Chapter 12

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"We're in danger, Sammy... We need to go... Bendy's free and who knows what he could do..!" Sammy looked at my state and listened closely to my words. He nodded, not even questioning anything before grabbing my hand and rushing upstairs.

I hadn't known how long we were down there for, but it certainly wasn't too long. Already, the place was dark and dingy, Ink spread on the walls where one peculiar sentence was formed:

Sammy looked at the writing, then at me. Fear washed all over me in a matter of seconds upon seeing the state of this floor - it looked like it had been left abandoned for years! No one was in sight which was a good sign, so I inhaled sharply, relieved that nobody could potentially die from the wrath of Bendy. Sammy squeezed my hand tightly without even realising it, as if he were using it as a coping mechanism for our current situation.
"He's been here, hasn't he?" Asked Sammy, to which I could only nod in agreement. This brought me and him worried and we could do nothing but rush upstairs to see everyone standing outside. We ran out of the music department and up countless flights of stairs until we made it to the final set of stairs.

It was blocked off.

Determined, my fingers gripped onto the heavy furniture that was blocking the way and I tried pulling on them to get them off. It was no use, even when Sammy tried doing the same. I squinted my eyes at the welcoming light the top floor gave off until suddenly all electricity shut off and ink came flooding down the stairwell, getting all over me and Sammy. He grabbed onto my shirt, dragging me away from the ink before I could inhale it. We both breathed heavily after running back down all of those stairs. It never stopped there though - more ink flooded the floors, providing no way of exit. Nearby was a room that we could take shelter inside, so we ran there.
Quickly, we shut the door behind us and breathed heavily. Giving ourselves time to recollect out thoughts, I looked around the room we had stumbled into - it was a junk room with shelves on the walls. Everything from this room had been removed apart from a few chairs and some coffins leaning against the walls which was strange. I let go of the door and walked over to them, opening one of the coffins. 
Of course, it was empty.
I shook my head, 'No way could he ever kill someone...'
Relief washed over me before remembering what had just happened with the stairwell. I could only cry over the fact that our only escape was blocked off by not only heavy furniture that would take time to remove, but ink that could easily suck us in and drown us. I had a feeling this all had to do with Bendy. While our boss (the cause of this situation) potentially roamed free in the open world, me and Sammy were both stuck down in this hell. I haven't had a breath of fresh air since yesterday morning - over a day ago! 
"Shit... shit... SHIT!! We're stuck down here!!" I panicked, my hands shaking as my body trembled in fear. Sammy rushed over to my side, seeing me scared for our lives and started to worry for the both of us. His words never calmed me and I don't think they were supposed to.
"I bet Joey's having a blast..." He mumbled, narrowing his eyes before coughing and starting over. "I'm sure there's another way... Isn't there a lift here somewhere?" 
"There is, but the highest floor it leads to is level K..." I tried calming myself down, but to no avail. My thoughts changed from thinking about the lift, trying to remember about any potential exits Joey had talked about in the past. That's when something came to mind. As a result, my face lit up - Sammy noticed this change pretty quickly.
"What?" He questioned, smiling a little at the change in my mood.
"I remember Joey showing me a map of secret passage ways to different exits!" I blabbered onwards. "-But it's all the way in his office. Considering the size of this place, it should take us about 20 minutes to get there; it'll be a piece of cake!"
"That's good enough for me - we have a good couple of weeks before we can starve to death anyway." He joked, making me chuckle in response.
"Better hurry then." I nudged his side before walking away from him, watching him follow me a tad slower from behind.

Sammy never got over how quick and bizarre my mood swings got and never got used to them - it was funny to see his reaction though. To everyone else, he seemed knowledgeable about everything - a smart aleck; to me, he seemed exactly like a clueless puppy. Something to laugh at if we weren't in our current situation.
We never talked much after that - our expressions were emotionless. Sammy's was more or less creepy and mine just seemed normal. I found that to be unique about him - he seemed scarier than Bendy at the moment. Anyway, we were walking through the music department when suddenly a groan was heard in the distance. Sammy and I could only express great concern about that - especially me, I was shot with worry as my head turned to look behind me.
'I'm sure I got everyone out...'
I grew suspicious of the groan as I remember walking all around the studio to warn everyone about the 'fire'. Maybe they were in the bathroom? Or maybe they were too idiotic to listen like someone I know...
Me and Sammy exchanged glances before rushing towards the music room, both of us preparing for whatever was due. We opened the door slowly and our heads peaked out from behind (Sammy's above mine) only to find nobody there. In response to the silence, the door opened even more until it was wide enough for us to walk inside the room. I walked to the crowd of chairs located in the centre of the room and took a peek around the place - nothing in sight. Still suspicious, I eyed Sammy, hoping for him to have a comment on the situation. Luckily, he did.
"Whoever it is, you lost your chance of escape. I have more important things to do then deal with your bullshit." Sammy scoffed, crossing his arms with attitude. I could only laugh at his childish behaviour. To this, Sammy shrugged me off.
Shortly, my laughter died off when another groan could be heard - one from behind me. My neck clicked with the brisk turn of my head. Standing behind me was something that wasn't the easiest to describe. Ink covered the whole being and it looked to be around 2 feet tall; its mouth was agape and its hands looked similar to a human's; the creature was rather slim and had a hunched back. It very well resembled many human features which conjured an unnerving thought into my head.
'It can't be...' I tilted my head at the sight of it. Months ago, Joey had fired countless employees; I was starting to fear that this was one of the employees that was 'fired'. If it were true then Susie must still be here... The thought was irrational so I shook it off.

I noticed its movements and saw it dive right at me, swinging its arms back and forth to try and hurt me. It did hurt; it hurt like a bitch. Sammy's eyes grew wider each second as he sprinted out of my sight. The thought that he was selfish and left me here to die was not what I needed at the moment so I shook it off, wanting to get this thing off of my leg. I tried to kick it off with my other foot that wasn't strangled - a vain attempt to save myself when Sammy was the one to grab hold of his violin and wack the sucker out of it. The creature howled in pain before disintegrating into the ground. Sammy looked at his violin that had broken out of impact and sighed, leaning a hand on his forehead.
"Well that's going to cost me..." He sighed, chucking the violin onto the ground behind him. The impact caused an earsplitting noise to erupt out of the instrument.
"I'm fine, thanks for asking." I huffed, still sitting on the ground as not only did that violin hit the creature, but it bruised my leg too. I lifted a hand, waiting for him to take it and help me off the ground - he later did this after seeing my state.

''-it'll  be a piece of cake!' She thought.'

"I don't think that'll be our only problem." Sammy stated, lifting me off the ground. He looked at my leg and sighed in disappointment. He never knew that he had hit me that hard until he saw me struggle to walk properly. Then the guilt slipped in...
"I would go elsewhere but first, we need to get you some bandages."

Word count: 1527 words


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