You call it easy

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It wasn't even a yes or no question. There's only a possibility.  I gave birth to this beautiful creature. It's nothing but a amazing memory for me. All i thought about was being my child's night and shining armour..but i feel i have a Mother.

Now i am a witness of my five year old son and a bed.

Shame & Guilt is all i feel.

I sat stood in shock as Manny laid in bed. He looked fine. He was no longer limp in his looks. Nothing but blood soaked bandages were seen. Prince walked up to his bed, but i didn't move. I couldn't bare to see the color red, not like this. I took a few steps forward and was next to Princeton. As his little fingers twitched a little, i laid my head on his shoulder.

Kay- Im sorry .

Princeton- What are you sorry for Kaylynne ?

Kay-This. I think it's me fault this happened. I can't shake the idea away from my mind .

Princeton- Kaylynne, none of this is your fault. You weren't right there at the moment, there was no way to stop it. Nothing is your fault .

I sighed wiping my eye's. It was nothing but silence that crept in the room. I walked over to the chair and placed my purse on the cushion. I walked back to the bed and held his little hand.

Beginning to finish the conversation that was started minutes ago.

Kay-I just wish i could have stopped it. You know?

I'm just sorry it -

I stopped talking as Princeton walked towards me, cutting me from my words.  He began talking, in nothing but a voice that sounded shattered in a million pieces. Croaky as well, but soft like a voice that would want to put you to sleep.

Princeton- Kaylynne. Stop it, okay ? Stop apologising. You have done all you can for those kids. I can tell that you are stressed out. It shows on your face. Worrying about your kids like that isn't necessary, not when they're with me. Okay ?


The door opened and in came a nurse

Nurse- I'm sorry to interrupt, but visiting hours are up for now.

I replaced my hand from Manny's. I kissed his cheek and did a little prayer with Prince. Afterwards i grabbed my purse and walked out of the room with Princeton .

〇〇 иεχт dαу  〇〇


Unfortunately, i would not be able to see Manny until the night time. Work is in the way sadly. While i was gone the police must have cleaned up the mess, but i really don't want to remember the incident. I woke up at 5 and took a quick shower. I got dressed and got the things i would need for the day ahead of my ready. I placed my purse on the couch and grabbed my phone. I didn't feel i needed to eat, my appetite was missing in action. I placed my phone in my purse with the charger and grabbed my key. I left my house locking the door and began driving to work

__At Work__

My client for today was August .

I honestly don't know how to feel. I know I'm his counselur, but he put my life in danger. Of course it was a mistake, but sitting face to face with him and thinking about my kid is a lot of stress. I clicked my pen on my glass table holding my forehead in the palm of my free hand. My office door opened and i didn't bother to look up. I knew who it was by the signature smell I had become used to.


His voice called my name, only causing me to think less of him at the moment. I crossed my legs and i looked up at him. I didn't want to speak because of my situation, but i did so any ways.

Kay-Yes August ?

August- Are you mad at me ?

Kay- No August, I'm not

August- Then what's wrong, you look like some thing's bugging you.

Kay-I don't want to talk about it


Kay- No,  I'm fine

August- Your Lying, just like you told me- don't hold it in, let it out

I sighed letting go of my purple pen. I removed the hair from above my puffy red eyes. I sniffed and held my chin above my knuckles. August was the only person i was comfortable with, and sharing personal problems was a thing we would tell each other. He looked sad, but he doesn't even know the beginning.

Kay- It's Emmanuel. He's uhm..he's in the hospital.

August- What Happened ?

Kay- Last Night i walked in the room, and he had cuts all over his arms. Nobody knows who did it, but all i remember is some guy knocked on my door, and i go upstairs and Manny was on the floor out cold.


Oh My. Poor child. He's only 5 i think. I'm apart of the crime. I am the reason why that happened. Do you remember the guy that tried to force me into killing Kaylynne some days ago ? Well he beat me up and threatened to kill her. I didn't let him so he went to the kids. I told him no to every single one of them, but he didn't agree. So he picked the weakest one.


After i told him what happened, he zoned out for a little.

I snapped in front of his face for a while. I began to feel uncomfortable. Maybe i said too much.

August-I'm Sorry Kaylynne

Kay-It's okay, you had to snap out of it sooner or later

August-No, it's not that


August- KayLynne I -

"Kaylynne Smith To The Main Office Please"

Kay-Sorry, I'll be right back

I slushily walked to my boss's office. He sat there and had a smile from ear t ear. I sat down in the chair awaiting the vacant spot behind his glass table.

Mr.Daniels- Hello KayLynne. How have you been ?

Kaylynne-Ive been hanging in there. But thanks for asking

Mr.Daniels- Anytime. But, I called you in here because I think its time you get a promotion. 500 dollars more, and the same working hours. If the idea is okay with you.

I fiddled my fingers. Was he sure ?? I already make 10 hundred dollars a week, and I barely know what to do with it. I guess I can take the offer.

Kay- I'll take it

Mr.Daniels-Good. And if you ever need anything, don't be afraid to bug me about it. On the other hand, you can go back t work. Oh yeah, you don't have to come back to work until January 15 th.

I told him thank you and I walked to my office. I laughed a little once I had closed the door. I sat down and I asked August why he wanted to tell me.

Augusy- Oh, we um. Nevermind, I have to go.

Kay- Okay. Happy Holidays













I'm glad I am back wattpad !! I've b3een super busy. Chriatmas chapter coming up soon

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