Chapter 15: Homesick

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Chapter 15:

Although Niall had invited me into his home in London, I couldn't help but feel homesick. I've been gone for weeks and none of my family members made the effort to call me or ask how I've been. Yes, I knew that was selfish but it was like they totally abandoned me. Forgot about me.

Things in London weren't too much better than being homesick. It made my stomach and head hurt every time Macy came over to Niall's place. Sometimes I'd be taking a shower, walk out, and see the two of them making out. Niall would be holding her body against the wall and I would have to make a mental note never to touch that area of the wall again. Who knows what has happened when I'm out with Francine, Breanna, Charley, and Lily?

My thumb did a little dance as I was pondering over calling my little brother, Jonathan, or not. I haven't heard from him in a while and I hate to admit that I missed him. There was no one to call me 'retard' or 'dumb' or anything like that. I had no little brother to tease. 

"Hey Cass, I'm back!" Niall said. I heard the front door shut, but coming along I also heard the annoying sound of clacking heels. 

I mentally groaned as I turned around to see Macy, standing there with a smug look on her face. Her lips were a blood red color, but it really didn't suit her. What bothered me though was the fact that Niall had red lipstick all over his face. 

"Hey Niall," I called and he looked over at me, "you got a little something here," I pointed to his cheek, "and here." I then pointed to the rest of his face. "I advise you to check in the mirror."

Minutes later, Niall came out with red cheeks. He had rubbed it all off, but he had scrubbed hard to make sure. I could tell. 

"Hey Macy." I greeted her.

Macy didn't answer until she walked behind me to get to Niall. She whispered into my ear, "Go die in a hole bitch."

I tensed, but decided to ignore her. What good would it be if I told Niall what she said to me? He was her boyfriend and would take her side over mine any day. I was the ex girlfriend. What use was I?

I noticed that my thumb still hovered over Jonathan's contact number. Taking a deep breath, I tapped on it. After he didn't answer the first ring, I started to panic. What if he hated me for leaving? But he was the one that told me to leave! 

Answer answer answer. 

"Hello?" A voice said. 

You'd think I'd be happy that someone answered, but I wasn't. It wasn't Jonathan, but a woman instead. A woman that sounded remarkably like my mother. 


"Cassy," She faked sounding surprised because my contact clearly popped up on the phone when she picked up, "finally nice to hear from you!" Her voice dripped of sarcasm. She was mad. 

"Hi Mum." I said. I bit my lip in anticipation. I already sensed the tension and I knew it wasn't going to be good. 

"I just wanted to let you know, if you're going to hang out with that silly Niall of yours, don't bother coming back home."


"And I'm blocking your number off of Jonathan, your father's, and my phone. Cassandra, maybe it's for the best that you stay over there. Stay with the person that almost cost your life. Go ahead and see if I care."

"Mum," My voice was pleading, "you can't break contact from me and Jonathan. He's my brother!" My voice was now trembling and I had made my way back to the bedroom to give myself some privacy. 

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