Chapter 33

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I heard the ritual began and Sammy started singing the same old song he sang last time we were here. This was bringing back too many memories from what happened a couple of hours ago. Maybe I was overreacting, maybe I wasn't but what I knew for sure was that I sure as hell ain't dying today!
Only time will tell...


"Sheep, sheep, sheep, it's time for sleep.
Rest your head. It's time for bed.
In the morning, you may wake.
Or in the morning, you'll be dead."

He chanted menacingly, hiding a stifled chuckle under his breath. Him starting the ritual was what alerted me to listen in to what he was saying even though it was the same old speech.
"Hear me Bendy! Arise from the darkness! Arise and claim my offering!"
Once again, the ground began to shake making the pleas from Norman barely audible. My eyes widened, peeking through the door and focusing at how panicked and wary he looked. I felt awful leaving my co-worker to die to the ink demon. What if this wouldn't work? Normans sacrifice would have contributed to nothing and I would feel even worse than I already do now. 
I knew how I felt about Sammy - that's why I was allowing him to do such a thing. I have been stuck down here for years (that's what I've heard) so if I'm leaving it's with him. Sammy had given me the same feelings around a year before the whole chaos happened: the way he'd give me butterflies every time he walked into the room; he's always give me the special treatment, treating me way different from everyone else and we both just adored each other. It wasn't too hard to tell that he felt the same way towards me. At least, I was pretty sure he did anyway.
I was doing this for him. I loved him too much for me to decide to want to do this for any other reason.
"I summon you, Ink Demon! Show your face and take this tender sheep!"

The same events after this occurred - the Ink Demon appeared in the distance and brutally killed Norman. Once I knew Norman was dead, I looked behind me at Sammy who was already staring at me. Then I turned my head back to peek through the door, but now the Ink Demon was inches away from it, his face blocking my entire view of the room surrounding him. His sudden appearance caused me to jolt backwards and topple over, my back slamming against the wall behind me. With this, the Ink Demon bashed the door open breaking it in the process. The door fell down right next to me and I was lucky enough to move my hand in time or else it would have been crushed. I flinched at the impact the door made on the floor, inching myself further away in panic. I squeaked at this, to which I used my hand to cover my mouth afterwards.
"My lord! Stay back!" Sammy seemed to have an awful idea of what was going to happen to him by the hands of the ink demon. He sensed something was off about his presence - as did I. He looked rather scary, much larger this time. His arms had grown much bigger and muscular however his legs never changed in the slightest. Bendy's cartoon-ish face had been completely demolished, replaced by a face that was much more demonic. His mouth was now able to open, his normal grill-like teeth growing realistically larger and sharper ones. The scales on his back were also much more prominent.
By now, Sammy was right next to me except he was standing up leaning against the wall. Unnoticed by the ink demon, he held out a hand to me trying to help me up. The Ink Demon grew closer and closer so I had no choice but to grab his hand, get up and start running for my life once more. I made it out, Sammy however, faced a couple of bruises. I felt his hand let go of mine as soon as we had made it out of the room. Curious, I looked back seeing the ink demon throw him against the wall. 
"I am your prophet!" Sammy struggled under his breath, now lying helplessly on the floor. I tried looking around for a solution, finding some cans of bacon soup. It wasn't much but it was all we really had for a distraction at the moment. So I gathered around 4 cans in my arms and began throwing them at the ink demon. To my luck, the first one missed and hit Sammy across the head, knocking him out as a result of this. The Ink Demon growled at the unwanted attention he had received from me. He turned from Sammy and faced me who stood under the light. A clear scowl on my face - this was the most angry I had been in a good while. Even though taking out my temper on the ink demon was the worst thing to ever do, I did so with confidence anyway.

Needless to say, even the ink demon was flabbergasted. So shocked, in fact, that his attention switched from Sammy to me. This provided Sammy with the chance to creep away from the ink demon. Since he was now focused on me, my anger started to shift into fear: my heart began racing so much that I heard its rapid thump in my head; my skin becoming paler than it already was due to the lack of sunlight and the immense terror I felt at the current moment. I looked like a ghost during its first haunting!
Despite my inevitable fate of me somehow getting hurt in this situation (or at least it felt that way), I was relieved enough that Sammy had gotten out of his interaction with the ink demon. Me getting hurt would mean that I had repaid Sammy the favour of saving me. The Ink Demon grew closer - almost inches away from my face. He clutched onto my neck with a sudden force which made me jolt in sudden shock. High with adrenaline, I felt the blood course through my veins, starting to kick and punch at the ink demon but it got me nowhere. I was suffocating so much and began to lose oxygen until a certain voice caused my death to stray away.
"Drop her. I have something more desirable in my possession - something that you would prefer to keep away from the others."
Then all the pain I felt had left and I dropped to the ground. Sammy's shadow loomed above me and he held something circular in his hand that I could not exactly see properly. My vision was blurry but something told me that this specific item held significance. It was so important that it caused the ink demon to grow even more frustrated and psycho at each passing second. 
At first, the sheer amount of surprise upon seeing the item caused the ink demon to shuffle himself backwards. This newfound opportunity is what Sammy took to escape with great timing. He placed the item in my hands, where I hugged it tightly. He told me:
"Hold on to that tightly, I wouldn't recommend losing it." 
With that, he picked up my fragile body. I was rather surprised he was able to lift me up with ease but then again, he was quite strong and I had lost a significant amount of weight by my lack of food consumption in this place. It wasn't like I had any control of that.

So he ran with me in his arms. I began to regain my vision. It was beautiful.
Well, not really. But the way he carried me in his arms with much strength and dignity, making sure to be careful not to lose me despite the danger that lurked behind us. I almost didn't want this moment to end, I felt so comfortable within his arms even though death was right around the corner. I craved this moment to last longer without having any clue as to why. I just did.
The moment ended right as we reached the next room - still rather empty. Sammy set me down gently onto the floor and closed the door behind us. Then he turned around, leaning against the door and sliding his body onto the floor. I sat up (still holding the circular item in my hand without realising it), crawling over to Sammy to sit beside him.  We'd both decided in our minds that rest was the best option at the moment. After all, we had lost the chance before making the sacrifice so we had time to do it now. Very little time but we made the most of it.

"Thanks... again..." I sighed, now noticing the item I held and handing it over to Sammy, not really giving a fuck what it was. I was too tired to care. 
"I'm sorry..." Sammy apologised, catching me off guard. He looked down at the item in his possession, contemplating his life. "I'm sorry I can't change myself. I'm sorry I can't be with you. It seems you'll have to leave on your own, and I promise to help you as much as I can-"
I cut him off by wrapping my arms around his neck, holding him in a tight embrace. My eyes shut tightly, letting some tears stream down my face as I started to sob uncontrollably.
"I don't care about you helping me, you dummy!" I started to rub his back as he copied my actions. "I didn't want to leave this place without you... there's gotta be another way..!"

Word count: 1613 words


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