Chapter 23: Too Late

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Chapter 23: 

I took my shoes off first, my belt and jacket following. I grimaced as my bare feet hit the cold floor. Bad day to not wear socks at the freaking airport. The floors were filthy.  

The line was moving agonizingly slow and the person in front of me, a single father I presumed with a reluctant toddler, was taking their long sweet time. I hated the airport.  

With that, I was sleep deprived. I had argued with Niall until three in the morning and we would have argued more but I went to the restroom, saw my bed, and never came out. Sleeping at that time was bad seeing as I had to be at the airport at six.  

I slept in, nearly getting to the airport on time. I had done it by skipping the makeup and tying my brown locks into a messy bun. I was wearing sweats tucked into a pair of Uggs boots as well as a large jumper a size too large.  

"Finally," I muttered as soon as it was my turn. I placed my bag on the conveyor to let it go through the scanning machine thingy. Never knew what to really call it.  

My flight was at a quarter til eight but I was out of security at seven fifteen. Seeing as I skipped breakfast, I headed to the Starbucks I saw meters away from me. I could feel my stomach twist in anticipation. I was close to starving. Well that was an exaggeration but I sure felt like I was about to die.  

I ordered some coffee, a little pastry, and sat down by myself at one of the small tables. Around me were different people. Some were those business people who I've never seen without a phone or a Bluetooth. Then there were the families with crazy kids or screaming kids or in some cases, both. Others were those rich classy people traipsing around the airport in their freaking designer shoes and some slutty clothes. Then there were people like me, sitting around on their phones or listening to music.  

But I couldn't focus on my food, which was saying something seeing as food was my favorite thing in the world. All I thought about was what was Niall doing right now. When I awoke, he was sleeping on the couch so I placed a blanket over him before leaving. I scribbled a little note, telling him how sorry I was but it had to be done. If you truly love someone, you've got to let them go. Now that line right there belonged in a stereotypical romance movie based off of a book that Nicholas Sparks wrote. In fact, I had one of his books in my bag. Safe Haven. Best book ever.  

I checked my watch once more and realized that people were already boarding the flight. I cursed and quickly shoved my things into my tote bag and my food and drink into the trash can.  

I walked quickly towards my gate with people looking at me weirdly. I was speed walking through so I guess that it was logical for people to think I was nuts.  

I got into the line and started going through my bag, digging through it for my boarding pass. I really needed to clean my bag out. Finally, my hand grazed over a slip of paper and I smiled in victory as I yanked it out.  

The line was moving slowly. Too slowly. I felt like it was ages before the line even moved an inch or something. Lucky for me, I was the last person to actually get on the plane. There were tons of people before me. Did they all really need to go to Ireland? Was it really that necessary? No.

From what I heard though, there were a lot of families. And I mean with kids under the age of ten. This flight would be just lovely. If I was lucky, I'd get a kicking kid sitting behind me rather than a screaming baby. This would be a very very long flight.

I was finally towards the middle of the line when I received a text. It made a loud noise from the bottom of my bag and I put my boarding pass between my lips to dig it out. I pulled it out and scanned my messages. Five already.

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