Chapter 35

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After what felt like forever, we reached the end of the river. Sammy gracefully hopped out of the boat while I struggled to get out of the river. Even though there were only a few stairs I had to access, I was just too tired for anything which is so convenient for what's about to happen. Sammy offered a hand to help me out. I huffed, starting to break out into laughter myself. Once the both of us contained ourselves, we continued forward, creeping through a long ass hallway.
From the other side of the door awaited a certain grinning demon...

In the limelight sat on an impressive looking throne was none other than the Ink Demon. His arms rested onto the sides of the throne and he propped his chin onto his left arm. Now directly standing close to the throne, me and Sammy exchanged glances throughout the awkward silence that was present. The ink demon was not in favour of a conversation, unable to even verbalise his thoughts anyway.
I heard a few gentle taps of a finger - it was indeed Bendy who was bored out of his mind, tapping his fingers in a rhythmic pace on the arm rest. That sinister grin remained plastered on his face and his gaze never broke from us both. It started to get uncomfortable; the ink demon loved that.
"Aren't you worried about this thing getting in the wrong hands?" Sammy broke the silence, smirking widely at his question. This caused the Ink Demon to tilt his head in amusement, no longer feeling any fear for what Sammy had in his possession. The end reel may have been in Sammy's hands, but that didn't mean he could use it. After all, the Ink Demon was sitting right next to the projector that the end reel belonged in. There was no way Sammy would've made it if he tried.
To Bendy, this was an interesting game...

It could last forever and he wouldn't mind at all...

In fact, it would be us that'd want this thing to end as soon as possible...

"Interesting... He's not affected..." Sammy stated the obvious, seeing that the Ink Demon wasn't giving up so easily. They both strived for a fight. Being bold, Sammy attempted to make his way over the ink demon to insert the end reel. Of course, that wasn't his true intention, he only wanted the ink demon to finally get up from the throne. Surprisingly, this worked.
A force of a swinging arm knocked Sammy across the room. The man's body was slammed right through a wall creating a splatter of ink that dripped down the wall behind him. Bendy found that Sammy's pain that was disabling him from getting up was the perfect opportunity to grab the end reel - as did I. Both me and the Ink Demon dived over to grab it at the same time, I somehow managed to grab it before the ink demon. Upon gripping tightly onto the end reel, I rolled over to the side in an attempt to not get hit by Bendy who was currently toppling over himself. He slammed into Sammy and I was barely able to hold my laughter in. I got up (still hugging the end reel) and stared right at the pair. They both stared back. Once I noticed the ink demons gaze, I made a run for it. 

What I also noticed was that we were in a different room, a more confusing room if that. It looked sort of like a maze, but at the same time it wasn't. The room had so many twists and turns with long, wide corridors. Within some of the walls stood lonely lost ones, their hands clasped up against the glass in hopes they would be freed from their little cages. I would have saved them myself, I just didn't have the time to. Bendy was onto me like a magnet; he was already up and running after me. I screamed upon seeing his larger beast form once again. 
His horns took a larger shape, his teeth were sharp and pointy and his body grew a much larger size. He now stood at around 10 feet tall to make it an estimate. Bendy jumped from Sammy, looking at the end reel I held in my hand as I paced around the room. I made a turn, looking back at the Ink Demon who ran straight past me and into the other wall, where he disappeared. I raised a brow, confused as to why he never made a turn to follow where I was running off to. Perhaps it was because he was a quick runner. As I ran further, I saw the Ink Demon appear out of another wall in my direction. Catching onto the trend rather quickly, I made a sharp turn to which the Ink Demon ran straight past me once again. This clearly frustrated the demon and it caused Sammy to worry more as he wasn't in close proximity to where I was at. In fact, he had only just managed to lift himself up.
"(Y/N)? Where are you?!" He worried greatly. I was rather appreciative of his concern but I had no time to properly conversate with him. I kept my answer simple.
"I don't know, just run!" I shouted back at Sammy, who didn't hesitate to take my advice. While we were talking, I spotted the ink demon charging in a different direction this time, to where I assumed Sammy was. I only hoped he was okay. 

