Chapter 31

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"Something is bothering you, I can tell."
He muttered with uncertainty. "Alright, what's wrong?"
"I don't know what to think of you, Sammy." With these words, my heart began to pick up the pace. "W-what were you doing with that clone..? I saw you knock Edgar out and drag him away - why did you do that..?!"
My breath was shaky, and so was my voice. This was when Sammy knew he'd fucked up somehow. Never had he sensed my presence as I watched him drag that clone away the other night and it had nothing to do with me, yet he still felt bad. He didn't exactly know why it was my business but even so, that never changed anything. He took a deep breath, the told me.
"It's complicated-"
"It's not like I'm going anywhere - explain."


There was a long pause between me and him after his explanation - he left me puzzled for the next couple of minutes. His explanation was complex as he said, but to put it shortly he told me that he took Edgar away to sacrifice him. Except, he wasn't able to carry out the sacrifice as Jack went up and told him that I was in danger. I was grateful for that; for the fact that he paused what terrible thing he was going to do just to help me. Unfortunately, he left the clone for so long that it'd managed to escape without anyone noticing. I would've been relieved about this if he hadn't told me the reason behind these sacrifices. 
Around the studio, I grew to notice that the number of messages on the walls was increasing dramatically. Obviously, not all of these were written by Sammy but some of them were. For example, he believed that the ink demon was somehow going to set him free. I never asked him how and why he believed this - he just did. According to him, if he sacrifices someone to the ink demon, he has a chance of turning back to his normal human self again.
When I asked him why he wanted to become human again (aside from the part where he'd actually look normal), the reply he gave was something I didn't expect. Although, it was something I wanted to hear. 
"I've had the desire to leave this place for a long time. I guess you were the one to really push me to try - it would be nicer to escape this place with you."
It brought a smile to my features, though it did confuse me. I understood that his memories were coming back but even so, he still didn't know me as well as his past self did. Then again, we may have grown closer since the incident of his 'death' - which is weird to say - but that could be an explanation of things. 
"What if it doesn't work?" I doubted Sammy's choice in actions for a moment, getting a sense he was being too illogical. I knew he was already turning insane but I believed that this wasn't coming from 'him being insane' if you get the gist. Thinking about this again, if it's possible to turn a human into an immortal ink creature then there's a possibility to reverse things.
"Then we compromise. As long as you make your escape then I will feel just as happy as I would if we both make it out together."

So to set this in motion, we left the safe house (after eating and regaining energy) and began the search for another ink creature. Now that a certain angel is gone, it made things so much easier to wander around the place freely - free from her annoying comments that she made from time to time, free from her threats and it made things a lot safer. What we had initially failed to realise is that now that Susie's dead, the ink demon was more likely to roam around the place. One danger was gone, but it just made the other more threatening.
Nothing had changed; no one could be found wandering around anywhere. It got frustrating but I knew they were only straying away from the light because they all knew their lives were in danger. Even though the woman who had originally forced me to be on the lookout for these creatures, I was still feared upon. Nobody trusted me and I guess those were for rightful reasons.
"Still no sight of anything then, hmm?" I asked Sammy who I had only just met back up with after being separated for the last 15 minutes. He nodded at me, sighing in what I could only assume was due to annoyance. I felt the exact same way.
"Figured. I've known the place to be quiet but it seems too quiet. You seem really moody but don't worry, I am-" I paused at the feeling of a finger on my lips, shushing me politely. Sammy listened out for a repeat of the noise he had just heard, thinking that maybe someone or something had made an appearance somewhere nearby. It could've just been a false call, but he needed to know what the noise was anyway. His eyes scanned around the room we were in, locking onto the sight of a tiny arm which had peeked itself through the doorway. 
Silently, he crept over to the figure. The tiny unknown creature cowered over seeing a larger silhouette tower above itself. Knowing what was about to come, it braced itself for the harsh impact of a gent pipe which Sammy had used to knock it out. I narrowed my eyes upon seeing the clone being dragged out into the limelight. It wasn't surprising to find out that this clone was none other than the one Sammy had complications with before rescuing me. 
"Let's hope this is a good enough sacrifice. The pathetic creature had it coming ever since he'd escaped." Sammy muttered the last part, half hoping that I didn't hear it. I did. I just didn't comment on it.

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