Chapter 1: McDonald's

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  • Dedicated to NIALL HORAN

Picture of Cassandra off to the side ------>

Chapter 1:

September 13. That was his birthday. He was turning nineteen today. It's been two years since I've woken up from the coma. It's been three years since I've seen Niall. I learned to accept that he left me, but there was a little piece of me that missed him. 

To celebrate his birthday, I did what we did on his sixteenth birthday. Eat and eat and eat. Niall was actually in a band when I had woken up. Sure I was happy, but I wished I could have been there with him I guess. Now he's successful and I bet he doesn't remember his old girlfriend, Cass. But I remembered him alright. I couldn't forget about him. 

Every day, I would think about him at least once. Twice. A lot.

I sat on the couch with three slices of pepperoni pizza on my plate. Today I was home alone. Mom and Dad had gone out to visit an old friend that had just moved back to town and my little brother, Jonathan, who was thirteen was at a friend's house. 

There was a large pizza box in the kitchen just in case I got hungry again. That was a guarantee so that was good. I also had two pints of ice cream inside the freezer for me to eat later. 

I turned on the television and randomly switched through channels. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Oh look the news. Boring. 

I stayed on though because a familiar blonde-headed boy appeared on the screen. Niall. I haven't seen recent pictures of him, but he still looked good. He had his brown roots, but the top of his hair was still blonde. 

It said that he was doing a charity for his birthday. 

Back when we were fifteen, when we first started dating, he told me if he had ever had the money, he'd raise money for a good cause. That was what he was doing now. I looked down at my now empty plate and sighed. 

Three years ago I had a boy sit next to me and pig out with me. 

Now I was alone. 

The rest of the day was spent eating. I knew I was going to have to hit the gym soon because I already knew I probably gained five pounds already. I mean, that pizza was good. 

So was the ice cream. 

Unfortunately, by the time minight rolled around I became hungry again. Jonathan had slept over at his friend's house. Mom and Dad were still out and told me they would be staying at their friend's house. I was alone for the night. 

I tried going to bed and not eat. That failed.

If you knew me, you'd know that if I was hungry, I have to eat. It was like a rule in Cassandra's handbook. If I ever had one anyways.

I groaned and rolled off my bed. I grabbed a giant sweatshirt to pull over my white tank top. I had my gray sweatpants on and slid on my converse. I tied my dark brown hair into a messy bun and stuffed some money into my pocket. 

McDonald's it is.

Getting into my car, I heard my stomach grumble.

"Shut up." I muttered to my stomach. I started the engine and drove to my nearest McDonald's.

(Niall's P.O.V.)

It had been a long day. By the time my birthday celebration was over, it was midnight. I was starving by then. Instead of going straight back to home, I made a detour at McDonald's. A guy's gotta eat right? Most people want fancy food on their birthday. Not me. I'd rather just eat junk food all day.

It reminded me of my sixteenth birthday I celebrated with Cassandra.


I pushed all thoughts about her from my head. I parked my car and went inside. In front of me was a girl in sweatpants and a sweatshirt with dark brown hair. I guess someone else was going for a late night snack too. 

"One big mac, large fries, and a large coke please." The girl said. Her voice sounded oddly familiar. "Oh and don't forget my barbeque sauce!" She added. 

Cassandra had a weird obsession with barbeque sauce. She just loved it. 

"Sir may I take your order?" Another person told me. I drew my attention from the girl to the cashier. I ordered and waited next to the girl. 

"Here you go er...Miss Rivera?" 

"Thanks!" The girl chirped. Rivera was Cassandra's last name. 

Everything today reminded me of her. But she was gone. She's been gone for more than a year. She could be dead, she could be in coma still. 

Who knew?

"Here you are Mr. Horan. Enjoy your meal. Happy birthday too!" The cashier smiled. 

"Thanks." I replied. My birthday was over though. It was past midnight, but hey! I was nineteen finally. All that was left was my youngest bandmate Harry who was still eighteen. 

The girl that had ordered that large meal sat alone with her head bent down over her food. Strands of her dark hair were coming loose from her bun. Maybe she'd like company. I just hoped that she wouldn't freak out because I was from One Direction. It was one of the reasons I liked coming to McDonald's so late. Barely anyone was here.

"Hello there." I said. 

"Hi." She said, not looking up.

"Would you like company?" I asked.

"Why not?" She shrugged. She looked up and her brown eyes widened.

"Oh my god." We said at the same time. 

She was alive. She was alive and well. She was sitting in front of me with a big mac in one hand and a large coke in her other. Her mouth hung wide open. I'm sure I looked the same.


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