Don't ignore me

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I woke up with a stuffed nose. My breathing wasn't its best at that point which is what caused me to wake up. As a little girl I had asthma, but I outgrew it. I always carry an emergency inhaler. I struggled down the steps and searched for my inhaler. I wasn't where I put it. It wasn't in a hiding spot so how could it have gone missing. I couldve woke Ray up but he's a heavy sleeper. I couldn't find it and my breathing got worse. I turned on a light in the living room and sat down. I had to lye down on my back and calmly breath in and out. Every breath I took got worse and I felt somewhat light headed. The last place to look was the bathroom. I went to the bathroom and it was sitting in my cabinet.

I took three pumps in and slowly breathed out. I took three more because it didn't help the first time. I sat for a minute and I heard a loud boom.


BOOM, I woke up out of my sleep because I was startled by the noise. I saw the bathroom light and and I saw Kay in there. I went in the kids room and looked out of the window but I didn't see anything. I heard it again and I didn't see anything once again. I went in the bathroom and sat with Kay.

Ray-You heard that right

Kay-Yes Ray

Ray-What's wrong now


Her breaths sounded horrible. She was weezing In between breaths. I felt like a piece of glass was being pushed back and forth through my ear.

Ray-Your ok


Ray-No your not, your breathing is off and stop telling me your ok all the time. It's me no body else is here okay. Don't be afraid to tell me something.

Kay-I'm not afraid

Ray-Then what is it

Kay- Nothing

Ray-I think it is

Kay-Ray please don't do this I don't feel good

Ray-No I listened to you now your going to listen to me okay, stop pushing me away. I did nothing wrong to you. I may have not looked at the clock but it only happened once. It's not the end of the world.When we got married you told me you trusted me and I need you to actually trust me. Can you?


Ray-Then can you forgive me

Kay-Yes, and I'm sorry for getting mad at you. I guess I was so caught up with the kids that I became shellfish.

Ray-Its ok

Kay-I'm gonna get back in bed, are you coming


He turned the lights off and this time I told him I loved him before I went to sleep. I know those were the words he was waiting to hear. He held onto my waist and I was halfway asleep and I heard a loud boom again. I flinched and I heard one of the kids crying. I slipped out of rays embrace and went into their room. Jacob was crying and he just needed his diaper changed. I cleaned him up and held him in my arms and cradled him back and forth in my arms. He noted his head on my shoulder. I went down the steps and received the bag that had his milk in it. Something fell but I was dark and I couldn't see anything. I went back in their room and lets him down in his crib. I lyed down in the bed we left in there and slept the rest of the night.

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