Chapter 14

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The music stopped; for a while, it was complete utter silence. Me and Sammy were left there, not a clue what we should do. I saw Sammy open his mouth, about to speak to me when suddenly, the lights went out. We were left in complete darkness; nothing but a familiar voice could be heard.
"My my, you two look very familiar..."

It sounded like an old friend of ours, looming above; it was the bittersweet voice that called us - it was someone we knew and missed dearly...
Susie Campbell.
"Don't be shy, I don't bite." She giggled immaturely. The situation was way different in her perspective - the person I knew was slowly fading away and I could tell just by her first two sentences. 'Where on earth has she been this whole time!?'
"Not far. In fact, I've been stuck in this place for a very long time..." Her voice appeared quieter than she was moments ago, as all of the past memories came flooding in. She was forgetting - and she knew it. She feared she'd soon forget about who she was. Susie was beginning to lose her mind, just like Sammy had. However, her mood quickly changed. "Why don't you two come visit me! I'm not far, just keep walking and- oh! I advise you take the Angel path, Bendy's not so friendly..." She trailed, shutting her microphone off.
Soon enough, the lights turned back on with a flicker. Me and Sammy were more than confused, but our moods changed brighter at the thought of seeing our old friend again! I raised a brow to one of the last things Susie mentioned - to take the angel path. I was sure I'd soon find out but something like that made me wonder how much work Joey had put into this restricted area. Perhaps this was some other plan of his to keep the franchise going once he found out toys weren't selling, episodes weren't attracting many even with the amount of effort we'd put into them. All of this effort, just to get kicked out of your own studio; it was sad.

Anyway, we walked through the now opened passage located on the far right of the room, which was blocked off just seconds ago. After walking through a short corridor full of turns, we finally came to a stop, where we were greeted by two signs for two different exits. Like she said, there was an angel path and a demon path. By the looks of it, the demon path is flooded with ink, causing my instincts to make me gravitate towards the right. We took her advice. Upon walking into the angel path (with a couple of posters greeting us) we heard a slam. Looking back, I could only imagine it was nothing to worry about. 
The room was rather dusty and looked like it had not been walked in for a good while. To our left, there were drawers and to our right was a big, plush couch - a narrow gap left between the two pieces of furniture. The eyes of an Alice Angel cut-out stared us down, leaving us both the feeling of discomfort. I knew we were being watched - the thought of it being Susie calmed me down a bit. The audio log on the couch captured Sammy's attention, so he squeezed onto the Alice plush to catch my attention. Then, he clicked the 'play' button, and the talking began.


Voice of


Everything feels like it's coming apart.

When I walked into the recording booth today, Sammy was there with that... Allison.

Apparently, I didn't get the memo. Alice Angel will now be voiced by Miss Allison Pendle.

A part of me died when he said that.

There's gotta be a way to fix this!

Immediately, guilt started slipping in. I don't know why it made me feel this way, but the news to her was harsh. Not even I understood what made Joey think it would be a good idea to replace Susie with another voice actor. I could understand if Susie wasn't very good at her role, but she smashed it! She loved her role as Alice Angel! It became her entire life! To her, it was a dream come true! For some reason, Joey felt the need to hire Allison Pendle. I do like her, but Susie's certainly better at playing Alice than anyone else can ever be - and she's used to the role.
I looked over Sammy, only to see that he was in thought. Without a word, he stormed out of the room causing me to follow him closely from behind. I could tell he was mad, but I couldn't blame him; If anything, I was furious at the incident. Nothing stopped me from remembering back, finding that it was Joey who came to me with the suggestion to replace Susie. I was never keen on the idea and I knew it would hurt Susie but disagreeing with him was pointless. It made me wonder what was the point of my insight if he'd always take my words with a grain of salt?

