Heya people, I am in the mood of writing something poetic. Please bear with me. I promise its simple to understand. Hope it makes you happy.
Era's POV
The morning after ice storm painted a new picture,
I felt like I had stepped out from a piece of literature,The sun played a peek a boo from the cloud
I felt like I had to saying my feelings out-aloud
"Hi ma'am, how are you,
welcome to the ice corner;
How do you do?"Smiled a man as he waved his hand while me and Neel walked through the thick layer of the snow.
"I am great sir,
Snow has certainly caught the stir,
my young heart flutters with joy
Beautiful weather waiting at my doorstep to enjoy"I replied
"Today is the poem day,
we celebrate after the snow,
the whole town will holiday,
We all will greet each other in row" Declared Neel cheerfully.People got out of their homes,
leaving all their chore,
Holiday is today,
We all together roar.I had wrapped myself in the blanket Neel had given to me,
My friends Mihir and Nisha joined me, we all in glee
All the townspeople gathered outside the pub to drink tea,
All laughed, hugged, greeted, happy all we,The town painted a happy picture in blue,
As if, that was all my life had stored for me in due,
Tears of happiness came into my eyes, as if on cue
I never felt so alive, moments in my life so rare, so few.People admired the game I played with them last night,
They had newfound respect for their peers, despite of maybe their past fight,
The elders motivated me to mix and mingle,
While with youngsters, I laughed and giggled.The whole town was a runway for fashionable sweaters,
We all ate ice-creams while drowned in our chatters,
I admired how storms were celebrated
As if every moment in the life must be cherished and awaited.The blue town had its strange blue ways,
I knew I had limited days,
Each moment of joy made me more determined
I had to use my blood and sweat to make my stay sufficedI will convince every soul of the city,
That my permanency will make the place more pretty,
I agree that I am not charismatic or witty,
But I have some tricks in my kitty.I will make a huge difference in the life of others and mine,
I will age gracefully, my existence will be like wine.
Neel held my hand and reminded me,
"Era, don't think. Just enjoy, because everything will be fine."
✔️The single housewife (Completed)
FantasyEra is your typical housewife in a joint family... She cooks all day for her in-laws, believes in sacrificing her needs for her husand and forgetting her dreams. Until the day she discovers 2 things that change her life:- 1). Her husband has been ch...