Dawn 💜

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It was the first night Eric had stayed over with Mateo, and they'd had a very eventful day together. It had only been their second or third date before Mateo'd decided to invite Eric back, after they'd really gotten to know each other.

It was also their first date since Eric had been living alone, so he didn't have any risk of his sister questioning him for not coming back until morning. That was one of the reasons he'd been invited.

Eric woke up to Mateo staring at him. They were close, so he hadn't bothered to put his glasses on yet. He was just watching.

"Good morning." Mateo had clearly not been awake too long. His voice still sounded tired. He reached up and cupped Eric's cheek before leaning in to kiss him.

After they pulled back, Eric closed his eyes again. He wasn't ready to leave. For their time together to end. He felt Mateo's hand brush through the hair on the side of his head and a kiss being planted on the top of it.

Maybe just five more minutes.

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