While walking at a faster pace than usual to catch up with Sammy, my eyes glued to the floor. The only 'joy' that there was at the moment was watching my shoes moving forwards and backwards as I quickened my pace. He later stopped, looking forward to a door that was closed off - only a power box was visible by the door. Wires dangled from the bottom of it leading to each end of the room: one close; one afar. Sammy took the easy route, leaving me to travel down a long hallway - it wasn't new. 
At the end of the corridor was where the lever was. If anything, it was the poster that captured my interest. A shadow was seen on the poster, indicating that there was something behind it. However, the figure didn't look big at all so the thought of this potentially being a child scarred me...
I took a deep breath before lifting one corner of the poster slightly upwards. Through this, I saw a glimmer through the black eyes that stared right inside my soul - which wasn't natural. I thought it may just be the lighting, but the shade and texture of the skin I saw spoke enough for me to know this was not a human. Despite me staring at this creature for a while, it never moved so I was brought to think it was friendly. So, with that knowledge, I peeled the poster off of the wall, to where a short, human-like creature was visible (I called it human-like because of its actions - it wasn't hostile and was rather calm). Its interest in me died down a few moments later as it turned its elongated head to stare back at the wall in front of him.
This character was recognisable - it shared a similar appearance to Charley - one of the butcher gang members. However, a few realistic features made him appear more interesting, like his eyes for instance - they weren't pie-cut and the detail (even though barely visible) was cool!
Without a word, I offered a hand to the creature. He stared at it for a while and smiled - it was adorable! However, he shook his head, deciding that remaining hidden was the best option for him at the moment. He took my hand, shaking it politely before pointing at the poster I had chucked on the floor recently. 
"Oh right..." I chuckled, keeping my voice quiet so that Sammy wouldn't hear. I winked at the creature before sticking the poster back onto the wall, leaving no hint that the creature was there - even the shadow disappeared. From afar, Sammy peeked his head out from the corner of the wall, seeing me staring at the poster.
"Are you going to touch the lever or stare at that stupid poster all day?" He asked, clearly bored and impatient. I couldn't blame him though, it wasn't like he knew anything about what I had just experienced.
"Calm down, you grump." I rolled my eyes before doing as I was originally instructed. The sound of the door opening was heard, soon followed by me and Sammy running towards the noise. We fled the room and were soon greeted by the dark aura of level k.

Immediately, Sammy and I knew who this was - Bendy. Luckily, we were upstairs and the ink demon was lurking downstairs, so that gave me and Sammy enough time to hide before Bendy would eventually disappear. Surprisingly, it was rather easy. Afterwards, a voice was heard on the speaker.
"No need to worry, he's gone now. Just take the lift, I'll meet you on level 9." Susie, this time, sounded very calm and peaceful. At the moment, her voice was all I needed to hear to be reminded that there was some peace at this place. Not long after calming down, we did what was told: step inside the lift and press the button to take us to level 9.

Once the lift was about to land, I caught the view of a woman sitting on the railing in front of us. Her hands gripped the railing, her fingers gently tapping it with the sound of her humming voice from time to time. The woman's head bopped with the rhythm of her taps and hums, as she sang a calming song - it was welcoming. The sound of the lift was enough to lift her back onto her feet and the gate of the lift opened to reveal a sight that was breathtaking.
I knew who this was, and she looked beautiful...
She almost fully replicated Alice Angel, if it wasn't for the left side of her face being deformed. The whole thing worried me even though she was breathtakingly beautiful - it gave me the answer as to what happened while we all thought Susie was gone. I didn't like it one bit. Although she looked completely fine and happy, something was telling me that Susie wasn't doing so well - and not just by looking at her face. It sounds cruel, but I believe this wasn't some 'experiment gone wrong' type of thing; I felt like it was something much more sinister that happened to Susie.
Seeing us brought her so much delight, and she couldn't help but welcome us with open arms...
"I've missed you two so much..!" 

A/N: Sorry for the lack of updates. I keep meaning to give myself a schedule but as you can tell, I never stick to it. Thanks for being patient! :)

Word count: 1768 words


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