Im Fine, & You?

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I woke up at 3 am in the morning. I spent an hour getting ready for work. I ate a little, then i got the kid's clothes together. Princeton wasn't back with Mannie, so he was obviously spending the night. I ironed there clothes and woke the up once i finished. They got dressed and i did their hair. 10 minutes later, they ate and Princeton came to pick them up since i had work.

He kissed me on my cheek goodbye and i handed the kids their lunches. I had a little time, so i grabbed my purse along with my little brief case and took a five minute snooze. I grabbed my things and walked out of the house. Locking the door behind myself, i was face to face with my ex. I put my things in the car and ignored his presence. I went to work. Of course, he followed.

Today, i would be with my client August Anthony Alsina Jr.

I meet with him every Monday to talk about his problems. His only problem is his brother's death. Of course, he died a horrible death, but it's good that he has some one to tell his problems to.

I arrived at my destination and i made my way to my office. I got settled and i got a call on my office number.


"Yes Mam"

I question into the phone.

"My Alsina Is here for his appointment"

"Send him up please"

I said grinning from ear to ear.

"He's on his way up"

"Thank You"

I hung up and I fixed the room up like the way he liked it when he'd come in here. He never liked to be like another no body, but another somebody, and my room decoration didn't meet his critiques, so he fixed it up a bit. Every night before i left, I'd fix it to its proper standards. He knocked on the door  and came in.


He hugged me, and i could Smell his cologne. I swear he knew how to grab a lady's attention.

Kaylynne-Hey August, How have you been since the accident?

August-I've been better

Kaylynne-That's good to hear

August-How are you and those kids of your's?

Kaylynne-They are fine, but the baby boy gets bullied because he can't speak like a normal person

August-When they push you down, get back up, Just like T.I said

I laughed at his cheesy comment and talked about what was on his mind. He was my faveroite client out of my others. He didn't just care about himself. He was the only person who asked me how I was as well as the kids. He'd never seen them before. I remember when i first met him, and he wa  bottled up with all types of anger. As the day's went by, he progressed quickly. There was one day out of the week when he'd cry on my shoulder. We were now playing "Mad Science".

It was a game with a lot of thinking. It was similar to jeopardy. You would have to spell or answer questions that were related to one word. The word that was randomly picked was "Orange".

We were in the middle of laughing, and my phone buzzed.

"This is Kaylynne speaking"

"Yeah, There's someone here to see you girl"

"Keiona, Is it that on guy with the weird mustache? Girl stop playing"

"Nope this time, I'm serious"

My smile disappeared from my face. She wasn't playing. Then who's waiting on me? My only client for today was August.


"What's his name"

"He says his name is Rayan Lopez"

"Don't send him up"

"Well, about that. He's kind of already on his way there"

I hung up and i put my heads in my hands, sighing as loud as i could, almost screaming. August asked my what's wrong. I sat up in my chair and i put my elbow on the table, placing my chin in the palm of my hand."He's coming"

I looked in his eyes and focused on Ray's approaching body. He knocked on the door and incited his self into my office.


He spoke looking at me

"Rayan, you cant just come in here while I'm in a meeting with my client. You simple have to do what everyone else has to do. Book a appointment."

“Whatever. This room looks horrible. Did a tornadoe run through it?"

August-It's called being different

Ray-More like a Pigstye

Kay-Rayan, leave or ill-

Ray-Or what?

I called the security to my office and he was dragged out. I apologized to August for his whole scene. It was now his time to leave and he hugged me bye. He slipped his number in my pocket and told me to call him. He blew a quick kiss and left. I smiled and fixed my room. I locked up the place for the night and went home.

__2 hours Later__

The kids were on their way home. I took my shower and put on some pajamas. I cooked some dinner for them and ate once i finished cooking. I was texting August, and he seemed to be drunk.

Anthony-Hey lil lady

Kayla_K-Hi August

Anthony-Guess what?

Kayla_K-What August?

Anthony-Im a teddy bear!!

Kayla_K-Haha, are you drunk texting me August?

Anthony-Maybe, maybe not. I dunno

Kayla_K-Okay, I'll talk to you on Friday

Anthony-Yeah, okay

I put my phone on the charger and the kids came home. They were happy to see me. "Mommy!!"

Their little voices chanted into my ear. I laughed and hugged them."Did you have fun?"

They all told me what they did and Princeton tried denying, but latter all he could do was laugh. He waved by to me and i fed them. I washed them up and kissed them goodnight.


It's short i knowee. Sorry about that




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