Chapter 3: Macy Brooks

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Chapter 3:

"Yeah, girlfriend..." Niall nervously said. He looked down at his lap and sighed. 

"That's...that's cool." I said. I too looked down at my lap and started to absent mindedly pick at my fingernails. Never had Niall and I had such an awkward silence lingering between us. 

"She's coming to visit Mullinger...I'm picking her up at the airport soon." Niall said. 

"That's cool." I repeated. What else was I supposed to say? What could I say? He had moved on and that was it. I couldn't do anything about it. 

Another awkward silence came between us. "So how's Jonathan?" Niall questioned. 

"He's good. He's your average thirteen year old boy. I'm pretty sure he has a crush on this girl at school. I've caught him fixing his hair before he went to school." I chuckled. "He's even thinking of dying his hair blonde like you."

Niall was basically Jonathan's role model. It was weird but true. He in a way despised Niall though. But then again, most thirteen year old boys weren't exactly fond of boybands. "Hey, it might look good on him like it did on me." Niall laughed. 

"You think it looks good? Alright..." I said. 


"I was kidding Ni. Brown or blonde, I still think you're cute." Please tell me I didn't say that. Please tell me I was thinking that. I just called him cute. 

I feel like jumping off a cliff now.

Okay, not really. 

"Anyways," I cleared my throat, "what's this girl's name?"

"Macy Brooks. I met her when I first moved to London. We've been together ever since." Niall said. I made sure my face was completely emotionless although inside, I was bursting into tears. He had moved on. That was it. End of story. He had moved on.

"Aw that's sweet!" I gushed.

Niall looked at me like I was crazy. I felt crazy. "Would you like to meet her? I need to go anyways." Niall said looking at his Rolex watch. 

Well someone was really rich. 

"Uh, sure!" I agreed. Maybe it was because I didn't want to go home and see my mother screaming at my face. "But I look like a hobo." I looked down at my sweatshirt and shorts. My hair was a mess too. 

"You look perfect, Cass. Let's go." Niall chuckled. I couldn't help but blush so I turned my head slightly away so he wouldn't see my cheeks turning pink. I slid into his car and he started the engine. 

"How's England?" I asked. I've always wanted to go to England, but I've never had the chance. London was the one place that I've always wanted to go to. I wanted to ride the London Eye. I wanted to see Big Ben. I wanted to ride on one of those red double decker buses. Going to London, England was on my bucketlist.

"Eh, it's nice. It's really busy and crowded. I miss home though." Niall said. "It's my childhood here. Plus, it's where I met you." 

I looked out the window and I could feel my cheeks getting hot. The things this boy could do to me. "Have you ridden on the London Eye yet?"

Niall laughed. "You've always wanted to go on that beastly thing haven't you! Honestly, I'm terrified. The thing's massive!"

"But it looks so cool! That's the first thing I'd do if I ever got to step foot into London!"

"But you could die or something! What if it like tips over and-"

"You're being so paranoid!" 

"It could happen!" Niall protested. I gave him a funny look. "Well it could!"

Niall parked the car and we went into the airport. Niall had a snapback and sunglasses on even though we were indoors. People gave him funny looks but he ignored them. "She said she just landed." 

We waited for a while before I announced I was going to the restroom. I looked at my reflection. I was make-up free and my hair was in a messy bun because it couldn't be bothered in the morning. I was in a gigantic sweatshirt that I recognized was one of Niall's old ones. I wonder if he remembered. I was in denim shorts with rips in it. My feet were in a pair of flip flops. It could be worse however. Recently, I lost my fuzzy yellow slippers I usually wear in the morning. I fixed my hair into a high ponytail instead. After doing my restroom needs I walked out. 

Niall was with a blonde girl. Her arms were wrapped around his neck as they shared a long kiss. His arms were around her waist and their bodies had absolutely no space between them. 

I cleared my throat a bit. The girl I think was Macy looked up and glared at me. "Hon, who's this?" 

"Uh, Macy, this is my old friend Cassandra."

"Call me Cassy." I said, sticking my hand out to her to shake. She looked at my hand and looked at me. 

"Hi." She said. I awkwardly lowered my hand. 

"So how long have you two been dating?" I asked.

"A year and a half with this lovely boy." Macy said in her British accent. She squeezed one of Niall's cheeks causing him to blush. 

"Aw that's sweet!" I said although I really wanted to vomit. 

"Yeah I know right!" Macy squealed and kissed Niall on the lips again. 

"Macy's staying over with me at my mom's house while I'm in town. Wanna come with us? I bet Greg will be happy to see you too since he's there too." Niall offered. 

"Oh yeah! I haven't seen Greg in ages!" I said happily. 

"Who's Greg?" Macy asked. 

Niall's smile faltered a bit. "He's my brother."


Niall grabbed Macy's two giant hot pink luggages. "How long are you staying here in Ireland?" I asked Macy. 

"As long as Niall's staying so probably a few days." Macy shrugged. 

Niall put Macy's luggage in the trunk. I opened the passenger side of the car to get in, but Macy slid in. "Thanks Gassy." 

"It's Cassy, with a C." I mutterd.

"What was that?" She asked, raising a perfectly waxed eyebrow.

"Oh nothing." I sighed. 

Sorry for the long wait! I really am! I've tried writing this chapter at least 4 times already and I just couldn't get it right! So anyways, I LOVE LIVE WHILE WE'RE YOUNG SO MUCH! It's my jam and I've listened to it like 50 times already. I'm not even exaggerating! OMG WHEN THE WHOLE TAKE ME HOME ALBUM COMES OUT IM GONNA BE FREAKING OUT LIKE A CRAZY MAD WOMAN! So LWWY came on the radio where I live and I started freaking out then my mom told me to shut up. Psh, whatever. Anyways, please vote, comment, and fan moi! Thanks guys! I'm almost to 400 fans :O and 2,000 votes! I. AM. SO. EXCITED. AHHHH! I had whipped cream today which explains my hyperness dont care if thats not a word. Kay bye.


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