Chapter 11

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I didn't think I was too bad. However, the unsure look on Sammy's face told me everything I needed to know. Once I was finished, he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly in hopes to come up with something nicer to say to me, yet, he couldn't come up with anything.
"Okay..." He sighed. "We have a lot of work to do..."


As you could've imagined, the rest of the night was spent with Sammy and I playing piano - so much until it even made us lose track of time and forget where we were. A few minutes before the clocks chimed at 7AM, me and Sammy passed out next to the piano. All of the fellows working in the music department stormed into the room, seeing the both of us asleep. Our backs leaned against the wall whilst my head leaned on Sammy's shoulder; he had an arm wrapped around his legs and the other secured around me to make the position comfortable. 
If this was some romantic film then you'd expect the others to make a big deal out of us two positioned like that. In reality, no one cared that much. They just stood above us, acknowledging and watching us for a few seconds before heading to their designated areas of the department. They were also quite thankful to have a little break since the head of the department was asleep.
"They sure had a peaceful night..!" Norman scoffed, jealous of us two and how we seemed to be sleeping so calmly and comfortably.
"Insomnia, am I right?" Jack nudged him with a smirk before walking away to grab himself some morning coffee.

What was believed by the others to be a nice, comfortable nap was really just an assumption - it was far from that. Our position was uncomfortable, there was no warmth and I could barely get any rest as it is before our boss - 'high and mighty' Mr Drew - came barging in to wake us up. All morning, he'd told us he spent it sitting in his office waiting for me to show up. It was believed up to a point, there was no way he was waiting patiently for 3 hours straight! Anyway, Joey was cross with us because of this at first and he raised a brow.
"You stayed here all night?" He looked at us, expecting a nod. "Even when I told you two that you could have a break?" We nodded again, keeping our expression plain and watching him become even more confused than before. Even though we said we'd stayed overnight and forgot about resting, Joey kept us awake for sure - this did not go well for any of us...
Especially since we'll be visiting 'Bendy's Prison' once again!

With that, we left Sammy to do his own thing and adjust his eyes while Joey and I walked further down into the studio. When we got to the door, Joey and I exchanged nervous glances at each other. Nothing could be heard from the other end so either he was sleeping or he knew we were coming and was keeping himself quiet.
Once that second thought came to my mind, I couldn't help but feel fear wash all over my very being, so much that I trembled, swallowing my own words in the making. Joey couldn't help but wonder why I was acting like this.
"Is everything alright, (Y/N)?" He asked, seemingly concerned. With a shaky sigh, I replied with approval and looked back at the door.
"I don't know why, but I feel extremely nervous all of a sudden..." To this, Joey paused, unsure whether he should ignore my ramble and open the door or listen to me for a second. He picked the least logical option.
"I don't think it's safe to go in there right now..." I worried, seeing him step closer to the door. I was so tempted to just give in and tell him about last night's tragedy, but that would surely get both me and Sammy fired. How did I know this? Allison and Tom got fired for a similar reason. 
"He's awfully quiet... I'm sure he knows we're here..." I kept nagging Joey to get away from the door but he kept ignoring me. Instead, he was getting even closer to the door which left me to panic - none of this was logical! My own boss (the one said to know everything about this place) is being an idiot and putting us all in danger.

The door opened with a creak...

The room was dark and empty...

Nothing was heard - not even a breath...

Suddenly, Joey got pushed aside as Bendy rushed out of the room, growling and grunting. I couldn't move an inch and thought he may come to get me which left me terrified. The ink demon stared at me, shook his head and ran off. Joey got up, holding his head in pain, feeling the blood drip down his face.
"YOU'RE BLEEDING?!" I yelled in a panicked state.
"I know, I know... It doesn't matter about me, just run! Go and alert the others! Make sure no one's left behind!!" Joey groaned in pain, feeling the nail that had stabbed through his head as he landed on the floor seconds before. He paid no attention to that and looked worriedly at me as I was never hesitant to run off and save as many people as I could. I was quite smart and knew how Bendy would react with me, but I didn't have a clue on how he was going to react to the others. I was scared he may harm them - then I'd consider him the monster.
This would be the last bit of advice I would take from such a terrible boss like Joey - run. I rushed over to the crowded areas of the studio to make sure I got the lot out of the place. Starting with the art department, I shook everyone from their places and dared not to tell them the real truth. I was to tell them that Joey had needed them outside right away and that a fire was taking place.
"I see no fire." Abby told me, to which I gave out a nervous reply. 
"Yes, but that's because it's on the opposite side of the studio... You need to hurry!" Abby found this suspicious but listened anyway since I was Joey's assistant. She knew this would be no trickery.
As soon as I said that sentence, I ran off to the Animation department since they were pretty close. I warned everyone from there to take their most valuable belongings and leave. (Normally, you wouldn't bother taking your things if there'd be a fire but there was no fire and we were broke - I did them a favour). They listened without questioning me about anything and ran immediately. Then I went to the story department, went to warn Grant and Toby until finally making my way to the music department. Wally was the first to pass by, so I told him. He was exactly like Abby and questioned me on this but I warned him that it was not a drill. I rushed into the music room only to find nobody there - all except for Norman upstairs so I yelled over to him. He grabbed his projector and dashed outside. Starting to worry because I couldn't find Sammy, I checked everywhere around me including his office, his sanctuary and the whole floor. 

My blood ran cold as I ran downstairs to see Jack Fain writing on his desk fiddling with his pen. He seemed so calm it was only sad that I'd have to ruin his peacefulness. Jack smelt my fear pretty quickly so he rushed to my side.
"You alright?" He worriedly asked me.
"No I am not alright! You need to leave this place right now!! There's a fire upstairs and it's spreading pretty quickly! I can't find Sammy anywhere!!!" Water spilled from my sockets as I carried on with my speech. Jack remained calm, knowing it was the best thing to do in a situation like this. He patted my shoulder.
"Hey, hey, calm down." He hugged me tightly, rubbing my back. "Sammy's just at the other end of the corridor. Want me to come with you?"
I let go of the hug.
"Oh thank you, but you really need to leave... thanks again!" I smiled wiping a tear away as he smiled back and waved, running upstairs. My mind flooded with determination as I stayed strong and ran towards the back end of the corridor where Sammy was spotted reciting words under his breath. He already looked disturbed, pacing around the room like a madman.
"Sammy!!" I ran to hug him, leaving him no time to react before my mood changed once again. "We're in danger, Sammy... We need to go... Bendy's free and who knows what he could do..!" Sammy looked at my state and listened closely to my words. He nodded, not even questioning anything before grabbing my hand and rushing upstairs. 

I hadn't known how long we were down there for, but it certainly wasn't too long. Already, the place was dark and dingy, Ink spread on the walls where one peculiar sentence was formed:

Word count: 1542 words


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