Chapter 38: Unpacking Sucks

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Chapter 38:

I spent two weeks and three days with Niall in London. It was sad to say that most days were spent with Francine, Breanna, Charley, and Lily rather than Niall. Don't get me wrong, I spent a lot of time with him as well, but they mostly consisted of late nights on the couch watching reruns of some random TV shows. He took me out on a date once, but it didn't go far from there. We didn't even know what to call it, but I called it a date because that just seemed a lot easier than saying hanging out with a friend that's a guy that I kinda still have feelings for.

He took me out for dinner at a nice restaurant and flirted over a a couple glasses of wine. But no dates are all that perfect- I spilled a glass of wine on Niall's white button down because I was just that clumsy. He didn't mind that much. I mean when we got back to his place, he immediately took off his shirt and went to the sink to wash some of it off in the kitchen. 

I got to stare at his abs for a good five minutes without him noticing. 

Anyways, I ran into Macy once and the encounter wasn't bad. She greeted me by yelling, "Hey Gassy!" I guess she was utterly too stupid to learn what my actual name was...or she didn't know what else to call me so she was just convinced that Gassy was actually my real name. The girl lacked brain cells. She was probably dropped numerous times as a child and she was still clothed in that horrible shade of hot pink. She even got the highlights and I was almost too sure her goal was to transform into a Barbie doll, although her height would be an issue. 

On the bright side of things, the run in with Macy didn't last all too long. It was pretty much thirty seconds of her telling me and hi and wishing Niall and I the best of luck although I knew she was being sarcastic and far from genuine. She had her arm hooked around some other guy though. I had to admit, he was attractive. I could see the lines of his eight pack underneath his white t-shirt and his jeans were hanging dangerously low...but he was about as brain stupid as Macy was. 

I hung out with Niall's bandmates every once in a while. Louis had a birthday party for Lily so we all had a gathering there. We were in Louis's flat and the whole night was basically filled with drunk talking. None of us remembered what happened that night when we woke up in the morning, but all I knew was that I woke up passed out on the couch with Niall and I was basically sprawled across his bare chest. I didn't even want to think of what happened that night, although Francine told me nothing bad happened except that Louis started dancing to Single Ladies on the table and Breanna nearly fell out the window because she thought it was glass.

So nothing that bad happened...

And in the two and a half weeks I was in London, Niall only kissed me on the lips twice. They were both by accident as well. The first time, he leaned in to kiss me on the cheek, but I didn't know what was happening at the time so I turned and he kissed me right on the lips. It wasn't intended at all. The second time, we were both drunk and had no memory of it happening, but Harry had snapped a picture of it happening. Maybe it wasn't an accident. I probably would never know if it was or not. 

I just felt slightly deprived of his kisses.

"I'll see you soon...right?" Niall asked. We were nearing the airport and his hands on the steering wheel were tense. "Am I going to have to wait another three months or will I at least see you at one of my concerts?"

"Maybe," I shrugged, "maybe I'll see you when you're on a break and decide to come back to Mullingar for a bit or if you decide to go to London, I'll visit you then." 

"Well okay then..." And there was pain behind his eyes. He was upset to see me go and it was killing me to leave him, but I had other ideas for my future. 

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