Chapter 10: The Private Jet

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Chapter 10:

I had to say my goodbyes to Jonathan secretly since I didn't want to risk seeing Mom. Dad still didn't know that Mom had kicked me out and his phone has been off for a while so there was no way in telling him. Jonathan promised he'd tell Dad right when he came home for me.

Now I stood before a private jet. There was no way that One Direction could risk taking a regular airplane due to the fact that so many people (mostly teenage girls) wanted to just jump on them. 

I never had been on a private, but that was understandable. I wasn't a famous super star and I really didn't have the money either. 

"Are you ready?" Niall asked. He took my hand and squeezed it. I glanced to Niall's other side to see Macy scowling at me. I removed his hand from mine receiving a questioning look, but all I could do was ignore it. Sure Macy got on my nerves and all I wanted to do was slap her, but what if I were in her shoes? Would I want another girl holding hands with my boyfriend? Absolutely not! That was why I couldn't act so affectionate to Niall even if I wanted to. 

Which I didn't of course. He was my past. Macy was in his life now and I couldn't intefere with that. 

"Not really." I just stared at the jet. Was I ready to go to London

"If you don't wanna go, just stay here." Macy said with a smug smile on her lips.

"I know you haven't been out of the country yet, but it'll be a good experience! Promise." Niall said. 

I breathed in and I breathed out. My god was I ready for- "For Pete's sakes!" Louis screamed. "If you don't get on the plane, I'll make you!"

"And how are you gonna- LOUIS PUT ME DOWN!" Louis picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. No matter how many times I hit his back, he would not put me down. 

"No can do love. If you won't get on the plane, we'll never leave. Niall and you will just stand there arguing and I kinda want to go home." Louis said. Finally he set me down. I looked at my surroundings. I could get used to this. 

The seats were made of cream leather with a mahogany table in front of it. There was a large plasma TV too with a couch in front of it. "Whoa." 

"I know right!" Louis said. "Just pick a seat. Next thing you know you'll fall asleep and BAM we'll be in London."

Liam, Zayn, and Harry followed us up too. Liam threw his backpack onto a random seat and sat down. "I can't wait to be home."

Zayn sat down next to Liam. "I'm so tired."

Harry on the other hand held a red bull in his hand. He was full of energy which was odd since it was six in the morning. "LET'S HAVE A PARTY! WHOOO! WE CAN'T WASTE TIME LIKE THIS! IT'S A PRIVATE JET LET'S-"

Liam snatched the red bull out of his hand. "Sit down Harry."



"Fine Daddy Direction. Way to be a kill joy." Harry huffed. 

Liam rolled his eyes. "Can I have the red bull?" Zayn asked. 

"No way in hell!" Liam said. "This is going into the trash."

"That's wasting a perfectly good drink!" Niall said, entering the plane. 

"I'd rather be wasting than have all of you jumping around the jet." Liam said. 

"And this is why he's the sensible one." Niall told me. 

"You'd all be in jail if it weren't for me!"

"I could easily be on my own!" Niall declared. 

"You got lost in the mall."

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