally done with one question, we moved onto another.
"Now tell me, who exactly are you..?" He asked, more interested with this question in mind. My reaction was being studied by him and needless to say, I was uncomfortable with the rising question.
"Uh..." I stuttered nervously, shifting back a little. "I-I'm (Y/N). I used to work here..." I simply replied, not knowing how to properly approach the question. It was likely he wanted more clarification, more depth into who I was but I never gave it. Instead, he moved onto a different question, rather disappointed with my direct answer and the information it lacked.
"You mentioned someone other than yourself earlier, who exactly were you referring to?"
This question made me quite nervous. I knew I would have to answer it honestly, despite the fact that he may not believe it himself. He already had a lot on his mind, so to answer this question it would be a burden. Still, I couldn't keep him from the truth.

"Well, to put it plainly - you."

Word count: 1503 words


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