Chapter 37: The Key

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Chapter 37:

I spent the night at Francine's flat. She shared it with Harry, but he ended up staying at Zayn's flat for the night, mostly because Francine requested a 'girl's night' with me and that was exactly what we did. The whole entire night before I fell asleep, we made ice cream sundaes, watched sappy movies, and ate pizza for dinner. 

So of course my reaction in the morning after that long night of only fun (and only a slight amound of alcohol) I didn't want to get out of the warmth of the bed. The sun was already shining as I opened my eyes, but I squeezed them back shut and willed myself to fall asleep again. 

When the bed dipped next to me, I assumed it was Francine attempting to get me out of bed since I had bluntly told her the night before that waking me up would be useless. I ended rolling the opposite way and throw my arm off the edge, facing away from the intruder.

"Go away," I mumbled.

"Oh, so I guess I'll just book a flight back to Ireland. You know, you could've told me before so I didn't have to book another flight. I guess I'm not wanted here Cass," the voice joked. I perked up, sitting up straight, rubbing my eyes, and seeing a familiar blonde headed boy next to me on the bed.

"Oh my God you're here!" I grinned, throwing my arms around his neck as he pulled me closer to his body. God, words couldn't describe how much I missed this boy - well I guess it was proper to say man now although he'd always be a boy at heart to me. 

"So much for a surprise," he chuckled, "I wanted to see the look on your face when I showed up at your front door and everything, but no. You decided that it was a great day to come to London and try to surprise me."

"What can I say? The plane tickets were cheaper yesterday...and you're here now anyways! Please tell me that you at least hung out with your family for a couple hours before you came here though."

"I did," he nodded, "for a couple hours. Then I took a plane back to London and I slept on the ride so I'm good, now get up Cass because I don't know how long you're staying and we should go and have some fun."

"That sounds dirty."

"It wasn't intended to be dirty."

"But it sounded dirty."

"Seriously," he changed the subject, which was clearly making him feel uncomfortable, "get up off your lazy butt and let's go do something with the time we actually have together because...if you're not staying in London with me, we might as well make the most of your time here."

"You're trying to make me feel guilty," I stated.

"I'm  not going to object to that statement," Niall put his hands up in surrender, "because if I told you that I wasn't trying to make you feel guilty, I'd be lying."

"You do realize I'm not getting out of the bed to change while you're right there don't you? I don't care how long we've known each other and I don't care how far in our relationship we've gotten, you're leaving the room or it's a no go."

"You're mean."

"So you want to stay and watch me change?" I questioned.

His face turned bright red. He opened his mouth to say something, but couldn't form the words. "That wasn't what I meant! What I meant was that- I mean- I was supposed to say that I was gonna... You know what? Never mind... I'll leave you to change in peace. It's gonna take you like ten minutes anyways."

"I can take longer!"

"You won't."

Niall kissed the top of my head and then left the room so I could change into clothing suitable for the day. We were probably just going to go shopping or just hang out rather than do anything fancy or else he'd let me know. We'd probably just go get some lunch, catch up, and walk around the streets and hope not to get mobbed. 

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