Chapter 42: Rumor Has It

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Chapter 42:

Two months. Ninteen days. Thirteen hours. Five minutes. 

That was how long since I had last seen Niall face to face. Call me crazy for calculating the time, but I was bored with my life and had nothing else to do. The days I spent in London were long and tedious. There was nothing for me to do to occupy my day. Once or twice, maybe a couple times more, I thought about getting a job, but I had no experience of any kind. 

I was a useless woman. 

My friends would be off doing something- some had to work. I couldn't afford to fly back down to Mullingar to be with my family until Niall returned or until I went to wherever he was and saw him, and I surely didn't want to ask him for a ticket. 

The last time I had Skyped him, he had seen worn out. It was late at night where he was and still in the early evening where I was. It was just after I concert, I remembered that. He was sweaty, he had torn off his shirt (not that I was complaining or anything), and he had deep bags under his eyes. Niall was exhausted, and every concert, he had to make himself look like he was energetic for the fans. For the show. 

I admired him for that, for his determination to hide how tired he was. Niall, always the happy guy and always the funny one and always the charmer. I missed him though. I missed him so much that it physically hurt me in the chest. I wasn't sure if that was possible or not, but it did. 

I had just gone to the grocery store to stock up the fridge. For the past week, it had been pizza and Chinese food. Both were unhealthy choices, yet I didn't care. It wasn't like I was going to the grocery store to get anything healthier than that. 

Mostly, I just bought some ice cream. And by some, I meant a lot of ice cream. After all, tonight I would finally have a forever alone night since everyone was busy, even my new friend that I made last week. 

Charley and Breanna had gone up to visit their boyfriends as a surprise. Lily had flown to America to visit her cousins, and Francine was working late tonight. 

As for the new friend- I met him when I was shopping, or merely just window shopping because I had nothing to do with my day. His name was Wyatt, tall, brunette, and he had dazzling hazel eyes that could only be described as dreamy. Wyatt was buff too, more than Niall, but there was one thing off about him. 

I loved Niall, that was just a fact. No matter how attractive I found Wyatt, Niall would always be the one for me. Anyway, I figured it out once he commented that the skirt I was wearing that day was clearly out of style by now, and my shirt was just so last year then further on went to comment about how I should wear heels instead of flats to show off my calves and so I wouldn't look so short. Oh right- then the last thing he said to me was, "It's a pleasure to meet the girlfriend of my celebrity crush. I'm so jealous of you."

Wyatt was gay. And he apparantely had a crush on Niall. I mean, who could blame him really? He, however, looked like a regular man, a man that I was sure many girls were drooling over.

We hit it off after that, and he gave me fabulous fashion details that I probably wasn't going to listen to, but we hung out for the rest of the week. Most days were spent talking about Niall, and he would gush over and over about how adorable Niall looked in all the pictures I showed him. 

Including the one where he had meat sauce covering half of his face. Maybe it was the fact that Niall was shirtless that really made Wyatt say that the picture was so cute and so fetch. He quoted Mean Girls. What more of a friend could I want?

Plus, he was nearly always free, except for tonight. I had even told him two days ago that I would be having a forever alone night tonight, and he promised he wouldn't schedule plans. He bailed on me because he had more important issues to attend to, which I later learned was him going to a gay bar to meet new 'friends.'

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