What Now . . .

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I woke up at 6 in the morning. I figured I'd go to work today. I put on my clothes and flat ironed my hair. I got my purse and left me house, locking the door behind me. I'm not too hungry, so I'll just eat later. I drove to work and walked in, not gretting people like I used to. I only had one client now, which was August . I lost my other clients due to Rayon's mindless behavior. I walked in my office, setting my purse down. I clicked my pen against my table, waiting for my client.

Its been a while since Kaylynne & I spoke. I feel really bad for what I did, because I know she's been through alot, but I don't know. I'll just check on her. I walked in and she hadn't arranged the office the way she normally would. That's not good. I hesitated to speak as I sat in the chair.

August-Hey Kaylynne. How you been?

She reached her arm down and got some papers out of her drawer. She sat it on her table and flipped through the pages.

Kay- Its not about me anymore August, its about you.

August- But I always talk to you. What's wrong with you today?

Kay- Nothing

August- Something is wrong with you. You didn't even organize the office the way I like it to be, and your dull today Kayl-

Kay- Look August, I'm sorry my office never meets your needs. I have to come to work an hour early to organize the office like you like it. You are not on my mind 24/7 . I have kids and other things to deal with everyday. So for you to come up her and question me, its not even needed right now.

She sighed and placed her head on the palm of her hand and began to ask me questions. I answered them soon and left out early.

Jaylïn . . .
I think me being pregnant is taking a toll on Chres . He's been ignoring me lately, and then it became late night break in's almost. Maybe he doesn't want this baby. I looked down at my fingers and fiddled with them. A tear dropped and Chres got on his knees in front of me. His skin was dirty, and he smelled of alchoal.

Chres- Whats wrong babygirl ?

Jaylin- Chresanto , do you love me anymore?

Chres- Of course I do

Jaylin- Then what are you doing? I feel like you keep pushing me away. Do you even want this baby?

Chres- Yes I want this baby

He laid his hands on my shoulders and kissed my forehead.

Chres- I gotta go Jay

Jaylin- Where?

Chres- Out with the guys like I normally do

I sighed. This was a weekly routine for him now. I have a feeling he's not gonna grab his door key. I should let him stay outside,but he is lucky that I love him. I watched as he pulled out of the driveway. I placed my hand on my stomach and I was ready to walk in the house, but something red caught my eye.

I stepped down the stairs of my porch and bent down, picking up the red item. I instantly dropped it and put my hand over my mouth as tears slipped away. It was a pair a thongs. He's.. cheating on me. I walked in, slamming the door.

I drove down the street and arrived at my destination. I opened my car door and walked to the door, knocking.

Taylor-Hey Baby

She wrapped her arms around me and I removed her off of me. I walked in and sighed, inviting myself to sit on her couch. She sat under me like always.

Taylor- What's wrong baby?

Chres- Taylor, I can't keep seeing you

Taylor- What? Why, you made a deal with my brother

Chres-I know I did, but Jaylin is not dumb. She'll find out sooner or later.

Taylor- You've been with me for five months and she hasn't noticed anything? I classify that a dumb Chres

Chres- Well she's smarter than you think

I got up and shoved her off of my lap.

Chres- And by the way, your sex is terrible

She threw a book towards my direction, but missed. I put my hand on the doorknob and opened it.

Taylor- Wait till my brother finds out

I got in my car and thought about it all. She's nothing but a late night stand. 5 months is too long. I'm sure that what I do is a routine to Jaylin by now. I drove out of the driveway and sped off to my house.

Last time, Jake had a temper tantrum. He is too glued to those kids. I know that they are his family, but we barely talk, and I live with him. I sat on his lap and he sighed as if he was annoyed

Stephanie- What?

Jacob- Can you get off of my lap please?

Stephanie- Don't be sorry, just do it

I got off of his lap and looked at him.

Stephanie- I swear

Jacob- You swear what?

Stephanie- Why do you kept pushing me away? All I want to do is get a kiss. I can't even do that because your always tired after your done with those little bastards...

I covered my eyes as he looked at me. I tried to apologize but he didn't listen.

Jacob- That's how you feel Stephanie? Maybe if you actually had time to help me with those kids, then maybe you would get a kiss or something. But since you refer to my kids as bastards, then you can get the hell out of my house

I walked up to him once again and he didn't even look at me. I grabbed my face and walked out of the house

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