Save her

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I woke up at five in the morning and I picked out the kids matching outfits for school. I was still full of emotions. How is she and the kids gonna be while I'm away, I leave this Friday for God's sake. I washed my face and brushed my teeth and ironed their clothes. It was five fourty seven so I just decided to wake the kids up. They got dressed and ate their cereal. I braided their hair and drove to school. I checked them in and gave them their lunches and went to the hospital. After I arrived I asked for her at the front desk and received her room number. I rushed to her room and prepared myself for what I was about to see.


I was surprised I could still see, there were bright lights everywhere. I was put to sleep during the surgery and my leg hurt like he'll. It's a thick bandage over it with a lot of blood. I grew scared and I'll because it mad me feel like a lost a lot. I called a nurse up for help and my bandage was washed with alcohol/peroxide and wrapped in another bandage. She went downstairs and got some food for me while I watched tv. I couldn't find nothing to watch so I just looked at Bring It on lifetime. I heard a knock on my door.

Kay-Is that my waffles?

I saw the door open and instead of it being the nurse, it was My husband.

Ray-Nope, it's me babe, how do you feel

Kay- Um, I feel ok, but I'm really hungry, and tired

Ray-*sighs and sits by you* Kay, I have something to tell you

Kay-Ok, do tell, what's goin on


He was gonna say something but the nurse walked in with my food. I honestly have no clue what he was about to say but I was hungry. She gave me a hamlet with bacon and orange juice.

Kay-Thank you mam

Nurse-Your welcome, need anything else?

Kay-No thanks, I'm good

I took a bit of my food and It was delicious. I was the only one eating so I felt kind of bad because he looked hungry.

Kay-Hey babe, are you hungry


Kay-Did you eat breakfeast

Ray-No, I was in a hurry to come and see you

Kay-Here, you look like you need a bite

Ray-Babe I'm-

Cay-You need to eat something, don't starve yourself

He took the plate and ate a little, but he said it was enough for him. He could just have that plate and I could call up another one or something.


Kay-welcome, what did you want to tell me

Ray-Uh, I..I leave on Friday

Kay-For what


Kay- This Friday


Kay- Okay, I get out tomorrow so I'll be fine by myself, once you leave the kids Will stay at my sister house an My brother will help me.

Ray-Okay, well I'm gonna go home and get ready to pick up the kids.

Kay-Okay will you bring them up here

Ray-I might

Kay-Whatever, ok where's my kiss

Ray-*kisses you* I love you

Kay-I love you too

Ray-See you later babe

Kay-*yawns*ok see you later


I left and went to go pick up the kids. I wasn't happy when I went in because I saw that Craig guy talking to my kids. I finally recognized him last week, but I acted like I didn't now his soul. He had done ugly things to us when we were apart of the group, well when he was apart of the group. I sighed and walked up to get my kids trying to ignore him.

Craig-Whatsup Ray

Ray-I don't know, my wifes in the hospital with a broken leg, and you hanging around my kids

Craig-Rayon, don't take it personal, before she even made her way home she came to me. I told her to go back home to you. If I didn't, she'd probably be stuck with Princeton.

Ray-I didn't ask for your help

Craig-So your saying, you do want her with Princeton?

Ray-C'mon Aaliyah, Jacob

Craig-Bye Liyah, looks just like her mom

I was mad,she didn't tell me anything but it doesn't even matter to be honest. She's back at home and that's enough for me. I drove home instead of taking the kids to go see mommie. I guess I'd just wait for them to see her when she gets home.We got home and they took their baths and ate dinner and went to bed. I was in our room on the computer and I heard a knock at the door, it was Aaliyah, crying. I opened the door and she crashed into my arms.

Ray-What's wrong

Liyah-I miss mommie

Ray-Well, mommies in the hospital


Ray-She had a car accident, but she comes home this Friday

Liyah-Ok, can I sleep in here with you?


I put her on the side of the bed where her mother had slept and I kissed her goodnight. I kissed Jacob goodnight and went to sleep.

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