This whole chase carried on for ages and I began to grow tired as a result of it. In front of me was a lever: was it a better idea to leave it or pull it? I took the second option and pulled down on the lever - it did nothing. Maybe that wasn't the only one...
I shouted just in case.
"Sammy!" I advised, "If you see a lever, pull it!"
He questioned my orders but received no reply from me. Except, he did hear a scream from myself as the Ink Demon was charging right at me. There were no turnings nearby so I braced myself for the harsh impact I would soon face. Shutting my eyes, it took me a few seconds to feel something pounce onto me. I toppled onto the floor and yelped, as a result, the end reel came rolling out of my reach. I looked up at the ink demon who checked to see if I was holding the end reel or not. This was painful as I felt his grip on my shoulders tighten, he squeezed my shoulders causing his sharp claws to dig into them. Luckily (and surprisingly) the injury wasn't too bad.
The ink demon pulled my shirt towards him and screeched violently in my face. My ears popped at the harsh sound and for a second I could barely hear anything. 
After that, he pushed my body to hit the hard, metal floor. A sharp pain arose in my back and I yelped once again at the sudden impact. While I was dealing with the pain, the Ink Demon jumped off of my body and his ink covered eyes caught onto someone else - Sammy Lawrence. I noticed his gaze switched to Sammy, so I switched mine to him as well.
Sammy winked at me, causing me to smirk back at him. Bendy growled harshly as he started to gain momentum to chase after Sammy who now held the end reel. It was lucky the man was able to find me when he did, otherwise it would have been endgame for both of us. Now that he was being chased, I took on the same job or searching for more levers. This time, this task became a bigger job for me. 

Eventually though, all of the levers were pulled. An indicator of this was the sound of some metal doors pushing themselves open. I smiled widely, proud of what the both of us were capable of. After some time, the two of us met beside another long corridor. It was now that the ink demon had lost us and instead of his eyes watching us, we had the yellow glowing eyes of the lost ones staring at us. They were fascinated; astounded by the fact that we came this far on the mission for escape.
I felt the touch of someones hand on mine - it was Sammy. The man clasped my hand tightly in his, holding onto the end reel in his other hand. Then we began to slow down with our walk, catching our breaths and preparing for whatever was about to occur next. 
This next room was much smaller, a square shape. Surrounding the grated metal floor were four glass pillars. Ahead of us were a few screens, the middle one was off and had a message written in ink. Surrounding the message 'WHO'S LAUGHING NOW?' were two other screens playing short cartoon clips of Bendy in particular. Another thing that caught my eye was some sort of machinery located in a different corner of the room. This machinery had a valve, to which I spun it out of curiosity. 
Bad idea.

Turning around, I saw that the glass pillars had a content of ink flowing downwards. The floor rattled as this began to happen. Assuming that this was the result of the move I had just made, I didn't think much of it until I heard a familiar loud voice from the opposite side of the room. Sammy and I both had the same idea so we separated from each other, watching the Ink Demon pounce towards us. He paused upon finding that we had both separated. Sammy held the end reel at the moment so he was currently the one who was in more danger.
Speaking of Sammy, he was rushing to hide behind a glass pillar when the Ink Demon pounced right in his direction. The pillar smashed into pieces because of the impact that he had made with it. He growled at the feeling of excess ink from the pipe splashing onto his face. Bendy turned around, shaking his head harshly in an attempt to pry the ink off of him. It worked... somewhat.
While the ink demon did this, Sammy tossed the end reel in my direction. Luckily I was pretty good at catching things, so you could guess what happened here. This became unnoticed by Bendy as he was still focused on chasing the man in suspenders. An idea grew in Sammy's mind, as it did in mine: if we get the Ink Demon to smash himself into more of these pipes, it could be enough to distract him for a while so that we had a chance to make a run for it into the throne room once more.

'We're finally onto something!'

Word count: 1810 words


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